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The Identity of Senecio daochengensis (Asteraceae-Senecioneae)


全 文 :Received: 2012–10–15    Accepted: 2012–11–22
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170186, 31110103911) and the Main Direction Program of
Knowledge Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-EW-Z-1).
* Corresponding author: E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn
热带亚热带植物学报 2013, 21(3): 220~224
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Senecio daochengensis Y. L. Chen (Asteraceae-
Senecioneae) was described on the basis of two
collections, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 3877 (PE) (Fig.
1: A) and 3884 (CDBI) (Fig. 1: B), from Daocheng
County, Sichuan Province, China, with the former
being designated as the holotype[1]. In the protologue,
the author compared the species with S. drukensis
Marq. & Shaw, a species occurring in southeastern
Xizang (Tibet), China, stating that S. daochengensis is
very similar to S. drukensis in habit, but differs in the
leaves glabrous on both surfaces, margin subentire,
revolute when dry, petioles wingless, capitula often
3–4 borne in the upper part of stem, involucres
broader, 5–8 mm in diameter, phyllaries glabrous,
fimbriate, and ray florets 8–11 with the tube pubescent
When describing Senecio daochengensis, Chen[1]
obviously ignored or neglected another Chinese
species also closely related to S. drukensis, i.e. S.
atrofuscus Grierson (Fig. 1: C–D), which Grierson[2]
described on the basis of some Xizang and Yunnan
specimens, namely Ludlow, Sherriff and Elliot 14324
(BM, E) from Xizang and Forrest 30006 (BM, E)
from Yunnan. The type locality of S. daochengensis,
Daocheng, Sichuan, is closely adjacent to Zhongdian,
Yunnan, where S. atrofuscus has been recorded to
occur[3–4]. In addition, the latter species has always been
described as having glabrous membranous leaves[2–7],
which is also an important diagnostic character for
S. daochengensis as emphasized by Chen[1]. These
唐明1,2, 杨亲二1*
(1. 中国科学院华南植物园,中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室,广州 510650; 2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
摘要: 通过标本(包括模式标本)检查,发现稻城千里光(Senecio daochengensis Y. L. Chen)与黑褐千里光(S. atrofuscus Grierson)属
关键词: 菊科; 千里光族; 千里光属; 分类学
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2013.03.004
The Identity of Senecio daochengensis (Asteraceae-Senecioneae)
TANG Ming1,2, YANG Qin-er1*
(1. Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Examination of specimens (including the types) has shown that Senecio daochengensis Y. L. Chen is
conspecific with S. atrofuscus Grierson and thus is placed in synonymy under the latter. A distribution map and a
key to S. atrofuscus and its related species are provided.
Key words: Asteraceae; Senecioneae; Senecio L.; Taxonomy
第3期 221
Fig. 1. Specimens of Senecio atrofuscus. A. China, Sichuan, Daocheng, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 3877 (PE, holotype of S. daochengensis); B. China,
Sichuan, Daocheng, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 3884 (CDBI, isoparatype of S. daochengensis); C. China, Xizang, Kongbo, Deyang La, Ludlow, Sherriff
and Elliot 14324 (BM, holotype of S. atrofuscus); D. China, Xizang, Kongbo, Deyang La, Ludlow, Sherriff and Elliot 14324 (BM, isotype of S.
222 第21卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 2 Specimens (A–C) and capitula (D–F) of Senecio atrofuscus. A. China, Yunnan, Zhongdian, T. T. Yu 12745 (KUN); B. China, Yunnan,
Zhongdian, K. M. Feng 23330 (KUN); C. China, Yunnan, without precise locality, Forrest 30006 (E, paratype of S. atrofuscus); D. China, Sichuan,
Daocheng, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 3877 (PE) (phyllaries 14–17, blackish on the veins and upper margins); E. China, Xizang, Kongbo, Deyang La,
Ludlow, Sherriff and Elliot 14324 (BM) (phyllaries 14–17, blackish on the veins and upper margins); F. China, Yunnan, without precise locality,
Forrest 30006 (E) (phyllaries 15–18, blackish on the veins and upper margins). Scale bars = 1 cm
第3期 223
facts prompted us to compare the specimens of S.
atrofuscus (including the types) with the type material
of S. daochengensis.
Our examination has shown that Senecio
daochengensis is not essentially different from S.
atrofuscus in any important characters, such as the
habit of rather small erect herbs with leafy stems, the
glabrous membranous (thus easily rolled when dry)
leaves, and the few capitula borne in the upper part of
stem (Figs. 1–2). In particular, the Sichuan specimens
(Fig. 1: A–B) perfectly match with the Yunnan ones
(Fig. 2: A–C), although the Xizang specimens appear
to be somewhat different in habit and leaf shape as
noted by Grierson[2] when he described S. atrofuscus.
The Sichuan and Yunnan specimens, apart from the
capitula, are more slender than the Xizang ones. The
lower leaves are elliptic-ovate occasionally truncate at
the base but not cordate. In size and detail the capitula
from different areas are similar. We therefore agree
with Grierson[2], Jeffrey and Chen[3], Liu[4], and Chen
et al.[7] to treat the Xizang and Yunnan specimens
as belonging to the same taxonomic entity, i.e. S.
atrofuscus. As the type specimens of S. daochengensis
are perfectly consistent with the Yunnan specimens of
S. atrofuscus, we will have no choice but to place S.
daochengensis in synonymy under S. atrofuscus.
Senecio atrofuscus Grierson in Notes Roy. Bot.
Gard. Edinb. 22: 433. 1958; K. Y. Pan in Fl. Xizang.
4: 821. 1985; Jeffrey & Chen in Kew Bull. 39: 380.
1984; Y. L. Chen in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(1):
252. 1999; S. W. Liu in Fl. Yunnan. 13: 433. 2004;
Chen et al. in Fl. China 20–21: 520. 2011. Type:
China. Xizang (Tibet): Kongbo, Deyang La, grassy
slopes, 13000 ft. (= 3962 m) a.s.l., 11 Aug. 1947,
Ludlow, Sherriff and Elliot 14324 (holotype: BM!;
isotypes: BM!, E!).
Senecio daochengensis Y. L. Chen in Acta Phytotax.
Sin. 26: 56. 1988; et in Vas. Pl. Hengduan Mount. 2:
2098. 1994; et in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(1): 255.
1999; Chen et al. in Fl. China 20–21: 521. 2011. syn.
nov. Type: China. Sichuan: Daocheng, Sangduixiang,
Wumingshan, mountain slopes, 4800 m a.s.l., 20 Aug.
1973, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 3877 (holotype: PE!;
Fig. 3 Distribution of Senecio atrofuscus
224 第21卷热带亚热带植物学报
Acknowledgments  We thank Mr. Chen REN and Dr. Shi-
jin LI for their help in the course of preparing this manuscript.
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[11]  Zhang D C, Boufford D E, Richard H R, et al. The 29° N
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[12]  Wu Z Y. Hengduan Mountain flora and her significance [J]. J Jpn
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[13]  Li X W, Li J. A preliminary floristic study on the seed plants
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Key to species in Senecio ser. Cernui
1. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces, green beneath …………………………………………………………………………… S. atrofuscus
1. Leaves white-tomentose beneath.
2. Involucres 5–6 mm long, 4–5 mm broad; ray florets 6–8 ………………………………………………………………… S. drukensis
2. Involucres 7–8 mm long, 10–15 mm broad; ray florets 18 –21 ………………………………………………………… S. nodiflorus
isotypes: CDBI!).
Additional specimens examined. China. Sichuan:
Daocheng, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 3884 (CDBI, PE).
Yunnan: Without precise locality, Forrest 30006 (BM,
E), Zhongdian, K. M. Feng 23330 (KUN, PE), T. T.
Yu 12745 (KUN, PE).
Distribution and habitat. Senecio atrofuscus is
currently known from western Sichuan, southeastern
Xizang, and northwestern Yunnan (Fig. 3). All these
areas belong to the Hengduan Mountains region,
which is at the end of the eastern Himalayan range in
southwest China. Steep gorges and high peaks dominate
this region, which is recognized as a biodiversity
‘hot spot’[8–11], and harbours the richest temperate
flora of seed plants in the world[12–13]. Floristically, it
is also a highly natural region and is one of the areas
of the world with a high concentration of endemic
species[12–14]. Senecio atrofuscus usually grows on
gravelly grassy slopes at altitudes of 3400–4800 m.
Notes. As pointed out by Grierson[2], Senecio
atrofuscus is allied to S. nodiflorus C. C. Chang, a species
endemic to southeastern Xizang and northwestern
Yunnan (Deqen), but differs in having glabrous
membranous leaves and smaller capitula. It is also
allied to S. drukensis which has smaller capitula and
leaves which are tomentose especially beneath, as are
those of S. nodiflorus, but narrower than in this species.
All three species are closely similar in respect of the
blackish phyllaries, in the radiate, nodding capitula, and
in the black-toothed disc flowers (Fig. 2: D–F). Jeffrey
and Chen[3] also considered the three species to be
closely related, and established a new series, Senecio
ser. Cernui C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, to accommodate
them. The three species are keyed out as follows: