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Spatial Pattern Relationships Between Woodborer Larvae and Their Natural Enemies in Artemisia ordosica Shrubs


Artemisia ordosicais is an important shrub widely distributed in northern China for combating desertification. Recently large areas of A. ordosica were damaged by several species of woodborers. From 2006 to 2008 in Yanchi, Ningxia Hui Autonomous region, China,an investigation on the spatial patterns and relationship of woodborer larvae, and their parasitoid Pyemotes herfsi and pecks of their predator, Perdix dauuricae in A. ordosica shrubs at different succession stage showed that in horizontal direction, borer larvae, parasitoid P. herfsi and P. dauuricae pecks were in negative binomial distribution, while in vertical direction, borer larvae were mainly distributed on A. ordosica trunks from above ground 3 cm above ground to under ground 6 cm. Their natural enemies also favored this range. In the succession of A. ordosicais, the natural enemies had a significant following effect.