Phylogeny and putative hybridization in the subtribe Paranepheliinae (Liabeae, Asteraceae), implications for classification, biogeography,and Andean orogeny Novelities of Asteraceae Gymnocoronis, a new naturalized genus of the tribe Eupatorieae, Asteraceae in China Studies on sexual organs and embryological development morphology of Pterocypsela formosana Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (V): Correction of Typographical Errors in the Protologue of L. lingiana, L. changiana and L. nanchuanica Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (IV): The Identities of L. kangtingensis and Senecio ficariifolius Two Newly Recorded Species of Synotis (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) in China The Identity of Synotis cordifolia (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) The Identity of Senecio daochengensis (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (Ⅲ): The Identities of L. brassicoides, L. ianthochaeta, and L. paradoxa var. palmatifida Cytology in Three Species of Ainsliaea (Asteraceae-Pertyeae) from Southern China Antibacterial Activity Components from Elephantopus tomentosus Notes on Melanoseris lessertiana (Lactucinae, Asteraceae) and Morphologically Allied Species in the PanHimalayan Region Aster ageratoides var. pendulus W. P. Li & G. X. Chen,   a new variety of Aster (Asteraceae) from Hunan, China FLORAL MICROCHARACTERS OF THE SUBTRIBE TUSSILAGININAE(ASTERACEAE:SENECIONEAE) OF THE EASTERN ASIA AND THEIR SYSTEMATIC AND TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE Notes on Melanoseris lessertiana (Lactucinae, Asteraceae) and Morphologically Allied Species in the PanHimalayan Region Chromosome Atlas of Eight Asteraceae Species from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Polyploidy and new chromosome counts in Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Triterpenoids from Saussurea nivea Pluchea sagittalis, a naturalized medical plant in mainland China Behind the diversity: Ontogenies of radiate, disciform, and discoid capitula of Chrysanthemum and its allies A Novel Polysaccharide from Chrysanthemum morifolium Some new combinations in the Chinese Chrysanthemum Breeding system of a noxious invasive alien plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Biodiversity of Asteraceae from Oasis and Desert of Shihezi A comprehensive generic-level phylogeny of the sunflower family: Implications for the systematics of Chinese Asteraceae Chromosome counts and karyotypes in Chaetoseris and Stenoseris (Asteraceae-Cichorieae) from the Hengduan Mountains of SW China Adding time-calibrated branch lengths to the Asteraceae supertree Reproductive traits associated with invasiveness in Conyza sumatrensis Cytological study on the genus Syncalathium (Asteraceae-Lactuceae), an endemic taxon to alpine scree of the Sino-Himalayas Camchaya Gagnep., a newly recorded genus of Asteraceae from Guangxi and its Biogeographical significance Cytology of Sphagneticola and Wollastonia, Two Genera in Heliantheae, Asteraceae Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (II): The Identity of L. fangiana Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (I): The Identity of L. angustiligulata Chemical constituents from Neo-Taraxacum siphonathum Molecular identification of Aucklandiae Radix, Vladimiriae Radix, Inulae Radix, Aristolochiae Radix and Kadsurae Radix using ITS2 barcode Grindelia, A New Naturalized Genus of the Tribe Astereae, Asteraceae in China Karyotype of Solidago canadensis var. gilvocanescens Rydb., A Cultivar in the Asteraceae Crassocephalum rubens (Juss. ex Jacq.) S. Moore (Asteraceae), A New Record of Naturalized Plant in China Wind-dispersed traits of cypselas in ten Asteraceae alien invasive species A new eremophilane derivative from Senecio dianthus

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