Abstract:We studied the megasporogensis, microsporogensis and the development of female and male gametophytes of Zantedeschia ‘Majestic Red’ through traditional paraffin sections. The ovule was anatropous, bi-integument, and crassinucellar with integument tapeta. The megaspore mother cell meiosis formed a linear megaspore tetrad. The chalazal end megaspore developed into the embryo sac mother cell, which developed to Polygonum type embryo-sac, another 3 megaspores degenerated. Each stamen had 2-3 anthers, with butterfly-shaped pollen sacs, ach side with 2 small sporangial. The wall of anther was completely developed, which consisted of four layers: epidermis, endothecium, middle layers and tapetum. The tapetum was deformation type. The cytokinesis of microspore mother cell during meiosis was simultaneaous type. Microspore tetrads were mainly cross, and the pollen grains had 2-celled when shed.