摘 要 :桉树属(Eucalyptus L‘Herit.)大约包括500多种,自然分布于澳大利亚和华莱士线以东的太平洋岛屿。桉树分类学研究已有近200年的历史。现在Pryor-Johnson的新分类系统已经广泛应用,取代了半个世纪以前发表的Blakely的分类。Pryor和Johnson从进化的观点出发,将传统概念的Eucalyptus分成7个亚属:Blakella,Corymbia,Eudesmia,Gaubaea,Idiogenes,Monocalyptus,Symphyomyrtus。同时,把桃金娘科的另一个属Angophora Cav., 也视作桉树属下的一个亚属。1981年,他们又提出一个新的分类概念——桉树复合属(Eucalyptus alliance),其中包括10个相当于亚属的组群。两个新增添的组群为Telocalyptus和桃金娘科的一个单种属Arillastrum Panch. Ex Baill.。
Abstract:The purpose of this review is to provide a generally historical background, current advances and research trend for the taxonomy of the eucalyptus with a emphasis on the introduction to the classification of the genus suggested by Pryor and Johnson.The genus, Eucalyptus L‘Heriter consists of some 500 species all of which, but E. urophylla and E. deglupta, occur naturally in Australia and on some Pacific islands in the east of Wallace‘s line.It has almost been two hundred years since the genus was established in 1788. Many botanists made great contributions to the taxonomy of the genus. At present the new classification suggested by Pryor and Johnson has widely been accepted by botanists, foresters and ecologists both in Australia and overseas. The eucalyptus were in their classification arranged in 7 groups and Angophora, another genus in Myrtaceae, was also included in a equal status to subgenus.The new concept of Eucalyptus alliance was set up by Pryor and Johnson in 1981 based on 8 groups mentioned above. A new subgenus, Telocalyptus, and the monogenus, Arillastrum, were added to their system. there are 10 groups, i.e. Angophora, Blakella and Corymbia in Angophora suballiance, Eudesmia, Symphyomyrtus and Telocalyptus in Symphyomyrtus suballiance, Gaubaea, Idiogenes and Monocalyptus in Eucalyptus s. str. suballiance, under Eucalyptus alliance. There is a trend now in the research on the taxonomy of Eucalyptus in Australia that may make these 10 groups independent as genera in the future.