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The Identity of Synotis cordifolia (Asteraceae-Senecioneae)


全 文 :Received: 2012–10–13    Accepted: 2012–11–14
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170186, 31110103911), and the Main Direction Program of
Knowledge Innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-EW-Z-1).
* Corresponding author. E-mail: qeyang@scib.ac.cn
热带亚热带植物学报 2013, 21(2): 101~108
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Synotis (C. B. Clarke) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen
(Asteraceae-Senecioneae) is a genus segregated from
the quite heterogeneous Senecio L. and includes about
54 species[1]. All the species are endemic to the Sino-
Himalayan region except for the single species S.
atractylidifolia (Ling) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, which
occurs in Helan Shan, northern China[2]. About 43
species are currently recognized from China for the
Synotis cordifolia Y. L. Chen was described
based on a collection, Shun-bin Lan 307 (PE) (Fig.
1: A, B) from Dongchuan, northeastern Yunnan,
China[4]. In the protologue, the author stated that this
species is very similar to S. erythropappa (Bureau
& Franch.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, but differs in
the leaves subleathery, cordate, margin irregularly
coarsely dentate, and abaxially yellow pubescent.
Synotis cordifolia has been recognized by Chen[3],
Liu[5], and Chen et al.[1] It is noteworthy that Liu[5]
largely extended its geographical distribution by
referring some northwestern and southern Yunnan
collections to the species, although he felt somewhat
puzzled as to why these specimens did not match
well with the original description of S. cordifolia in
some important morphological characters, such as the
number of phyllaries and florets, and the pubescence
唐明1,2, 王龙远1, 杨亲二1*
(1. 中国科学院华南植物园,中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广州 510650; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)
摘要: 发现心叶合耳菊(Synotis cordifolia Y. L. Chen)(菊科-千里光族)的模式标本与早已处理为红缨合耳菊 [S. erythropappa
(Bureau & Franch.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen](该种形态极为多变)的异名的 Vernonia mairei H. Lév. 的模式标本都采自云南东川,
关键词: 菊科; 千里光族; 合耳菊属; 分类学
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2013.02.001
The Identity of Synotis cordifolia (Asteraceae-Senecioneae)
TANG Ming1,2, WANG Long-yuan1, YANG Qin-er1*
(1. Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: The type material of Synotis cordifolia Y. L. Chen (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) is found to match
perfectly with that of Vernonia mairei H. Lév., which has long been treated as a synonym of the very variable
S. erythropappa (Bureau & Franch.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen. Synotis cordifolia is therefore also reduced to the
synonymy of S. erythropappa.
Key words: Asteraceae; Senecioneae; Synotis; Taxonomy
102 第21卷热带亚热带植物学报
of phyllaries: these specimens often have 5 phyllaries
and also 5 florets, and the phyllaries are glandular
hairy outside, whereas S. cordifolia, according to
Chen[4], should have only 3 phyllaries and 3 florets,
and the phyllaries are glabrous outside.
Synotis erythropappa is widely distributed in
China and has been documented to occur in northern
Guizhou (Yinjiang), western Hubei (Zigui), western
Sichuan, southeastern Xizang, and northeastern and
northwestern Yunnan, with the main distribution area
in Sichuan and Yunnan[1–3,5–6]. As noted by Jeffery
and Chen[2] and Chen[3], it is a very variable species,
particularly in leaf shape. Several species with various
leaf shapes described from Yunnan and Sichuan,
including Senecio dianthus Franch., S. glumaceus
Dunn, S. paucinervis Dunn, S. talongensis Franch.,
S. viridiflavus Hand.-Mazz., and Vernonia mairei H.
Lév., all have been placed in synonymy under Synotis
erythropappa by Jeffery and Chen[2]. This treatment
has been widely accepted[1,3,5–6]. Of these synonyms, V.
mairei is worthy of special attention because its type
collection, Maire s.n. (E) (Fig. 1: C), was made from
Tong-Tchouan (= Dongchuan), northeastern Yunnan,
which is also the type locality of Synotis cordifolia.
The type specimen of V. mairei was first determined
by Gagnepain[7] as Senecio dianthus and later as S.
glumaceus by Lauener[8], both of which are synonyms
of Synotis erythropappa as just mentioned above.
Our careful examination of the type material of
Synotis cordifolia and Vernonia mairei has shown
that all the specimens match perfectly with each
other and definitely belong to the same entity. The
leaves are long petiolate, ovate-cordate or cordate,
margin irregularly coarsely dentate, abaxially yellow
pubescent on veins; the phyllaries are 3 in number,
glabrous outside; the florets are 3 in number, glabrous;
the pappus is pale reddish. We have also checked
the type material of all the other above-mentioned
synonyms of S. erythropappa (Figs. 1: D, 2: A–D)
and a large number of other specimens of the species
(see below), and found that the variation of leaf shape
in this species is remarkably intergrading and is not
closely correlated with geographical distribution.
Plants with cordate or subcordate leaves have
been discovered from various localities in western
Sichuan (Luding, Maoxian) and northeastern Yunnan
(Dongchuan). We therefore agree with Jeffery and
Chen[2] to treat S. erythropappa as a polymorphic
species. Clearly, S. cordifolia is within the variation
range of S. erythropappa and should be synonymized.
Those above-mentioned specimens (Fig. 3)
from northwestern and southern Yunnan, which have
cordate leaves and thus have been previously referred
to as Synotis cordifolia by Liu[5], actually belong to
S. alata (Wall. ex DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, a
species within Synotis ser. Synotis. Synotis alata may
be only distantly related to S. erythropappa which
belongs to Synotis ser. Oliganthae C. Jeffrey & Y. L.
Chen. Synotis alata has 4–5 phyllaries usually densely
setulose outside while S. erythropappa has 2–3(–4)
phyllaries sometimes white-tomentose or pubescent,
especially at the base, or glabrous (Fig. 4; also see
Jeffrey and Chen[2]). Undoubtedly the resemblance
in their leaf shape is superficial. It is not surprising
that Liu[5] observed some obvious discrepancies
between the specimens he examined and the original
description of S. cordifolia.
Synotis erythropappa (Bureau & Franch.) C.
Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen in Kew Bull. 39: 324. 1984; Y. L.
Chen & D. J. Liu in Fl. Guizhou. 9: 269. 1989; Y. L.
Chen in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(1): 202. 1999;
S. W. Liu in Fl. Yunnan. 13: 396. 2004; Y. L. Chen
et al. in Fl. China 20–21: 501. 2011. —— Senecio
erythropappus Bureau & Franch. in J. Bot. (Morot)
5: 73. 1891. Type: China. Sichuan: Ta-tsien-lou (=
Kangding), Bonvalot and d’Orléans s.n. (holotype: P!).
Synotis cordifolia Y. L. Chen in Acta Phytotax.
Sin. 33: 79. 1995; Y. L. Chen in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis
Sin. 77(1): 202. 1999; S. W. Liu in Fl. Yunnan
13: 393. 2004, p.p.; Y. L. Chen et al. in Fl. China
20–21: 500. 2011. syn. nov. Type: China. Yunnan:
Dongchuan, Mozi Shan, 3000 m a.s.l., in mixed
forests, 28 Oct 1984, Shun-bin Lan 307 (holotype:
PE!; isotype: PE!).
For a fuller citation of synonyms see Jeffrey and
第2期 103
Fig. 1 Specimens of Synotis erythropappa. A. China, Yunnan, Dongchuan, Shun-bin Lan 307 (PE, holotype of S. cordifolia); B. Same locality, Shun-
bin Lan 307 (PE, isotype of S. cordifolia); C. China, Yunnan, Tong-Tchouan (= Dongchuan), Maire s.n. (E, holotype of Vernonia mairei); D. China,
Yunnan, Heqing, Delavay 3255 (P, isotype of Senecio talongensis).
104 第21卷热带亚热带植物学报
Fig. 2 Specimens of Synotis erythropappa. A. China, Sichuan, Tachienlu (= Kangding), Henry 8921 (K, syntype of Senecio glumaceus); B. China,
Yunnan, Eryuan, Delavay 2944 (P, holotype of S. dianthus); C. China, Yunnan, Deqen, Handel-Mazzetti 9602 (GH, isotype of S. viridiflavus); D.
China, Sichuan, Kangding, Soulié 439 (K, syntype of S. paucinervis).
第2期 105
Fig. 3 Specimens of Synotis alata which were previously misidentified as S. cordifolia by Liu[5]. A. China, Yunnan, Gongshan, K. M. Feng 7841 (KUN);
B. China, Yunnan, Gongshan, K. M. Feng 8432 (KUN); C. China, Yunnan, Deqen, K. M. Feng 6842 (KUN); D. China, Yunnan, Lushui, S. K. Wu 5438
106 第21卷热带亚热带植物学报
Chen[2], Chen[3], and Chen et al.[1]
Distribution and habitat. Synotis erythropappa
is endemic to China, being documented to be widely
distributed in northern Guizhou, western Hubei,
western Sichuan, southeastern Xizang (Tibet), and
northeastern and northwestern Yunnan (Fig. 5). It
grows in forest and thicket margins, and open grassy
places, at altitudes between 1500 m and 3900 m
above sea level. Its occurrence in northern Guizhou
(Yinjiang) reported by Chen and Liu[6], however,
needs further confirmation, because afterwards Chen[3]
and Chen et al.[1] did not mention again any Guizhou
locality for S. erythropappa, and we were not able to
find any specimen of this species from Guizhou in
the major Chinese herbaria. The only Hubei locality,
Zigui, is some 800 km apart from the main distribution
area, and is vouched only by a single collection (T. P.
Wang 12048, PE) with only one specimen sheet, and
thus also needs further confirmation by field work.
Additional specimens examined. China:
Hubei: Zigui, T. P. Wang 12048 (PE). Sichuan:
Baoxing, Anonymous 7344 (CDBI), K. L. Chu 3732
(BM, IBSC), K. C. Kuan and W. T. Wang 2978 (PE),
Z. P. Song 39357 (WUK); Barkam, H. F. Chow et
al. 23404 (IBSC, PE), H. Li 71764 (IBSC), 71946
(IBSC), 72282 (IBSC), 72561 (IBSC, KUN), S.
Y. Zhao 1686 (IBSC); Danba, F. T. Pu et al. 8100
(CDBI); Daocheng, Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 4335
(PE), Sichuan Veget. Exped. 2612 (CDBI); E’mei,
J. H. Xiong et al. 31827 (IBSC, LBG), K. H. Yang
56517 (IBSC), Y. L. Chen 8514 (CDBI, PE); Ganluo,
Anonymous 3986 (PE), 3986 (PE), 4269 (PE);
Heishui, H. Li 73486 (IBSC, KUN), 73990 (IBSC,
KUN); Hongya, W. K. Bao et al. 3111 (CDBI), 3170
(CDBI); Jinchuan, H. Li 72282 (PE), 76225 (IBSC),
76326 (IBSC), 76655 (IBSC), 76778 (KUN,IBSC),
76836 (IBSC), 76881 (IBSC), 78223 (IBSC), 78318
(PE), 78491 (PE), 78610(IBSC), Sichuan Veget.
Exped. 9965 (CDBI); Jinyang, Anonymous 14788
(CDBI, PE), T. P. Zhu 240 (CDBI); Jiulong, C. Ren
Fig. 4 Capitula in Synotis alata (A) and S. erythopappa (B), showing the number and pubescence of phyllaries. A. China, Yunnan, Gongshan, K. M.
Feng 7481 (KUN, a specimen previously misidentified as S. alata), with the phyllaries being 5 in number, densely setulose outside; B. China, Yunnan,
Dongchuan, Shun-bin Lan 307 (PE, holotype of S. cordifolia), with the phyllaries being 3 in number, glabrous outside. Scale bar = 5 mm.
第2期 107
and L. Y. Wang 150 (IBSC), Z. A. Liu 22872 (IBSC);
Kangding, Handel-Mazzetti 12896 (BM), Henry
8919 (K), 8921 (K), K. C. Kuan and W. T. Wang
1489 (PE), Pratt 434 (BM, K), Soulié 439 (K), 474
(K), 693 (K); Leibo, M. Y. He 18873 (CDBI), Q. S.
Zhao et al. 118673 (CDBI), 118867 (CDBI), 119063
(CDBI); Lixian, C. Ho 13781 (IBSC), 14211 (IBSC),
14323 (IBSC), D. P. Ho 45777 (IBSC); Luding, T.
P. Wang 9809 (WUK), Y. Tang et al. 498 (CDBI),
1376 (CDBI); Maoxian, F. T. Wang 21942 (WUK),
W. R. Xu 23297 (IBSC), 23298 (WUK); Meigu,C.
T. Kuan 6996 (IBSC),7453 (IBSC); Mianning, S.
F. Zhu 20382 (IBSC); Muli, Qinghai-Xizang Exped.
14302 (PE), Q. S. Zhao et al. 6696 (CDBI), 8285
(CDBI), 8286 (CDBI), 8550 (CDBI), Sichuan Veget.
Exped. 457 (CDBI), S. K. Wu 2469 (KUN), 3245
(KUN); Nanping, Nanping Exped. 4108 (CDBI);
Shimian, C. C. Hsieh 253075 (IBSC); Tianquan, D.
Y. Peng 46262 (CDBI, IBSC); Wenchuan, Sichuan
Veget. Exped. 8281 (CDBI); Xiaojin, Anonymous
6480 (CDBI), 6947 (CDBI), 7103 (CDBI); Yanyuan,
K. M. Feng 2832 (KUN), Qinghai-Xizang Exped.
Fig. 5 Distribution of Synotis erythropappa.
12878 (PE); Yuexi, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 14058
(CDBI); Zamgtang, Sichuan Veget. Exped. 9420
(CDBI). Xizang (Tibet): Nyingchi, Q. E. Yang
2007-07 (IBSC), C. M. Hu 20200 (IBSC); Zayu, Z.
C. Ni 804 (PE). Yunnan: Binchuan, Anonymous
2448 (LBG), T. N. Liou 21986 (IBSC, PE); Daguan,
Northeast Yunnan Exped. 126 (KUN); Deqen, C. W.
Wang 70264 (IBSC, KUN), Handel-Mazzetti 9602
(GH), T. T. Yu 10041 (KUN); Dongchuan, H. Peng
et al. 8516 (KUN), Maire s.n. (E); Eryuan, Delavay
2944 (P); Heqing, R. C. Ching 23917 (KUN),
Delavay 3255 (P); Lanping, H. T. Tsai 56242 (IBSC);
Lijiang, Anonymous 22395 (KUN), 22434 (KUN),
H. C. He 21821 (KUN), R. C. Ching 30624 (KUN),
30982 (KUN), W. T. Wang 84 (KUN); Lushui, S. K.
Wu 5438 (KUN); Qiaojia, C. Ren and L. Y. Wang
373 (IBSC); Without precise locality, Forest 4042
(BM), 28899 (BM), Maire 554 (BM, IBSC), 858
(BM, IBSC), 881 (BM), 2585 (IBSC), T. T. Yu 7725
(PE); Yiliang, Northeast Yunnan Exped. 770 (KUN);
Yongshan, Northeast Yunnan Exped. 626 (KUN);
Zhongdian, Q. E. Yang and H. H. Kong 3080 (IBSC),
108 第21卷热带亚热带植物学报
3128 (IBSC).
Acknowledgments  We are grateful to the curators of BM,
CDBI, E, GH, IBSC, K, KUN, LBG, PE and WUK for the loan
of type specimens or for the permission to use their scanned
images of specimens. We thank Mr. Chen REN and Dr. Shi-jin
LI for their help in the course of preparing this manuscript.
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[7]  Gagnepain F. Revision des Blumea et des Vernonia de l’herbier
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