作 者 :廖敦平,雍太文,刘小明,杨峰,苏本营,杨文钰
期 刊 :植物营养与肥料学报 2014年 20卷 6期 页码:1395-1402
Keywords:relay intercropping, maize, dry matter accumulation, nitrogen uptake,
摘 要 :【目的】利用根系分隔技术, 研究不同需氮特性的旋花科、 豆科作物与玉米套作后,玉米的生长特性与养分吸收差异及其增产机理。【方法】采用石英砂培盆栽试验,二因素完全随机试验设计。以玉米-大豆、 玉米-甘薯两种套作模式为研究对象,设计不分隔、 部分分隔、 完全分隔三种隔根方式。分析不同套作模式下不同隔根方式对玉米地下根系活力、 根系生物量及地上植株叶片光合特性、 籽粒产量和吸氮量的影响。【结果】1)不同种植模式对玉米生长有显著影响,不分隔处理时,与大豆套作的玉米根系活力、 籽粒重及地上植株总吸氮显著高于与甘薯套作的玉米,分别高6.25%、 8.69%和18.89%; 部分分隔或完全分隔时,两套作处理间差异不显著(P>0.05)。 2)隔根方式影响玉米的物质积累及籽粒产量,表现为不分隔>部分分隔>完全分隔。3)不分隔有助于促进共生玉米生长,但不同套作模式的影响效果不一致;玉米-大豆套作处理下,不分隔处理的玉米根系活力、 净光合速率、 籽粒产量和总吸氮量均高于隔根处理,比完全分隔处理的分别高25.65%、 27.31%、 64.69%和71.65%;玉米-甘薯套作下增加幅度为17.59%、 19.83%、 52.38%和46.21%,分别比玉米-大豆套作处理低31.44%、 27.39%、 19.03%和35.51%。 4)相关分析表明,两种套作处理玉米地下根系干重与地上植株干物质重、 叶片光合速率及籽粒重显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.984、 0.927和0.986(P<0.01);且地下根系活力与地上植株叶片净光合速率显著正相关,相关系数达0.929(P<0.01)。【结论】种植模式和隔根方式显著影响了玉米的物质积累及氮素吸收。根系不分隔时,玉米-大豆套作处理下玉米的根系活力、 净光合速率、 生物量、 籽粒产量及总吸氮量显著高于玉米-甘薯套作;隔根处理导致的生物量和吸氮量下降主要是由根系活力降低引起的。与玉米-甘薯套作相比,大豆促进了玉米根系活力的提高,有效调节了玉米地上部植株光合作用及干物质积累,实现产量和氮素吸收的增加。
Abstract:【Objectives】A root barrier technique was attempted to investigate the difference of growth and nitrogen uptake of maize which was relay intercropped with legume and convolvulaceae crops, the yield increase mechanism of intercropping system on maize would be explored.【Methods】 Water culture experiment was carried out with 2×3 randomized complete block design. Maize was relay intercropped with soybean and sweet potato separately, three root partitions (no partition, partial root partition and complete root partition) were used. The root activity, root dry matter, leaf photosynthetic characteristics, grain yield and N uptake were investigated. 【Results】 1) The relay intercropping patterns significantly affected on maize growth (P<0.05). The root activity, grain weight and above-ground total N uptake of maize were 6.25%, 8.69% and 18.89% significantly higher when relay intercropped with soybean than with sweet potato under without root barrier treatment, respectively. However, the differences were not significant under root barrier treatments (P>0.05). 2) The dry matter accumulation and grain yield of maize were affected by the root barrier treatments, showing order of no root partition>partial root partition>complete root partition. 3) No root partition treatment could improve the growth of intercropped maize. In maize-soybean intercropping, the root activity, photosynthetic rate, grain yield and total N uptake of maize were higher in treatments of without root partial than with barrier, their differences were 25.65%, 28.45%, 64.69% and 71.65%, respectively. In maize-sweet potato relay intercropping, their differences were 17.59%、 19.83%、 52.38% and 46.21%, respectively. 4) The root biomass is positive significantly correlated with the above-ground biomass, the photosynthetic rate and the grain yield, the correlation indexes are 0.984, 0.927 and 0.986, respectively(P<0.01). The root activity is positive significantly correlated with photosynthetic rate, the correlation index is 0.929 (P<0.01). 【Conclusions】The root activity, photosynthetic rate, biomass, grain yield and total N uptake of maize can significantly increased, which contributed to the high yield and N uptake of maize. The increase effects are higher when maize are intercropped with soybean than with sweet potato.
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