Abstract:To explore the mechanisms underlying T-CMS (cytoplasmis male sterility).Four experimental lines of common wheat were studied.Two of them were the members of near isogenic lines of restorer,Rf3,namely T.aestivum cv.S165(B:rf3/rf3) and 1031-1(T:Rf3/Rf3).The other two lines were reciprocal hybrids between S165 and 1031-1,named CMS-line (T:rf3/rf3) and RC-line (B:Rf3/rf3).From the developmental genetics angle,the protein comparisons of T-cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and fertility restoration in common wheat are carried on by means of IEF-SDS PAGE with an improved silver stain technique.The four experimental lines have the same patterns of the proteins two-dimensional electrophoresis at the post-meiosis of microspores stages,which indicates the expression of the male sterility and its fertility restoration genes has organ-special characters.