作 者 :武春生 曹诚一 刘友樵
期 刊 :林业科学 1987年 23卷 2期 页码:151-161
摘 要 :云南油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana Mast.)是我国西南地区主要用材林和风景林的一个特有树种。近几年来,其球果经常遭受到蛀心虫的严重危害。结实受害株率为95%以上,球果受害率在60%以上,严重的可达90%以上,影响了结实和自然更新。经过3年的研究,摸清了云南油杉的球果和种子害虫有卷蛾、球果角胫象(Shirahoshizo coniferae Chao)和油杉球果螟(Dioryctria sp. )其中主要害虫是卷蛾,经鉴定为一新属新种,命名为云南油杉种子小卷蛾(Blastopetrova keteleericola sp. n. )。云南油杉种子小卷蛾在昆明温泉地区一年多发生3代,极少数只发生2代,以蛹在受害球果内越冬。越冬蛹于3月中、下旬开始羽化,4月至10月底为幼虫为害期。9月中旬,幼虫开始陆续化蛹越冬。该虫主要发生在结实良好的开阔稀疏林中。幼虫期和蛹期有天敌。建立种子园和母树林、保护天敌、应用内吸性或具渗透性的杀虫剂以及雨季施放苏云金杆菌或白僵菌等方法来防治该虫。
Abstract:Insects cause considerable loss of seed in Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. in the central region of Yunnan Province.The insects damaged cone ranged from 60 to 90 percent. The most important species is Blastopetrova keteleericola Liu et Wu, gen. et sp. nov. Other insects are:Shirahoshizo coniferae Chao (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) and Dioryctria sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).In this paper, besides the descriptions of morphological characteristic of both adult and immature stages on Blastopetrova keteleericoIa, its bionomies, natural enemies, and control measures are also given.Blastopetrova Liu et Wu, Gen. Nov.Fore wing without a costal fold in male. Vein M2 and M3 closely approximated or connate at base. Male genitalia: With clasper(harpe). Sacculus is nearly 1/2 as long as valva, basal opening small. Female genitalia: Apophyses anteriores is almost as long as apophyses posteriores. With a pair of signa, the form different.Type species Blastopetrova keteleericola, sp. nov.This new genus is closely allied to Petrova Heinr. and Blastesthia Obr., but may be distinguished by the venation and the genitalia. In the fore wing of Petrova, vein, M2 and M3 separate at base. Blastesthia is with only one signa on the bursa copulatrix. In addition, Gravitarmata Obr., Barbara Heinr. and Syropetrova Diak. are related to the new genus, but these genera are without claspers. The main differences among these genera are distinguished by a key in this paper.Blastopetrova keteleericola Liu et Wu, sp. nov.Body length: 7—11mm, 10—12mm. Wing expanse: 17—23mm, 22.5—26mm. Fore wing with a lot of irregular cloudy patterns, which consist of grey, reddish brown and black. Ocellus grey. Central cell is separated by stem R. and M. Hind wing broad, grey. Central cell is separated by stem M(1+2) and M3.Male genitalia:Tegumen broad. Uncus very small, hemispheric. Socii developed, finger like; long, pending. Valva with obvious neck. Cuculus oval, with densely long hair on the surface,a row short spines on the outer margin. Sacculus large. Basal opening very small. Aedeagus short; cornuti, a cluster.Female genitalia: papillae anales longer, kidney shaped. Ostium bursae round; sterigma larger, hemicycle. Ductus bursae long, with two slender sclerite at the section approaching ostium bursae. Signa two, the big one "I"-shaped, the small one rivet form.Holotype (), Allotype(♀):Yunnan Province, Anning County, 18—Ⅲ—1983, 1885m. Collected by Wu Chunsheng.Paratypes(30, 30♀♀):Yunnan Province, Anning County, Huaning County, Lufeng. County. ibid.Holotype, Allotype and a part of Paratypes are preserved in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica; and another part of Paratypes are preserved in Southwestern Forestry College.
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