摘 要 :报道了红豆杉属1新变型——保康红豆杉[Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd f. baokangsis Y.J.Fei]。该变型与原变种南方红豆杉[Taxus. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.var. mairei (Lemee et Lévl.) Cheng et L.K.Fu]主要区别在于其雄株上有部分枝条发育成雌性枝条或雌雄球花在同一果枝上,呈现雌雄同株现象。凭证模式标本藏于武汉植物园标本馆(编号Y.J.Fei001,HIB)。
Abstract:A new forma of Taxus, T.chinensis (Pilger) Rehd f. baokangsis Y.J.Fei that grown in Hubei Province, China, was reported in this study. There are difference between this new forma of Taxus and the T.chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.var. mairei (Lemee et Lévl.) Cheng et L.K.Fu. The new forma of Taxus has some branches of the male plants become female or staminate strobilus and female cone in the same fruit branch. That means it is monoecism. Holotype was deposited in the herbarium of the Wuhan Botanical Garden (Number Y.J.Fei001,HIB), China.