摘 要 :对采集于新疆的地图衣属(Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC.)地衣进行了分类学研究,结果发现:中国新记录种2个——栗褐色地图衣[Rhizocarpon badioatrum (Flrke ex Spreng.) Th.Fr.]、大孢地图衣(R.macrosporum Rsnen);新疆新记录种3个——谷粒状地图衣[R.grande (Flrke ex Flot.) Arnold]、茶渍地图衣(R.lecanorinum Anders)、拟地图衣(R.riparium Rsnen)。并对以上5种地衣的形态解剖特征、化学特征和生境进行了描述,同时提供了相关彩色图片。
Abstract:Five species of the lichen genus Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC.,collected from southern and central Tianshan Mts.and Altay Mts.,are reported.Among them,Rhizocarpon badioatrum (Flrke ex Spreng.) Th.Fr.,and R.macrosporum Rsnen are new to China,R.grande (Flrke ex Flot.) Arnold,R.lecanorinum Anders,and R.riparium Rsnen are new to Xinjiang.The morphological,anatomical,chemical and ecological descriptions of these species are given.Photos of Rhizocarpon species occurred in study area of Xinjiang are also presented.