STUDIES ON THE VOLATILE OIL OF LEONTOPODIUM HAPLOPHYLLOIDES ON SUBALPINE DISTRICT Ecological and biological characteristics of Hibiscus tiliaceus, a mangrove associate in China Exploitation and utilization of the tourism agriculture resources in Dongting lake wetland THE EXPLOITATION AND UTILIZATION OF PTERIDOPHYTIC RESOURCES OF BEISHAN IN ZHEJIANG Exploitation and Utilization of Plant Resources of Rubus Jigongshan National Nature Reserve in Xinyang City,Henan Province Brief Introduction of Exploitation and Utilization of Fuel Plants Resources Germplasm resource and habitat types of Seabuckthorn in China STUDIES ON THE WILD ECONOMIC PLANT RESOURCES AND ITS UTILIZATION IN GANSUHEXI Ecological risk assessment of exploitation and utilization in Chuanshan Archipelago, Guangdong province, China The Exploitation and Utilization of Lycophyte and Fern Resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Integrative evaluation on the exploitation and utilization value of vine species The exploitation and utilization of wild vegetable resources in Henan Province STUDIES ON THE WILD WOODY ORNAMENTAL PLANT RESOURCES AND ITS UTILIZATION IN ANHUI PROVINCE The Exploitation and Utilization of Lycophyte and Fern Resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan UTILIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SCHISANDRA CHINENSIS FOR NOURISHING FOOD TO MAINTAIN HEALTH CELL TECHNOLOGY OF PLANT SECONDARY METABOLITES AND EXPLOITATION, UTILIZATION OF PLANT RESOURCES Protection, exploitation and utilization states of specialized Mongolian folk medicine resources and related development strategy Study of the Optimized Model of the Forest Resources Exploitation Geographic Distrbution and Botanical Characters of3 Armeniaca Plant in China Currentprogress 0f studies on Cistanche tubulosa RESEARCH ADVANCES AND UTILIZATION DEVELOPMENT OF GLEDITSIA SINENSIS IN WORLD

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