Abstract:The box-tree pyralid, Diapania perspectalis, is one of the main pests ofthe box tree, Buxus sinica, and seriously injures the tree. The spatial distri-bution model of the larvae is cluster distribution. It has three generations ayear in Xian and the larva has six instars. Overwintering takes place as secondinstar larva in white cocoon by leaf-tier;The larvae feed on the leaf sep-arately after third instar; The fifrh and sixth instars are able to feed on entireleaf; The mean leaf-eating capacity of each leava is 82.3 tablets. Plukingthe cocoon or spraying fenitrothin, 50% dichlorvos. 50% phoxim, 80% tri-chlorphon emulsions at a dilution of 1:800 reached a mortality of over 93.5%.