摘 要 :云南松梢蚧Sonsaucoccus yunnansonsaus Young et Hu是云南松叶的主要害虫,为防治这一害虫,研究了它的生物学特性,该虫在昆明一年发生一代,雌成虫发生在4月上旬至6月下旬,雄成虫发生在4月上旬至5月中旬,卵发生期为4月下旬至6月下旬,蛹发生在4月上旬至5且中旬,蛹有聚集于隐蔽物下面的习性。对该虫的发生与降水量、气温、林型、寄生密度和天敌的关系进行了研究,指出降水量、低温与该云南松梢蚧若虫的死亡率成正相关,营造混交林是防治该虫的主要措施,同时结合保护天敌,提高天敌的自然寄生率,加强蛹期灭蛹,可将其虫口有效的控制下去。
Abstract:The yunnan pine needle scale (Sonsaucoccus yunnansonsaus Young et Hu) is a majorpest of yunnan pine (Pinus yunnanensis Franch) in Yunan Province. It has one generation a year in Kunming, and the adult appears from early April to late June, the egg appears from late April to late June, and the pupa which has the characteristics of sociality appears from early April to mid May‘ The ralations of its emergence with rain fall, daily temperature, forest type, host density and natural enemy were also studied. Its mortality has positive relation with rain fall and low temperature. Establishment of mixed for est combining with protecting natural enemy and killing pupae in pupal stage, may obtain significant effetiveness.