摘 要 :白蜡虫(Ericerus pela Chavannes)是我国特产资源昆虫,国内产区很多。实验表明各产区繁育白蜡虫的产量与质量差异显著,其中以金沙江下游云、贵、川三省相接壤的白蜡虫产区,繁育的白蜡虫产卵数量多、雄卵比率高、产蜡时间长、产蜡量多,同时蜡虫的产量高,是我国白蜡虫的优良种虫。
Abstract:The white wax insects are insects of resources produced specially in China. They are distributed over vavious areas in China. Our experiments have shown that the white wax insects bred in different areas have notable differences in the output and quality of white wax insects. The white wax insects which can bring much oviposition amount, high male egg‘s ratio, long wax producing time, much wax producing capacity and high output of wax insects are bred in the lower reaches of the Jinshajiang River, a contiguous area to Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. Therefor, they are fine varieties of white wax insect in China.