【目的】 分析黄土高原丘陵区文冠果在不同生境条件下的种子成苗、实生苗生长及其与环境因素的关系,阐明该区域文冠果种群实生苗更新状况及影响因素,为文冠果种群恢复及可持续经营提供依据。【方法】 通过固定样地调查,对黄土高原丘陵区阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡3种生境下的文冠果天然种群种子幼苗转化率、幼苗数量、幼苗生长状况、幼苗生物量分配及环境因子对文冠果实生苗生长发育的影响进行研究。【结果】 各坡向均有1年生文冠果实生苗,但不同坡向实生苗平均数量不同,阳坡生境1年生实生苗相对较多(632株·hm-2),而半阴坡相对较少(484株·hm-2); 各坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率均较低,3个坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率表现为半阴坡(0.57%) > 半阳坡(0.43%) > 阳坡(0.25%); 各坡向实生苗数量总体较少,随着年龄增加,实生苗数量逐渐减少,各年龄阶段(1~5年生)文冠果实生苗数量均表现为阳坡 > 半阳坡 > 半阴坡; 阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡生境光照、水分等环境条件均存在差异,这使文冠果实生苗在不同坡向存在不同的适应策略,1~5年生文冠果实生苗的高度、基径和冠幅均表现为阳坡 > 半阳坡 > 半阴坡,阳坡生境更有利于文冠果幼苗的生长发育; 各坡向1~5年生文冠果实生苗地下生物量均大于地上生物量,地上、地下生物量均表现为阳坡 > 半阳坡 > 半阴坡; 由于环境的异质性,不同坡向文冠果根冠比最大值出现的年龄阶段不同,阳坡和半阴坡2年生幼苗根冠比最大,而半阳坡4年生幼苗根冠比最大; 阳坡生境1~5年生实生苗茎干质量、叶干质量和根干质量均大于半阳坡和半阴坡,而且这种差异随着年龄的增加有扩大的趋势,随着幼苗年龄增加,阳坡与半阳坡、半阴坡的茎生物量比、叶生物量比和根生物量比差异越来越显著; 环境因素对文冠果幼苗数量、幼苗高度及幼苗生物量有重要影响,幼苗数量与光照强度显著正相关,与总盖度显著负相关,幼苗高度与土壤含水量显著负相关,幼苗生物量与光照强度极显著正相关。【结论】 阳坡生境文冠果种子萌发率较低,但萌发成苗之后却有利于文冠果幼苗的定居,实生苗生长状况均好于半阳坡和半阴坡,该生境文冠果实生苗可以更好地利用资源,缩短进入主林层的时间,因此,在文冠果人工林培育时,应尽可能选择阳坡生境。
【Objective】Xanthoceras sorbifolia is naturally distributed in the northwest of China, strongly tolerant to cold, drought and poor site conditions. It is an important species for oil production and erosion control in north China. Moreover, it is an ideal tree species for land conversion of cropland to forest and for management of barren hills in the northern Loess Plateau of China.【Method】In order to understand the characteristics of seed germination, seedling development and their influencing factors, 24 sampling plots were established in 3 habitats (sunny slope, semi-sunny slope and semi-shady slope) of X. sorbifolia forests on the Loess Plateau where is the central distribution of the species. 【Result】One-year-old seedlings were found at all habitats, but the average number varied among habitats. A larger number of 632 individual·hm-2 at the sunny slope, 48 individual·hm-2 at the semi-shady slope. The conversion rates of seeds to seedlings were low at all 3 habitats, and manifested as semi-shady slope (0.57%) > semi-sunny slope (0.43%) > sunny slope (0.25%). The total number of seedlings was small at all 3 habitats, and gradually decreasing with the age of seedlings. For different ages from 1-5 years, the number of seedlings showed the following order: sunny slope > semi-sunny slope > semi-shady slope. Due to the differences of sunlight intensity and moisture content among the 3 habitats, X. sorbifolia seedlings has evolved different adaptive strategies, the height, basal diameter, and crown width of 1-5 year seedlings showed the order of sunny slope > semi-sunny slope > semi-shady slope. The sunny slope was more beneficial to the growth of X. sorbifolia seedlings. The underground biomass of 1-5 year seedlings were greater than above-ground biomass at all 3 habitats, and above-ground biomass and underground biomass showed the order of sunny slope > semi-sunny slope > semi-shady slope. Due to environmental heterogeneity, the age of maximum biomass ratio of underground to aboveground (R:S) differed among the 3 habitats, at sunny and semi-shady slopes the R:S value peaked at the age of 2 years, whereas t the semi-sunny slope, the value peaked at the age of 4 years. The stem dry mass, leaf dry mass, and root dry mass of 1-5 years seedlings were greater at the sunny slope than the semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes, and the difference tendency to increase with age. With the increase of age, the biomass ratios of stem, leaf and root at sunny slope respectively to those at semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes will be increasingly different. Environment factors had significant influence on the number, height, and biomass of seedlings. The number of seedlings was significantly positively correlated with light intensity, and significantly negatively correlated with the total plant coverage. The height of seedlings was significantly negatively correlated with soil moisture. The biomass of seedlings was significantly positively correlated with light intensity.【Conclusion】 At the sunny slope, seed germination rate was lower. However, it was beneficial for establishment of the seedlings compared to the semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes. The growth performance of seedlings was superior at the sunny slope to at the semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes, indicating that at this habitat the seedlings could make full use of growing conditions to shorten the time for entering the main forest storey. Therefore, the sunny slope should be selected for growing plantations of Xanthoceras sorbifolia.
全 文 :第 51 卷 第 2 期
2 0 1 5 年 2 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 2
Feb.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150202
收稿日期: 2013 - 11 - 27; 修回日期: 2015 - 01 - 13。
基金项目: 陕西省科技计划项目(2010K01 - 06 - 2)。
* 周建云为通讯作者。
郭有燕1,2 张文辉1 周建云1 何景峰1 李彦华1
(1.西北农林科技大学西部环境与生态教育部重点实验室 杨凌 712100; 2.河西学院 张掖 734000)
摘 要: 【目的】分析黄土高原丘陵区文冠果在不同生境条件下的种子成苗、实生苗生长及其与环境因素的关系,
样地调查,对黄土高原丘陵区阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡 3 种生境下的文冠果天然种群种子幼苗转化率、幼苗数量、幼苗
生长状况、幼苗生物量分配及环境因子对文冠果实生苗生长发育的影响进行研究。【结果】各坡向均有 1 年生文冠果
实生苗,但不同坡向实生苗平均数量不同,阳坡生境 1 年生实生苗相对较多(632 株·hm - 2 ),而半阴坡相对较少(484
株·hm - 2 ); 各坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率均较低,3 个坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率表现为半阴坡(0. 57% ) >半阳坡
(0. 43% ) >阳坡(0. 25% ); 各坡向实生苗数量总体较少,随着年龄增加,实生苗数量逐渐减少,各年龄阶段(1 ~ 5 年
生)文冠果实生苗数量均表现为阳坡 >半阳坡 >半阴坡; 阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡生境光照、水分等环境条件均存在差
异,这使文冠果实生苗在不同坡向存在不同的适应策略,1 ~ 5 年生文冠果实生苗的高度、基径和冠幅均表现为阳坡 >
半阳坡 >半阴坡,阳坡生境更有利于文冠果幼苗的生长发育; 各坡向 1 ~ 5 年生文冠果实生苗地下生物量均大于地上
生物量,地上、地下生物量均表现为阳坡 >半阳坡 >半阴坡; 由于环境的异质性,不同坡向文冠果根冠比最大值出现
的年龄阶段不同,阳坡和半阴坡 2 年生幼苗根冠比最大,而半阳坡 4 年生幼苗根冠比最大; 阳坡生境 1 ~ 5 年生实生
龄增加,阳坡与半阳坡、半阴坡的茎生物量比、叶生物量比和根生物量比差异越来越显著; 环境因素对文冠果幼苗数
关键词: 文冠果; 坡向; 幼苗; 生长; 生物量; 环境因素
中图分类号: S718. 54 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)02 - 0011 - 07
Characteristic of Seedling Regeneration of Xanthoceras sorbifolia in Hilly Areas of Loess Plateau
Guo Youyan1,2 Zhang Wenhui1 Zhou Jianyun1 He Jingfeng1 Li Yanhua1
(1 . Key Laboratory of Envrionment and Ecology in West China,Northwest A & F University Yangling 712100;2 . Hexi University Zhangye 734000)
Abstract: 【Objective】Xanthoceras sorbifolia is naturally distributed in the northwest of China,strongly tolerant to cold,
drought and poor site conditions. It is an important species for oil production and erosion control in north China.
Moreover,it is an ideal tree species for land conversion of cropland to forest and for management of barren hills in the
northern Loess Plateau of China.【Method】In order to understand the characteristics of seed germination,seedling
development and their influencing factors,24 sampling plots were established in 3 habitats ( sunny slope,semi-sunny
slope and semi-shady slope) of X. sorbifolia forests on the Loess Plateau where is the central distribution of the species.
【Result】One-year-old seedlings were found at all habitats,but the average number varied among habitats. A larger
number of 632 individual·hm - 2 at the sunny slope,48 individual·hm - 2 at the semi-shady slope. The conversion rates
of seeds to seedlings were low at all 3 habitats,and manifested as semi-shady slope (0. 57% ) > semi-sunny slope (0.
43% ) > sunny slope (0. 25% ) . The total number of seedlings was small at all 3 habitats,and gradually decreasing with
the age of seedlings. For different ages from 1-5 years,the number of seedlings showed the following order: sunny slope
> semi-sunny slope > semi-shady slope. Due to the differences of sunlight intensity and moisture content among the 3
habitats,X. sorbifolia seedlings has evolved different adaptive strategies,the height,basal diameter,and crown width of
林 业 科 学 51 卷
1-5 year seedlings showed the order of sunny slope > semi-sunny slope > semi-shady slope. The sunny slope was more
beneficial to the growth of X. sorbifolia seedlings. The underground biomass of 1-5 year seedlings were greater than above-
ground biomass at all 3 habitats,and above-ground biomass and underground biomass showed the order of sunny slope >
semi-sunny slope > semi-shady slope. Due to environmental heterogeneity, the age of maximum biomass ratio of
underground to aboveground (R:S) differed among the 3 habitats,at sunny and semi-shady slopes the R:S value peaked
at the age of 2 years,whereas t the semi-sunny slope,the value peaked at the age of 4 years. The stem dry mass,leaf dry
mass,and root dry mass of 1-5 years seedlings were greater at the sunny slope than the semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes,
and the difference tendency to increase with age. With the increase of age,the biomass ratios of stem,leaf and root at
sunny slope respectively to those at semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes will be increasingly different. Environment factors
had significant influence on the number,height,and biomass of seedlings. The number of seedlings was significantly
positively correlated with light intensity,and significantly negatively correlated with the total plant coverage. The height of
seedlings was significantly negatively correlated with soil moisture. The biomass of seedlings was significantly positively
correlated with light intensity.【Conclusion】At the sunny slope,seed germination rate was lower. However,it was
beneficial for establishment of the seedlings compared to the semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes. The growth performance of
seedlings was superior at the sunny slope to at the semi-sunny and semi-shady slopes,indicating that at this habitat the
seedlings could make full use of growing conditions to shorten the time for entering the main forest storey. Therefore,the
sunny slope should be selected for growing plantations of Xanthoceras sorbifolia.
Key words: Xanthoceras sorbifolia; slope aspect; seedling; growth; biomass; environmental factor
冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia)实生苗年龄结构、生长
有重要作用。文冠果为无患子科( Sapindaceae)文
特征(郭有燕等,2011) 的研究已经很多 (周庆源
等,2010; 万群芳等,2010; 2011),但有关文冠果
1 研究区概况
研究区位于陕西富县、延安 ( 109° 06 33″—
区,海拔 900 ~ 1 400 m,年降水量 400 ~ 600 mm,土
树(Ulmus pumila)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、茶条
槭(Acer ginnala)、狼牙刺 ( Sophora viciifolia)、扁核
木 ( Prinsepia uniflora )、酸枣 ( Ziziphus jujuba var.
spinosa)、山桃 ( Prunus davidiana)、达乌里胡枝子
(Lespedeza davurica)、苔草 (Carex tristachya)和铁杆
蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)等。
2 研究方法
2. 1 样地设置
境的文冠果为研究对象,2009 年 7 月在不同生境分
别布设 8 块 20 m × 20 m 样地,共 24 块样地。在每
块样地内分别设置 5 个 5 m × 5 m 的灌木样方和 5
个 1 m × 1 m 的草本样方。
2. 2 样地调查
2. 2. 1 生境调查 用罗盘仪测定坡向、坡度; 用
GPS 测定海拔; 在各样地沿对角线各取 3 个 0 ~
20 cm土层的土壤样品,土壤含水量的测定用烘干
(105 ℃ )法(张文辉等,2006); 温度、湿度测定用
DHM2 型通风干湿温度计; 光照强度测定用 ZDS-10
型光照计,选择晴朗的天气,在 3 个生境的固定位
置,分别于 10:00,12:00,14:00 和 16:00 距地面
0. 5 m处测定(张文辉等,2006),阳坡、半阳坡和半
阴坡文冠果林概况见表 1。
第 2 期 郭有燕等: 黄土高原丘陵区文冠果天然种群实生苗更新特征
表 1 阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡文冠果林概况
Tab. 1 General situation of Xanthoceras sorbifolia forest in sunny slope,semi-sunny slope,and semi-shady slope
Evironmental factor
Sunny slope
Semi-sunny slope
Semi-shady slope
海拔 Altitude /m 1 131 1 247 1 288
总盖度 Coverage(% ) 40 76 91
灌木层盖度 Coverage of shrub(% ) 33 40 71
草本层盖度 Coverage of herb(% ) 15 22 26
光照强度 Light / lux 79 400 68 432 58 164
气温 Air temperature /℃ 37. 8 35. 9 23. 7
空气湿度 Air humidity(% ) 35. 1 39. 7 57
土壤含水量 Soil moisture(% ) 11. 4 28. 6 33. 1
2. 2. 2 群落特征调查 在样地中调查总盖度,在灌
2. 2. 3 产种量调查 2009 年 7 月,待果实成熟尚
未炸裂时,在每块固定样地选择 6 株标准木,在每株
标准木上采摘果实 6 个作为各生境种子测定样本,
A =∑B /36; C = D × A; E =∑C × F。
式中: A 为标准木单个果实平均产种量; B 为每株
标准木果实产种量; C 为标准木平均产种量; D 为
标准木的平均果实数量; E 为整个样地结实植株产
种量; F 为样地结实个体数量。
2. 2. 4 幼苗调查 2010 年 5 月,在固定样地每一
2. 2. 5 幼苗生物量调查 在每块固定样地分别选
取 3 个 1 ~ 5 年生文冠果实生苗标准株作为各生境
茎、叶 3 部分。在 80 ℃条件下烘干至恒重,分别称
式中: RSR 为根冠比; RB 为根生物量; AB 为地上
部分生物量; LBR 为叶片生物量比; LB 为叶片生
物量; TB 为总生物量; SBR 为茎生物量比; SB 为
茎生物量; RBR 为根生物量比。
2. 3 数据分析
所有数据用 SPSS 16. 0 软件进行处理,绘图用
Origin8. 0,LSD 法进行多重比较。用相关性分析方
3 结果与分析
3. 1 不同生境文冠果种子的萌发
各坡向均有 1 年生文冠果实生苗,但不同坡向
实生苗平均数量不同(表 2)。1 年生文冠果实生苗
数量在阳坡相对较多 (632 株·hm - 2 ),而在半阴坡
相对较少(484 株·hm - 2 ),阳坡与半阳坡、半阴坡差
异显著(P < 0. 05)。各坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率
均较低且有差异,3 个坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率
表现为半阴坡(0. 57% ) > 半阳坡(0. 43% ) > 阳坡
(0. 25% )。
表 2 不同坡向文冠果种子幼苗转化率
Tab. 2 Ratio of Xanthoceras sorbifolia seedlings to fruit in different aspects
Mean seed quantity of
per plot / hm - 2
1 年生幼苗平均数量
Mean 1-year
seedling quantity
of per plot / hm - 2
rate of seed to
seedling(% )
阳坡 Sunny slope 250 240. 00 ± 43 529. 00 632. 00 ± 6. 00a 0. 25
半阳坡 Semi-sunny slope 121 060. 00 ± 12 324. 00 525. 00 ± 5. 00ab 0. 43
半阴坡 Semi-shady slope 85 040. 00 ± 8 788. 00 484. 00 ± 2. 00b 0. 57
3. 2 不同坡向文冠果实生苗年龄结构
1)。1 年生文冠果实生苗数量占总数的 42. 07%,而 5
年生文冠果实生苗数量只占总数的 7. 92%。各年龄
阶段(1 ~ 5 年生)文冠果实生苗数量均表现为阳坡 >
半阳坡 >半阴坡。阳坡 1 ~ 5 年生文冠果实生苗数量
分别占总数的 43. 08%,21. 40%,15. 13%,12. 13%和
8. 25%,而半阴坡 1 ~ 5 年生文冠果实生苗数量分别
占 总 数 的 41. 47%,21. 42%,16. 97%,12. 60%
和 7. 54%。
林 业 科 学 51 卷
图 1 不同生境下文冠果实生苗的年龄组成
Fig. 1 Age structure of Xanthoceras sorbifolia seedling
in different habitats
3. 3 文冠果实生苗生长指标
存在差异(图 2),这使实生苗存在不同的适应策略。
1 ~ 5 年生实生苗的高度、基径和冠幅均表现为阳
坡 >半阳坡 >半阴坡。随着年龄增加,阳坡和半阳
(P < 0. 05)。可见,阳坡生境更有利于实生苗的生
3. 4 文冠果实生苗干物质分配
显著(P < 0. 05 )增加,1 ~ 5 年生文冠果地下生物
现为阳坡 > 半阳坡 > 半阴坡,且差异显著 ( P <
0. 05)。由于环境的异质性,不同坡向文冠果根冠
比最大值出现的年龄阶段不同。阳坡、半阴坡 2
年生幼苗根冠比最大,而半阳坡 4 年生幼苗根冠
比最大(表 3)。
阳坡除 3 年生文冠果茎干质量与半阳坡差异不
显著(P > 0. 05)外,1 ~ 5 年生实生苗茎干质量、叶
(P < 0. 05),而且这种差异随着年龄增加有扩大的
趋势(图 3)。阳坡 1 年生文冠果茎干质量比半阳坡
和半阴坡分别多 25%和 37%,叶干质量分别比半阳
坡和半阴坡多 17%和 43%,根干质量分别比半阳坡
和半阴坡多 24%和 52%。而阳坡 5 年生文冠果茎
干质量分别比半阳坡和半阴坡多 47%和 64%,叶干
质量分别比半阳坡和半阴坡多 38%和 64%,根干质
量分别比半阳坡和半阴坡多 17% 和 45%。随着幼
叶生物量比和根生物量比差异越来越显著 ( P <
0. 05)。
图 2 不同坡向文冠果实生苗生长指标
Fig. 2 Growth indexes of Xanthoceras sorbifolia seedling in different aspects
第 2 期 郭有燕等: 黄土高原丘陵区文冠果天然种群实生苗更新特征
表 3 不同坡向文冠果实生苗生物量分配①
Tab. 3 Biomass allocation of Xanthoceras sorbifolia seedling in different habitat
Age / a
biomass / g
biomass / g
Root mass to
shoot mass
Sunny slope
1 0. 99 ± 0. 04aA 4. 40 ± 0. 13aA 4. 49 ± 0. 32aA
2 1. 78 ± 0. 05bA 8. 39 ± 0. 60bA 4. 71 ± 0. 20aA
3 2. 02 ± 0. 04bA 9. 36 ± 0. 70cA 4. 64 ± 0. 44aA
4 5. 04 ± 0. 06cA 14. 37 ± 0. 50dA 2. 85 ± 0. 12bC
5 9. 87 ± 0. 17dA 20. 31 ± 0. 52eA 2. 06 ± 0. 06bB
Semi-sunny slope
1 0. 81 ± 0. 03aB 3. 36 ± 0. 15aB 4. 16 ± 0. 04aA
2 1. 37 ± 0. 04bB 5. 64 ± 0. 34bB 4. 13 ± 0. 31aA
3 1. 71 ± 0. 03bB 6. 93 ± 0. 32cB 4. 04 ± 0. 19aA
4 2. 21 ± 0. 10cB 11. 32 ± 0. 50dB 5. 13 ± 0. 01bA
5 5. 52 ± 0. 23dB 16. 31 ± 0. 53eB 2. 96 ± 0. 05cA
半阴坡 Semi-shady slope
1 0. 59 ± 0. 01aC 2. 14 ± 0. 06aC 3. 60 ± 0. 15aB
2 0. 99 ± 0. 01bC 4. 34 ± 0. 37bC 4. 40 ± 0. 37bA
3 1. 34 ± 0. 02cC 5. 57 ± 0. 11cC 4. 17 ± 0. 08abA
4 1. 86 ± 0. 07dC 7. 37 ± 0. 09dC 3. 97 ± 0. 12abB
5 3. 58 ± 0. 19eC 11. 20 ± 0. 60eC 3. 13 ± 0. 06aA
①同列大写字母表示不同生境同年龄幼苗的差异;同列小写字母表示相同生境同一年龄幼苗的差异;不同字母表示差异显著(P < 0. 05)。
The capital letter in the same column showed the difference for the same age seedling among the different habitats; The small letter in the same column
showed the difference among the same age seedling under the same habitat; Different letters indicated significant difference at 0. 05 level.
图 3 不同生境文冠果实生苗各组分生物量
Fig. 3 Modular biomass of Xanthoceras sorbifolia seedling in different habitats
林 业 科 学 51 卷
3. 5 环境因子对文冠果幼苗密度与生长的影响
长有重要影响,本研究选择 7 个环境因子与实生苗
数量、幼苗高度及幼苗生物量进行相关性分析 (表
4)。幼苗数量与光照强度显著正相关( r = 0. 993),
与总盖度显著负相关( r = - 0. 996)。幼苗高度与土
壤含水量显著负相关 ( r = - 1. 0)。总盖度与幼苗
生物量极显著负相关(P < 0. 01),光照强度与幼苗
生物量极显著正相关( r = 1. 0)。
表 4 幼苗数量、幼苗高度和幼苗生物量与环境因子的相关性分析①
Tab. 4 Correlation analysis bewteen seedling number,height,biomass and environment factor
Envrionment factor
Seedling number
Seedling height
Seedling biomass
总盖度 Coverage - 0. 996 * - 0. 983 - 1. 000**
灌木层盖度 Coverage of shrub - 0. 189 - 0. 452 - 0. 295
草本层盖度 Coverage of herb - 0. 787 - 0. 927 - 0. 850
光照强度 Light 0. 993 * 0. 987 1. 000**
空气温度 Air temperature 0. 862 0. 968 0. 912
空气湿度 Air humidity - 0. 849 - 0. 962 - 0. 902
土壤含水量 Soil moisture - 0. 946 - 0. 999 * - 0. 976
①* : P < 0. 05; **: P < 0. 01.
4 结论与讨论
1996; 周先叶等,1997; Hammond et al.,1995),决
但阳坡文冠果 1 年生实生苗数量却多于半阳坡和半
冠果种群更新和持续发育。陈志刚等 (2005)对锐
齿槲栎 ( Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)和水青冈
(Fagus engleriana)的研究、付婵娟等(2009)对神农
架巴山冷杉 ( Abies fargesii ) 的 研究及马莉薇等
(2010)对栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)的研究均表明
(柯文山等,2000; Du et al.,2008; Cordazzo,2002;
Upadhaya et al.,2007),阳坡生境文冠果种子饱满,
大种子相对中等种子和小种子较多 (郭有燕,
上和地下部分生物量分配的重要指标 (李利等,
等(2007)对岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)的研究结果
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(责任编辑 于静娴)