Abstract:Monocalyptus is a subgenus, the second largest in the genus Eucalyptus L‘Hetitier, including 134 species and 9 subspecies. The species transfer of Monocalyptus is of great significance in ecophytogeography. A species elimination test was established in Yipinglang Forest Farm, Yunna Province, China with 11 species of Monocalyptus. 7-year results showed that E.regnans, E.obliqua, E.delegatensis, E.elata, E.fraxinoides, E.triflora, E.fastigata, E.dendromorpha and E.muelleriana were adapted to the local environments and very promising in growth rates in comparison with E.globulus planted at adjacent plots at the same time. A conclusion could be drawn from the trial that site selection would be essential for successfully planting Monocalyptus, the temperature regime be more critical for the species transfer of Monocalyptus than that of precipitation.