Effect of Nitrate with Seawater Stresses on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Ionic Content in Catharanthus roseus Seedlings Photosynthetic Rates and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Nitraria tangutorum at Different Leaf Water Potentials Effects of soil water stress on contents of chlorophyll,soluble sugar,starch,C/N of two desert plants (Cynanchum komarovii and Glycyrrhiza uralensis) Effect of water stress on mesophyll cells and the number of stomata of spring wheat growing in semi arid region Effects of soil water stress on the regular degree of plant properties of summer corn INITIAL STUDYS OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE APPEARANCE OF INDUCED-PROTEIN AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF WHEAT SEEDLING IN WATER STRESS EFFECTS OF WATER STRESS ON THYLAKOID MEMBRANE COMPONENTS IN ZEA MAYS L Impact of water and temperature on spring maize emergence speed and emergence rate A model for water consumption by mountain jujube pear-like EFFECTS OF BARNYARDGRASS ON NITROGEN CONTENT, NITROGEN QUOTA IN ABOVE-GROUND PLANT ORGANS AND SEED PROTEIN YIELD OF SOYBEANS UNDER DIFFERENT WATER STRESS CONDITIONS Analysis of Wheat Dehydrin Like Gene during Water Stress Condition by Semi-quantitative RT-PCR Effects of Exogenous Spermine on Protect Enzyme Activities in Wheat Seedling under Water Stress Effects of Sea Water at Different Concentrations on the Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll-Fluorescence Properties of Oil Sunflower Seedlings Effects of Root Excision on Fluorescent Properties and Yield of Winter Wheat Ecotypes of Glycyrrhiza uralensis in Different Habitats Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Biomass Partition of Elaeagnus moorcroftii Effects of Soil Water Stress on Light Response Curves of Photosynthesis of Populus euphratica and Populus pruinosa Study on Root Mitochondrial Character istics and Root CellDeath o f Malus hupehensis Rehd. under Water Stress Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Physiologica l Characteristics inLeaves of Rhododendron fortunei and Their Response to Light and Temperature Effects of Water Stress on Antioxidant System and Lipid Peroxidation in Leaves of Rhododendron fortunei Effects of Soil Water Stress on Growth and Biomass Distribution of Sedum aizoon andSedum spectabilis Effects of Soil Water Stress on Growth and Biomass Distribution of Sedum aizoon andSedum spectabilis The Mechanism for the Inhibition of Photosynthesis in Rice by Water Stress Effect of Water Stress on Metabolism of Stored Carbohydrate of Stem and Yield in Rice Grown under Unfavorable-delayed Senescence Quantification of Water Stress Factor for Crop Growth Simulation Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Physiological Character of Bahia Grass (Paspalum notatum, Poaceae) Drought Resistance of Cinnamomum camphora Seedlings Inoculated with Different AM Fungi in Karst Soil Effects of Water Conditions on Proline and Chllorophy Contents in Pinus koraiensis and Pinus sibirica Effects of Isotonic Water and Salt Stress on Seed Germination of Tobacco and Protective Function of Exogenous Glycinebetaine Effect of Different Cultivated Practices on Pentosan Content in Wheat Grains Winter Wheat Growth Simulation under Water Stress by Remote Sensing in North China Water Physiological Characteristics of Rice Treated with Different Water Regimes and Nitrogen Forms Changes of Chloroplast Ultramicrostructure and Function of Different Green Organs in Wheat under Limited Irrigation Gene Expression Profiling in Roots of Wheat Cultivar “Luohan 2” under Water Stress RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ULTRASTRUCTURE OF WHEAT MESOPHYLL CELL UNDER WATER STRESS AND DROUGHT-RESISTANCE LEAFLET ORIENTATION IN WATER-STRESSED SOYBEANS COMPARATIVE STUDY ON RESPONSES TO NITROGEN NUTRIENT OF DIFFERENT DROUGHT RESISTANCE TYPES OF WHEAT UNDER WATER STRESSES EFFECT OF WATER STRESS AND NITROGRN ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT TILLING STAGE OF WHEAT EFFECT OF REWATERING AFTER WATER STRESS ON PARTITIONING OF ~( 14) C-LABELLED PHOTOASSIMILATE IN MATURE APPLE TREE PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON IDENTIFICATION OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE FOR RICE BY USING RADIOISOTOPE TRACER TECHNIQUES Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Eriobotrya japonica Plants Under Different Water Regimes Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Photosynthesis Rate in Malus hupehensis Seedlings Under Water Stress Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Eriobotrya japonica Plants Under Different Water Regimes Rational Indicators for Irrigation Scheduling of Pear-jujube Based on Microchanges of Stem Diameter Rational Indicators for Irrigation Scheduling of Pear-jujube Based on Microchanges of Stem Diameter Osmotic Adjustment and Photosynthesis of Wheat Leaves under Soil Water Stress Amelioration of the Water Status and Improvement of the Anti-oxidant Enzyme Activities by Exogenous Glycinebetaine in Water-Stressed Wheat Seedlings Effects of Water Stress on the Antioxidant System in Mature Leaves of Hybrid Rice “Liangyou-peijiu” Effects of Soil Moisture and VAM Inoculation on Root Morphology and Fractal Character in Broussonetia papyrifera Effects of Water Stress on the Growth and Eco-physiology of Seedlings of the Rhus typhina Variation of Breeding Systems in Populations of Caragana intermedia (Leguminosae ) in Maowusu Sandy Grassland Physiological and biochemical responses to different soil drought stress in three tree species STOMATAL AND NON-STOMATAL LIMITATION OF THE FLUE-CURED TOBACCO UNDER WATER STRESS AT VIGOROUS GROWING STAGE Responses of Apoceynum venetum seed germination to drought and salt stress Responses of old world bluestem root systems to changes in soil water conditions STUDY ON THE DYNAMICS OF SOIL MOISTURE IN YOUNG PLANTATIONS ON THE MID-SLOPES OF NORTHERN TAIHANG MOUNTAINS Effects of CO_2 Laser Pretreatment on Activities of Antioxidative Enzymes in Root of Wheat Seedlings under Water Stress RESPONSES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PV-PARAMETERS TO WATER STRESS IN POPLAR CLONE SEEDLINGS Characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence and comparison of drought resistance among different species of karst plants Mechanism of Water Stress-induced Apoplastic H2O2 Accumulation in Maize Leaves Response of water stress on seed germination and physiological characteristics of Flemingia philippinensis Response of different peanut varieties to drought stress EFFECT OF NITROGEN ON MAIZE GROWTH UNDER
Effects of Water Stress on growth, nutrition and physiological indices of Hemarthria compressa Effects of nitrogen fertilization on crop water stress index ofsummer maize in red soil Effects of water stress on activities of nitrogen assimilation enzymes and photosynthetic characteristics of rice seedlings The effect of external betaine on membrane lipid peroxidation of wheat seedling under water stress Responses of the cynanide-resistant respiration to mild water stress in wheat leaves Mechanism of desiccation tolerance in the terrestrial Nostoc : a review Main functional proteins in plant responses to water stress Physiological Responses of Alnus formosana and Alnus cremastogyme Nursery Stocks of the Different Provenances to Water Stress Abating Effect of Calcium Ion on Seawater-stressed Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L. ) The Relationship between Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters and Physiological Parameters of Wheat Leaves under Drought Stress Effects of Different Water Stresses on Eco-physiological Characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides Seedlings Effects of Nitric Oxide on Root Growth and Absorption in Wheat Seedlings in Response to Water Stress Effects of Post-Anthesis High Temperature and Water Stress on Activities of Key Regulatory Enzymes Involved in Protein Formation in Two Wheat Cultivars Analysis of Gene Expression Profile Responsed to Water Stress in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seedling Characteristics of Manganese Nutrition of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivated under Different Water and Nitrogen Management Conditions Application of stable carbon isotope techniques to research into water stress Response of activated oxygen metabolism to water stress in different drought-tolerant maize hybrids and their parents

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