为了查明地震次生灾害对土壤动物的影响,2008年11月在四川彭州银厂沟内分别选取泥石流、滑坡2个次生灾害区样地和2个柳杉林对照样地,对4个样地的土壤动物群落进行调查。结果表明: 2个次生灾害区均未发现大型土壤动物,对照区共有大型土壤动物196只,隶属3门7纲17目36类(科),平均密度为65.34个·m-2;次生灾害区共调查到中小型土壤动物232只,隶属3门4纲6目26类(科),平均密度为3 222.22个·m-2;对照区共有中小型土壤动物2 747只,隶属3门7纲9目64类(科),平均密度38 152.78个·m-2;次生灾害区中小型土壤动的类群数、个体密度、多样性指数H和丰富度指数D均显著低于对照区(P<0.01),均匀度指数E显著高于对照区(P<0.01);群落多样性的变化主要是因部分稀有类群的消失和群落密度的下降;与对照区相比,次生灾害区中小型土壤动物群落的湿生性种类的个体百分比下降,旱生及中生性种类的个体百分比增加;次生灾害区与对照区间的群落相似性低于2组样地内部不同样地间的相似性。地震次生灾害对土壤动物,尤其是大型土壤动物的群落结构及多样性有强烈的干扰作用。
To study the impacts of secondary disasters induced by Wenchuan earthquake on soil fauna communities, two plots in previous debris flows and landslide regions and two plots in Cryptomeria fortunei forests, served as control, were set up in Yinchanggou, Pengzhou city. Soil fauna communities in the plots were investigated in November 2008. No soil macrofauna was found in the secondary geological disaster areas, but total 196 soil macrofauna, belonged to 3 phyla, 7 classes, 17 orders and 36 groups (families), were found in two control plots, with average density 65.34 ind.·m-2. There were 232 soil meso-microfauna, belonged to 3 phyla, 4 classes, 6 orders and 26 groups (families) in two secondary geological disaster plots and 2 747 soil meso-microfauna, belonged to 3 phyla, 7 classes, 9 orders and 64 groups (families) in two control plots. The average densities of secondary geological disaster areas and coutrol areas were 3 222.22 ind.·m-2 and 38 152.78 ind.·m-2, respectively. The species group numbers, individual density, and the diversity index (H) and abundance index (D) of three diversity indexes of soil meso-microfauna communities in secondary geological disaster areas were significantly lower than those of the control areas (P<0.01), but the evenness index (E) was significantly higher than that of the control areas (P<0.01). Some scares group extinction and community density decrease were the main reasons for the soil meso-microfauna diversity‘s changes. Compared with the control areas, individual percent of the soil meso-microfauna species community living in wet environment of the secondary geological disaster areas was declined and that of the species living in drought and middle environment increased. The similarities of soil fauna community between the secondary geological disaster areas and control areas were lower than those within the same areas. The results demonstrated that the earthquake-induced geological disasters had strong disturbed effects on the structures and diversities of soil fauna communities, especially, soil macrofauna.