Abstract:The ovary locule of Orchidantha chinensis is closed at the top and extendsupwards to form prolongation that is solid and penetrated by the stylar canals andgynopleural enctary ducts. One central nectary duct and three lateral nectary ducts can berecognized, and the central one is situated in the fused region of the three carpels, whilethe lateral ones are between that of two carpels. The central duct arises at the lower part oflocular region of the ovary, extending upwards and closing at the end of the narrow part of the prolongation,while the three Iateral ducts occur at nearly the middle of the locular region and exit beside the base of the style. Vascular bundles of six stamens, three accompanying bundles of the dorsals and three parietal bundles,exist in locular region and prolongation,while the adaxial parietal bundle fuses with the vascular system which will enter labellum in the uppermost part of the prolongation As a result the labellum is a double structure and the flower possesses only five stamens The phylogenetic position of Lowiaceae is also discussed.