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Effects of Submergence-Drought Stresses on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Salix rosthornii Seedlings


To explore the effects of water level change in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) on the growth and physiological traits of two-year-old Salix rosthornii seedlings, treatments of four different water levels simulating the natural water level dynamic changes were applied to the seedlings, including control without any flooding (CK), water change with root submergence (T1), water change with half plant submergence (T2), and water change with whole plant submergence (T3). The seedlings in T1, T2 and T3 were all subject to water level change, at the very beginning to normal water supply, and then to light drought stress, and finally normal water supply again. The physiological adaptive mechanisms of these seedlings were studied. Results showed that different treatments significantly affected the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), proline, soluble protein, as well as the plant biomasses. In 65 days under the flooding treatments, the activities of SOD and CAT and the contents of MDA and proline in T1, T2 and T3 all increased. In contrast, the POD activity and soluble protein content in those treatments were firstly decreased and then increased. In addition, the submergence stress also led to a significant decline in the leaf biomass of the seedlings. After then the flood was trained to normal water supply and the seedlings were maintained in the water regimes until the 155th day, all the physiological indexes of the seedlings except for proline content were recovered to that of the control group. However, although plant biomass increased during the period, the leaf biomass and total biomass in T2 and T3 were still significantly lower than those in CK. Hereafter the seedlings were subject to light drought treatment until the 176th day, the SOD, POD and CAT activities in the plants increased, and the contents of MDA, proline and soluble protein were significantly higher than those of CK respectively, while seedlings still had significantly less leaf biomass and total biomass compared to control group. From the 176th day to 197th day when the seedlings were given with normal water supply, all the physiological indexes except for CAT were recovered to the levels of the control, and the plant biomass increased. However, the leaf and total biomass was still significantly smaller than CK. This study confirmed that S. rosthornii seedlings could be tolerant to water level change in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the TGR through regulating the activities of internal protective enzyme and the contents of osmotic regulators. However, the continuously negative effects of drought stress on S. rosthornii seedlings were stronger than those of flooding. Therefore, the water management in the S. rosthornii habitats should be strengthened, especially under drought situations.

全 文 :第 49 卷 第 12 期
2 0 1 3 年 12 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 49,No. 12
Dec.,2 0 1 3
doi: 10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20131223
收稿日期: 2012 - 11 - 06; 修回日期: 2013 - 05 - 22。
基金项目: 重庆市自然科学基金重点项目(CSTC2013JJB00004) ; 国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201004039) ; 留学回国人员科研启动基
金项目(教外司留[2010 - 1561]) ; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(XDJK2013A011)。
* 李昌晓为通讯作者。
水淹 -干旱胁迫对南川柳苗木生长及生理特性的影响*
王朝英 李昌晓 张 晔
(西南大学生命科学学院 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室 重庆市三峡库区植物生态与资源重点实验室 重庆 400715)
关键词: 水分胁迫; 南川柳苗木; 保护酶; 膜脂过氧化; 生长特征; 三峡库区
中图分类号: S718. 43 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2013)12 - 0164 - 07
Effects of Submergence-Drought Stresses on Growth and Physiological
Characteristics of Salix rosthornii Seedlings
Wang Chaoying Li Changxiao Zhang Ye
(College of Life Sciences,Southwest University Key Laboratory for the Eco-Environment of Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Ministry of Education
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Resources Research in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region Chongqing 400715)
Abstract: To explore the effects of water level change in the Three Gorges Reservoir ( TGR ) on the growth and
physiological traits of two-year-old Salix rosthornii seedlings,treatments of four different water levels simulating the natural
water level dynamic changes were applied to the seedlings,including control without any flooding (CK),water change
with root submergence ( T1 ),water change with half plant submergence ( T2 ),and water change with whole plant
submergence (T3) . The seedlings in T1,T2 and T3 were all subject to water level change,at the very beginning to
normal water supply,and then to light drought stress,and finally normal water supply again. The physiological adaptive
mechanisms of these seedlings were studied. Results showed that different treatments significantly affected the activities of
superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase ( POD) and catalase ( CAT),and the content of malondialdehyde (MDA),
proline,soluble protein,as well as the plant biomasses. In 65 days under the flooding treatments,the activities of SOD
and CAT and the contents of MDA and proline in T1,T2 and T3 all increased. In contrast,the POD activity and soluble
protein content in those treatments were firstly decreased and then increased. In addition,the submergence stress also led
to a significant decline in the leaf biomass of the seedlings. After then the flood was trained to normal water supply and the
seedlings were maintained in the water regimes until the 155 th day,all the physiological indexes of the seedlings except for
proline content were recovered to that of the control group. However,although plant biomass increased during the period,
the leaf biomass and total biomass in T2 and T3 were still significantly lower than those in CK. Hereafter the seedlings
were subject to light drought treatment until the 176 th day,the SOD,POD and CAT activities in the plants increased,and
the contents of MDA,proline and soluble protein were significantly higher than those of CK respectively,while seedlings
still had significantly less leaf biomass and total biomass compared to control group. From the 176 th day to 197 th day when
the seedlings were given with normal water supply,all the physiological indexes except for CAT were recovered to the
levels of the control,and the plant biomass increased. However,the leaf and total biomass was still significantly smaller
than CK. This study confirmed that S. rosthornii seedlings could be tolerant to water level change in the hydro-fluctuation
belt of the TGR through regulating the activities of internal protective enzyme and the contents of osmotic regulators.
However,the continuously negative effects of drought stress on S. rosthornii seedlings were stronger than those of flooding.
Therefore,the water management in the S. rosthornii habitats should be strengthened,especially under drought situations.
Key words: water stress; Salix rosthornii seedlings; protective enzyme; membrane lipid peroxidation; growth traits;
Three Gorges Reservoir
第 12 期 王朝英等: 水淹 -干旱胁迫对南川柳苗木生长及生理特性的影响
落差达 30 m 的消落带(罗芳丽等,2008)。库区水
南川柳 ( Salix rosthornii),杨柳科柳属植物,是
分重要的作用 (马跃等,2008; 严惠珍等,2011)。
柳 ( Salix variegata ) (罗芳丽等,2008; 李娅等,
2008; 陈芳清等,2008)以及在库区水文调度中的
7 月高温天气后,植株还将可能受到短时间的轻度
制进行研究。笔者假设: 在经过一个水文变化周期
1 材料与方法
1. 1 材料和试验地点 所用材料为 2 年生南川柳
苗木。采用盆栽法,2010 年 10 月初挑选长势和大
小基本一致的南川柳扦插苗 160 株,带土栽种于高
24 cm、中央内径 28 cm 的塑料盆中,采用紫色土作
为栽培基质,每盆 1 株。将所有植株置于西南大学
(四周开敞,透明顶棚,海拔 249 m)内培养,以使所
有植株处于相同环境中。2011 年 1 月 25 日正式开
展试验,此时南川柳平均株高为 143. 2 cm,叶片已
1. 2 试验方法 本试验模拟三峡库区水位动态变
化节律(图 1),设置水淹与干旱胁迫的水分处理梯
和干旱胁迫的程度不同,因此试验模拟 165 ~ 180 m
段水分环境状况将试验植株随机分成 4 组,即 CK
(对照处理)、T1 (植株根淹动态变化处理)、T2 (植
株半淹动态变化处理)、T3 (植株全淹动态变化处
理),每组各 40 盆。CK 在整个试验期间进行常规
供水 (表 1 )。0 ~ 45 天 ( 2011 - 01 - 25—2011 -
03 - 10),T1,T2 和 T3 组依次分别进行根淹、半淹和
没顶全淹处理; 46 ~ 65 天(2011 - 03 - 11—2011 -
03 - 30),植物受到的水淹胁迫程度降低,T1,T2 和
T3 组分别依次进行常规供水、根淹和半淹处理; 66
~ 155 天(2011 - 03 - 31—2011 - 06 - 28),随着水
分胁迫程度的进一步降低,T1,T2 和 T3 组均进行常
规供水处理; 156 ~ 176 天(2011 - 06 - 29—2011 -
07 - 19),高温导致土壤含水量进一步减少,T1,T2
和 T3 组均进行轻度干旱胁迫处理; 177 ~ 197 天
(2011 - 07 - 20—2011 - 08 - 09),夏季降雨缓解了
土壤的干旱状况,T1,T2 和 T3 组又均进行常规供水
处理(表 1)。表 1 中“常规供水”以 60% ~ 63% 的
田间持水量作为其土壤含水量,“轻度干旱”以 40%
~ 43%的田间持水量作为其土壤含水量(土壤含水
土壤表面 5 cm。“半淹”是将塑料盆放入专用试验
水池中,水池长、宽、高各 2. 3 m,并向水池中注入自
来水,水深保持在一半苗高(约 70 cm)处。“全淹”
来水,保持在 2 m 深度,此时没顶水淹约 0. 4 m。
从试验处理之日算起,分别在试验处理 45,65,
155,176 和 197 天测定生物量及生理指标。每次进
行生理指标测定时,从每个处理中随机取 3 株,采样
后放入冰盒,带回实验室,保存于 - 80 ℃冰箱中备
用。生物量每个处理每次测定 5 株。
1. 3 生理指标及生物量测定 由于植物根部与土
超氧化物歧化酶 ( superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性
制光化还原 50% 的氮蓝四唑为一个酶活力单位 U
(高俊凤,2006); 过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活
性测定采用愈创木酚法,以每分钟内 OD470 变化
0. 01 为 1 个酶活力单位 U(高俊凤,2006); 过氧化
氢酶( catalase,CAT)活性测定采用过氧化氢氧化
法,以每分钟内 OD240变化 0. 01 为 1 个酶活力单位
林 业 科 学 49 卷
U ( 张以顺等,2009 ); 丙二醛 ( malondialdehyde,
MDA)含量的测定采用硫代巴比妥酸( TBA)比色法
(张志良等,2003); 可溶性蛋白含量测定采用考马
斯亮蓝 G250 显色法(李合生,2000),以牛血清蛋
白为标准蛋白; 脯氨酸含量测定采用磺基水杨酸法
80 ℃烘箱中烘干至恒质量,用分析天平分别称量。
图 1 2009—2011 年三峡水库月水位变化
Fig. 1 Monthly water levels in the Three Gorges Reservoir during 2009 - 2011
表 1 试验设置
Tab. 1 Experimental design
处理时间 Time / d
0 ~ 45 46 ~ 65 66 ~ 155 156 ~ 176 177 ~ 197
CK 常规供水
Normal water supply
Normal water supply
Normal water supply
Normal water supply
Normal water supply
T1 根淹
Root flooding
Normal water supply
Normal water supply
Light drought
Normal water supply
T2 半淹
Half-plant flooding
Root flooding
Normal water supply
Light drought
Normal water supply
T3 全淹
Half-plant flooding
Normal water supply
Light drought
Normal water supply
1. 4 数据分析 采用 Microsoft Excel 2003 和 SPSS
(13. 0 版)对数据进行统计分析,差异显著性比较采
用 Tukey’s 法,显著性水平均为 0. 05。
2 结果与分析
2. 1 水分胁迫对南川柳苗木根系保护酶活性的影
响 从图 2 可以看出,各处理不同阶段的土壤水分
条件均对南川柳的 SOD,POD 和 CAT 活性产生了显
著影响。处理 45 天,南川柳苗木各处理组 SOD 活
性上升,T2 和 T3 组显著高于 CK 组; 处理 65 天,
T1,T2 和 T3 组 SOD 活性均上升,均显著大于 CK
组; 处理 155 天,T1,T2 和 T3 组 SOD 活性下降,T2,
T3 组与 CK 组无显著差异,而 T1 组显著小于 CK
组; 处理 176 天,T1,T2 和 T3 组 SOD 活性显著高于
CK 组。处理 197 天,4 个处理组间无显著差异。
处理 45,65 和 176 天,CAT 活性的变化趋势与
SOD 活性的变化趋势相似。处理 155 和 197 天,4
处理 45 天,南川柳苗木 T2 和 T3 组 POD 活性
显著低于 CK 组,而 T1 组 POD 活性与 CK 组无显著
差异; 处理 65 天,T1,T2 和 T3 组 POD 活性均显著
大于 CK 组; 处理 155,176 和 197 天,POD 活性的变
化趋势与 CAT 活性的变化趋势相似。
2. 2 水分胁迫对南川柳苗木根系脂质过氧化作用
的影响 处理 45 天,T1,T2 和 T3 组 MDA 含量均显
著升高; 处理 65 天,T1,T2 和 T3 组 MDA 含量下
降,但仍均显著高于 CK 组。紧接着的恢复处理阶
段(155 天),各处理组间 MDA 含量无显著差异; 随
后的轻度干旱胁迫阶段(176 天),T1,T2 和 T3 组的
MDA 含量显著高于 CK 组; 处理 197 天,4 个处理组
间 MDA 含量没有显著差异(图 3)。
2. 3 水分胁迫对南川柳苗木根系脯氨酸和可溶性
蛋白含量的影响 水淹处理阶段(45,65 天),T1,T2
和 T3 组脯氨酸含量均显著高于 CK 组; 常规供水阶
段(155 天),T1,T2 和 T3 组脯氨酸含量有所下降,但
仍都显著高于 CK 组; 轻度干旱处理阶段(176 天),
T1,T2 和 T3 组脯氨酸含量显著升高; 处理 197 天,T1
和 T2 组脯氨酸含量下降,与 CK 组无显著性差异,但
T3 组脯氨酸含量仍显著高于 CK 组(图 3)。
水淹处理阶段(45,65 天),随着水淹胁迫的降
第 12 期 王朝英等: 水淹 -干旱胁迫对南川柳苗木生长及生理特性的影响
低,南川柳苗木 T1,T2 和 T3 组可溶性蛋白质含量
呈先下降后上升的变化趋势,至处理 65 天,T1 组与
对照组无显著差异,但 T2 和 T3 组仍然显著低于 CK
组; 常规供水阶段(155 天),T1,T2 和 T3 组可溶性
蛋白质含量恢复,与 CK 组无显著性差异; 轻度干旱
处理阶段(176 天),T1,T2 和 T3 组可溶性蛋白质含
量均显著高于 CK 组; 处理 197 天,各处理组可溶性
蛋白质含量与 CK 组没有显著差异(图 3)。
图 2 不同水分处理对南川柳苗木根部 SOD,POD 和 CAT 活性的影响
Fig. 2 Effects of different water treatments on the activities of SOD,POD and CAT in roots of S. rosthornii seedlings
图 3 不同水分处理对南川柳苗木根部 MDA、脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白含量的影响
Fig. 3 Effects of different water treatments on the contents of MDA,free proline and soluble protein in roots of S. rosthornii seedlings
2. 4 不同水分处理对南川柳苗木生物量的影响
100%,但 T3 组叶片的萌发时间明显晚于 CK,T1 和
T2 组。各处理组的总生物量随着处理时间的延长
不断增加(图 4)。但是,直至试验结束,T1,T2 和 T3
组的根生物量分别比 CK 组低 6. 19% (P = 0. 603),
8. 25% (P = 0. 369)和 13. 57% (P = 0. 061),茎生物
量分别比 CK 组低 8. 88% (P = 0. 037),8. 4% (P =
0. 051)和 24. 8% (P = 0. 000),叶生物量分别比 CK
组低 9. 8% ( P = 0. 002 ),24. 69% ( P = 0. 000 ) 和
43. 06% ( P = 0. 000 ),总生物量分别比 CK 组低
7. 95% (P = 0. 045),9. 84% (P = 0. 011)和 22. 25%
(P = 0. 000)(图 4)。
3 讨论
3. 1 不同水淹 - 干旱胁迫下南川柳苗木的生理响
应 水淹主要引起植物缺氧( Pezeshki,2001)。植
而破坏根系内活性氧产生和代谢平衡 ( Mittler,
2002; Blokhina et al.,2003; Panda et al.,2008),根
POD 和 CAT 作为植物体内重要的抗氧化酶参与到
活性氧代谢中 ( Lanceras et al.,2004),它们之间彼
(陈少裕,1991; 蒋明义等,1996)。SOD 是活性氧
清除系统中的第一道防线,它将 O

2 歧化为 H2O2,因
此保持较高 SOD 活性对植物适应水分胁迫极为重
要(徐勤松等,2009; Jin et al.,2006; Tang et al.,
2010)。POD 和 CAT 能够维持细胞内 H2O2 的正常
水平,保护细胞膜结构 ( Kriwoken et al.,2000;
Teisseire et al.,2000)。已有研究表明: 三峡库区消
落带耐淹物种狗牙根 (Cynodon dactylon) SOD 活性
在水淹深度小于 5 m 之前随着水淹深度增加呈现上
林 业 科 学 49 卷
图 4 南川柳苗木在不同水分处理下生物量的变化
Fig. 4 Changes of the biomasses of S. rosthornii seedlings under different water treatments
在水淹胁迫下 SOD 活性也呈上升趋势(Caton et al.,
1999; Kawano et al.,2002),本研究结果与之相似。
水淹胁迫使南川柳苗木根系 SOD 和 CAT 活性增
坏了根系的活性氧代谢平衡,诱导 SOD 和 CAT 活
性升高。相反 POD 活性却显著降低,充分说明南川
柳根部的 SOD,POD 和 CAT 对水淹胁迫的敏感程度
SOD,POD 和 CAT 活性均高于对照组,而在水淹和
干旱胁迫后的恢复处理中,SOD,POD 活性又能恢复
物大分子被破坏,酶活性丧失 ( Subbaiah et al.,
2003; Tang et al.,2010)。过量的活性氧将引发膜
脂过氧化作用,MDA 是其产物之一 ( Drew,1997;
Yin et al.,2010)。部分研究表明: 植物体内膜脂过
氧化作用的程度能够通过 MDA 积累量变化反映植
物对水分胁迫的反应能力 (贾恢先等,1994; 孙存
华等, 2005; 孙 景 宽 等, 2009; Menconi et al.,
胁迫下 MDA 积累量均增加,且其含量随着水淹深
究还发现,南川柳苗木根部的 MDA 含量随着水淹
后的恢复处理中,MDA 含量恢复至对照水平,这有
其产物 MDA 含量也相应随之减少。由此充分说明
(许 详 明 等, 2000; 彭 志 红 等, 2002; Morgan,
根部的脯氨酸含量较 CK 组有显著增加,其在水淹
条件下 (0 ~ 65 天)脯氨酸含量较 CK 组也显著增
第 12 期 王朝英等: 水淹 -干旱胁迫对南川柳苗木生长及生理特性的影响
之一。Carpenter 等(2008)发现黑柳( Salix nigra)在
迫下 MDA 含量也同时升高,认为南川柳苗木适应
洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)无性系的研究结果一致。
本研究还发现,轻度干旱处理阶段,T1,T2 和 T3 组
可溶性蛋白质含量显著高于 CK 组,表明随着轻度
3. 2 不同水淹 - 干旱胁迫下南川柳苗木的生长响
应 植物的生长和生物量与其所处生长环境密切相
关(靖元孝等,2001; Tang et al.,1983)。本试验发
现,南川柳苗木在 T1,T2 和 T3 组的根、茎、叶和总
生物量积累均显著低于 CK 组,并且随着初期水淹
深度增加生物量减少幅度加大(图 4),说明笔者关
处理 65 天后,各处理组均处于相同土壤水分条件
下,但叶和总生物量仍显著低于 CK 组,由此表明前
期(0 ~ 65 天)的水淹对南川柳的后期生长具有持续
生物量无显著增加形成鲜明对比(图 4),充分说明
迫。值得提出的是,南川柳苗木在 T3 组的全淹胁迫
下,叶的生长有明显滞后现象(图 4),而这种滞后现
通过本研究表明: 南川柳苗木通过提高自身
SOD 等保护酶的活性,增加脯氨酸等渗透调节物质
参 考 文 献
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(责任编辑 王艳娜 郭广荣)