摘 要 :利用随机区组设计营建的试验林资料,对6种树龄5年的国外松杂种后代生长和形态性状变异及其相关进行了分析,结果显示:国外松种间杂交后代不同物种,同一物种的不同家系,同一家系内的不同单株均表现出丰富的多样性,单株材积和树干通直度的变异系数达30%~50%;而其它形态、生长性状变异系数为2%~30%。这些杂交种丰富的生长和形态变异为多目标选择奠定了基础。以湿地松(Pinus elliottii Engelman var. elliottii)为母本的杂交松针叶长度变短,同时湿地松×洪都拉斯加勒比松(P.caribaea Morelet var. hondurensis(Senecl.) Barrett et Golfari)还表现出良好的干形性状(通直度好,分枝角小等)。以火炬松(P.taeda L.)为母本的杂交松对针叶的改良效果不明显,但是火炬松×洪都拉斯加勒比松单株平均材积大、干形通直、分枝角小、侧枝细,说明这个杂交类型具有生长快、树形紧凑等优良特性。相关分析显示生长快、针叶短、分枝角度小、树干通直度好这几个性状可以同步改良。研究认为国外松种间杂交后代生长性状不低于母本,在形态性状上湿地松×洪都拉斯加勒比松与母本相比针叶较稀疏,针叶长度较短,分枝角较小,因此比母本更能抵抗雨雪冰冻等自然灾害,这对于我国南方湿地松抗逆性育种具有重要的意义。
Abstract:The hybrids studied include Pinus elliottii Engelman var. elliottii(PEE)×P.caribaea var. hondurensis(PCH), PEE×P.caribaea var. caribaea(PCC), PEE×P.caribaea var. Bahamensis(PCB), P.taeda L.(PTA)×PCH, PTA×PCC and PTA×PCB and they were tested by randomized complete block design with 5 replicates, single tree row plot in field located in the hilly area of mid-north subtropical zone. The tree stem height (H), Diameter at breast height (DBH), stem straightness (SF), branch size (BZ), branch layer number (BLN) and branch angle (BA) of the pine crosses at the age of five years were measured. At the same time, needle length (NL) and needle sheath length (FSL) of the hybrids and their parents were measured. The results of variances analysis showed that the stem growth and morphology traits of six pine hybrids have abundant diversity among different pine taxon, families and individuals. The coefficient of variance for stem volume and straightness was 30%-50%, and 2%-30% for other growth and morphology traits. Some of the variances had potential uses in selection of pine varieties with high yield and tolerance to the bad weather. For example, the needle length of the crosses of PEE and caribaea pine was shorter than their parents, and PEE×PCH had better stem form with good straightness and small branch angles. The crosses of PTA×PCH had several good growth and morphology traits such as fast growth, thin branches, small branch angle and good stem form. The correlation showed that the traits of stem growth, needle length, branch angle and stem straightness can be improved easily because they had positive correlation. Totally the research revealed that the exotic pine hybrids such as PEE×PCH had varieties with good stem growth and more tolerance to heavy snow and sleet storms, which was very important for the tree breeding under the climatic change circumstances all over the earth.