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全 文 :第 22 卷 第 1 期             植   物   研   究 2002年 1 月
Vol.22 No.1           BULLETIN OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH Jan.,  2002
聂江力1 付玉杰1 王振宇1 祖元刚1 李 江2
(1.东北林业大学森林植物生态学开放研究实验室 ,哈尔滨 150040)
(2.呼中自然保护局 , 加格达奇 165000)
摘 要 五味子是木兰科植物 ,多年生落叶木质藤本植物 ,为黑龙江省珍贵的地道药材。产于中
国北部的五味子习称“北五味子” ,所以黑龙江省产五味子即北五味子 。是中国五味子生药中药用
质量最佳的一种 。黑龙江五味子主要分布于本省小兴安岭 、完达山 、张广才岭 、老爷岭等山区 ,大
兴安岭南部也有零星分布 。黑龙江省五味子资源在日益减少 ,所以使五味子资源量得到快速发展
是当务之急。五味子富含多种营养成分 、药效成份 。五味子的药理作用主要表现为对肝脏 、衰老 、
神经系统 、心血管系统 、肾功能的作用。对五味子的开发利用主要为制药 ,现已成为一种新兴的食
品工业和饮料行业的重要原料 。现已开发的有五味子原汁 、五味子果汁 、五味子果冻 、五味子果酒
等。保护五味子野生资源 ,建立人工培育基地 ,完善建立加工型企业 ,一定会使五味子资源量得到
快速发展 ,同时大力推动产业化发展 ,促进社会经济的增长 。
关键词 五味子;资源;开发利用;黑龙江省
N IE Jiang-li1 FU Yu-jie1 WANG Zhen-yu1 ZHU Yuan-gang1 LI Jiang2
(1.Open Research Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology Nor theast Forestry University ,Harbin 150040)
(2.Natural protection Bereau of Hu zhong , jiagedaqi 165000)
Abstract Schisandra chinensis (Magnoliaceae)is a perennial deciduous woody liana wi th valuable
medicinal materials in Heilongjiang Province.Schisandra chinensis grows in the north of China and is
usually named:”northern S .chinensis” .Therefore S .chinensis in Heilongjiang Province is a north-
ern S .chinensis.It is of the best quality in medicinal S .chinensis in China and mainly distributes in
mountains Xiao Xing An Ling , Wan Da Shan , Zhang Guang Cai Ling , Lao Ye Ling and a lit tle in
the south of Da Xing An Ling.Resources of S .chinensis in Heilong jiang Province are gradually re-
ducing now .So at present the main task is to increase resource amount of S .chinensis .We found
that it wealthily contains many kinds of nutrition and medicinal components.Pharmacological func-
tion of S .chinensis is mainly on liver , senescence , nervous system , cardiovascular sy stem , and kid-
ney.Now it has become a kind of important material in pharmaceutical , food and drink industries.
Now it has been of ten utilized as primary juice of S .chinensis , fruit juice as well as jelly.Pro tection
of w ild resources of S .chinensis , const ruction of artificial cultivate base , improvement of production
第一作者简介:聂江力(1972-),女 ,助教 ,博士研究生 ,主要从事植物资源学研究。
enterprise w ill promote inevitably fast increasing of S .chinensis , it also w ill promote the development
of indust ry and increment of social economy at local level.
Key words Schisandra chinensis;resources;exploi tation and utilization;Heilongjiang Province
Resources of S .chinensis are valuable medicinal
materials in Heilongjiang Province.S .chinensis
(Magnoliaceae)is a perennial deciduous w oody liana.
The frui t chew ed has five flavors as sour , sweet , bit-
ter , pepper , as well as salty , so it is named “Wu Wei
Zi” .In chinese i t means five flavors .S .chinensis
g row s in the no rth of China and usually named as ”
northern S .chinensis” .Therefo re S .chinensis in
Fig.1 The shape of fruit and leaf of S .chinensis
Heilongjiang Province is a northern S .chinensis.
Northern S .chinensis is of the best quality in medici-
nal S .chinensis in China.The stem , leaf , f ruit of
S .chinensis can be ext racted perfume oil.The fruit
Fig.2 The shape of S .chinensis
and stem are cuisine condiment and also famous
medicinal materials.In recent years , in the interna-
tional market it has been sold ext remely w ell.Along
w ith the development of modern medical science ,
medicinal function of S .chinensis again has new dis-
covery.It has been used as new plant medicine fo r
the treatment of hepatitis that is exploited by world.
S.chinensis has become one of main raw materials
for exploi table nourishing food to maintain health.[ 3]
So S .chinensis is not only valuably protective plant ,
but also a valuably exploitable medicinal plant.
2.Ecologic habit and distribution of S.chinensis in
Heilongjiang Province
2.1  Ecologic habit:S .chinensis in Heilong jiang
Province is a species of only one genus , one species.
They are S .chinensis genus and S .chinensis belong-
ing to No rthern S .chinensis.Its outstanding charac-
teristics are root , stem , leaf , f lower , f ruit w ith spe-
cial f ragrance and the sense like prickly ash.S .chi-
nensis is deciduous woody liana.The stem is red
brow n and small branches with no floss.The leaf is
elliptical or obovate.The leng th of 5cm ~ 9cm and
the breadth of 2.5cm ~ 5cm and the edge of leaf has
sparse teeth.The f lower is w hite or pink.The fruit
is with red skin and the seed is like the shape of kid-
ney.The f low ering phase is on M ay ~ June and the
fruit phase is on August ~ September.S .chinensis is
a shade -tolerant , hyg rophilous , cold -resistance
plant.It adapts to damp , fertile , well drain soil.The
fruit of S .chinensis is show n in figure1.The shape
of S .chinensis is show n in figure2.S .chinensis of-
ten grow s in the secondary broad -leaf forest o r
theropencedrymion and it tw ines on the trunk of ar-
bo r or big arboret.But in oversize shield or complete-
ly exposed mountain slope it rarely g row s.Seed , cut-
ting , layering can breed.The seed can be directly
sow ed , but germinate difficultly .The treatment can
raise germination percentage.
2.2 S .chinensis maily distributes in mountains of
Xiao Xing An Ling , Wan Da Shan , Zhang Guang Cai
Ling , Lao Ye Ling.In south Da Xing An Ling
mountain i t dist ributes a li tt le.Distribution area of
S.chinensis in the no rth of China is show n in fig-
3.Resources of northern S.chinensis in Heilongjiang
122       植  物  研  究                  22 卷
Forest Xiao Xing An Ling in Heilong jiang
Province is the main place of dist ribution area of S .
chinensis.According to general survey in the w hole
Province in 1987 , the reserves are 800 , 0000kg.The
purchasing amount is over 370 , 0000kg in the w hole
province.The purchasing amount in medical depart-
ment is generally to about 300tons.In recent years ,
purchasing amount in the abundant production year is
not more than 100tons.In common production years ,
i t not more that 30tons.It is obvious that the re-
sources are g radually reducing.It is classified as pro-
tective medicinal plant.Reason that S .chinensis is
dest roied by people such as mass picking , making cul-
tivated land , tending of forest and fo rest harvesting.
So in order to enrish resources of S .chinensis ,
strengthen pro tection of wild resources is very impo r-
tant.So future productive direction is to build protec-
tive area in the area of resources concentration , to de-
velop wild changing fabily plant , to research and set
up stable productive base as well as to promote re-
sources amount of S .chinensis.
Fig.3 Distribution area of S .chinensis in the nor th of China
  Table 1 content of main nourishing composition of the fruit of S.chinensis
I tem Content(%) Analy tical method
crude protein 4.42 K jeldahls method
ether extract 12.6 extraction method
soluble sugar 22.6 anthraquinone method
to tal acid(malic acid) 18.32 ectric po tential titr ation
total amount of nutritive element 0.95 atomic absorption method
vitamin C 0.2 liquid chroma tog raphy method
4.Exploitation and utilization of nourishing food of
S .chinenesis
4.1 chemical form analy sis of S .chinensis
The fruit of S .chinensis contains pulp(64.
20%)and kernel(35.80%).So the pulp and kernel
w ere separately researched.
Main nourishing composition of S .chinensis
(table 1)
composi tion of organic acid;Organic acids of S .
chinensis are mainly cit ricacid(55.18%), malic acid
(40.55%), tartaric acid(4.26%).This result shows
S .chinensis is of acidity .
element analysis of S .chinensis S .chinensis
contains many kinds of nutrit ive element.Besides
common element , it also contains poison element ,
Table 2 content of element of S.chinensis
Element Pulp Kernel
K% 1.3997 0.623
Ca% 0.095 0.073
Mg% 0.283 0.230
Cu ppm 6.77 8.30
Zn ppm 8.77 29.7
Mn ppm 30.0 78.0
Fe ppm 116.0 109.0
Se ppm 0.023 0.012
Pb ppm 0.05 0.026
As ppm 0.008 0.004
Hg ppm 0.0036 0.0014
such as Pb , Se , Hg with very low amount which is
1231 期              聂江力等:黑龙江省五味子资源及其保健品开发利用
be low edible standard permi tted.Element analysis of
S .chinensis is show n in table 2.
Table 3 content of vitamin of pulp of S.chinensis
Vitamin Content mg/ 100g
Vc 218.2
V B1 0.025
V B2 0.02
Carotin 3.12
V E 4.31
Vitamin form of pulp of S .chinensis:pulp of S .chi-
nensis contains many kinds of vitamin , such as Vc ,
Vb1 ,Vb2 , carotin…vitamin form of pulp of S .chinen-
sis is show n in table 3
content of medicine of S .chinensis:with sepa-
rate determination of content of medicine show s the
content of kernel wi th 2.20% and content of pulp is
low w ith 0.68%.
4.2 Pharmacology action of S .chinensis
action to the liver:[ 2] S .chinensis can reduce
GPT(glutamiuc-pyruvic transaminase)rest rain dam-
age that the toxin treats liver cell , increase detox ify-
ing function of ant ibody , clinically being used to treat
chronic hepatitis.Schizandrol in it can inhibit damage
of ult rest ructure of liver cell.
fight senescence:[ 4] Acco rding to Russian schol-
ar , Л.И.Виктор , the research proofed that in the
100ml fruit juice of S .chinensis contains 1.1mg sub-
stance of resistance to senescence , 25-60g fresh f ruit
can be enough for an adult labourer to restore one s
day s fatigue.
Act ion to the nervous sy stem :to control nervous ,
improve sleep and ex tend sleeping t ime.
Act ion to the cardiovascular system:to strength-
en and control cardiac muscle cell , improve cardiac
muscle nutrition.
Act ion to the function of kidney:Gomisina A and
deschizandrinis ex tracted f rom S .chinensis can re-
strain the increase of albumen of urine , improve bio-
chemistry index of serum and possess function that
resists disease of kidney .
4.3 Present situation of exploitat ion and utilization
of S .chinensis:
The frui ts of it have become a kind of impo rtant
material in food and drink indust ry aboard , besides its
medical , health protection and nutrition value , it has
more important advantage that it doesn t need to add
antiseptics to keep long time because fruit s of it con-
tains antioxidant product.[ 1]
4.3.1 Fruit juice of S .chinensis
formula:primary juice:45%;sugar:14.5%;wa-
technological process:
  preparation of primary juice ※ adjustment ※heating ※filling t in ※seal
4.3.2 High energy drink of S .chinensis
formula:primary juice:25%;glucose syrup20%with
sugar70%;honey5%;sylvi te (phosphate ofK)0.
0001%,Na2HPO4·2H2O 0.00015%, condensed juice
of ginseng1.5%, water48%, KCl and MgCl 0.
0001% respectively.
technological process:
  drinking w ater of sterilization ※adjustment ※cold down ※filter ※CO2mix ※f illing tin
Besides these , there still are jelly , f ruit w ine , light
sparkling w ine of S .chinensis and so on.
So by protection of wild resources , const ruction
of artificial cultivate base , building production enter-
prise , achievement operating model of leading enter-
prise and ag ricultural holding , as w ell as increasement
resources amount will promote development industry
at local level.It not only an important economic social
implication , but also benef it for the development of
non-forest ry replacement estate in the forest region.
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2.Zeng jing , et al .P relimary observation on the pharmacologi-
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g anna medical college , 1995 , 15(1):16~ 18
3.Lijinyu Huyanjie.Preliminary study on do rmancy physiolo gy
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