Abstract:In this paper,the solar energy utilization efficiency (SUE) of Agroforestry System was stud-ied in Raoyang County,Hebei Province.The initial resultS showed:(1)The SUE of Agroforestry System in 1992 was 62.3% much higher than in 1984 (Con-sidered that 1984 and 1992 were the representive year before and after which the Agroforestry Sys-tern had constructed respectively).(2)The value of SUE in model of pear intercroping with crops protected by sheltemets was 10.3% higher than that of common shelternets.(3)The value of SUE of Agroforestry System was 25.0%higher than that of the unprotec-ed field (CK) and the SUE of wheat in Agroforestry System were 10.4%higher than that in theunprotected field.(4) Agroforstry System could raise solar energy utilization efficiency (SUE) comparing with the single Agricultral System,which based on making full utilization of multiple layered and spacialstructure,and mainly resulted from that water utilization efficiency and resistence to natural adversi-ty (such as freeze injure,dry-hot wind(weather) and wind erosion) could be raised in Agrofostry System.