摘 要 :猕猴桃准透翅蛾Paranthrene actinidiae Yang et Wang是严重为害猕猴桃的一种新的蛀干害虫,主要为害中华猕猴桃。我们于1984—1987年对该虫进行了研究。该虫1年1代,幼虫7龄,以3—4龄虫在枝条隧道中越冬。越冬幼虫出蛰后转枝蛀害,盛期在寄主植株萌芽期。树龄5年生以上受害严重;离地30cm高处的主干围径超过15cm的植株,其被害株率均为100%。结合冬季清园修剪,清除虫枝可显著压低发生基数;春季在寄主植株展叶前应用敌敌畏、杀螟松、敌杀死等药液于被害处注射或涂抹防治幼虫。
Abstract:The clearwing moth (Paranthrene actinidiae Yang et wang) is the most important insect pest of Actinidia trees in the north of Fujian Province, its injury being severe in recent years. This paper deals with its bionomics and the control measures conducted during 1984—1987 in Fujian Province. The larvae are oligophagous and bore into the stems and shoots of Actinidia trees, in this way this pest could reduce the yield of Actinidia significantly. Laboratory rearing and field observation showed that this insect had one generation a year in Jianning, Fujian Province. There are seven larval instars. It overwinters as larva in its own thin cocoon within the tunnel. Hibernation of the larvae usually begins in late November to early December. Overwintering larvae resume feeding in late February of the following year and shift boring from the branchlets to larger stems and trunks, reaching the peak in early to mid-March. At maturity they begin to pupate in their tunnels in early July. The pupal stage lasts 24—34 days. Adults appear from late July to August and sometimes by the end of mid-September, but most of which emerge in late August to early September. The females lay eggs singly on the underside of the leaves with a few on the bark of the trunk and large limbs. Incubation period of the eggs lasts 7 to 13 days. After hatching, the earlier boring larvae reach its peak in early to mid-September. Larvae feed on the xylem and pitch of Actinidia trees and construct straight tunnels. Before emergence of the adult, the pupa works its way out of the bark so that the body above fourth uromere is exposed. The adults are very active at daytime and stay on the branches or leaves of their host at night. Field experiments showed that the following control measures were effective:1.Pruning in late winter is used to eliminate the overwintering larvae.2.To inject insecticides, such as Dichlorphos, Dipterex or Sumithion, into the burrows on the trunks and branches to kill the hibernating larv- ae in early spring.3.To smear the infested areas of the tree trunk and branch with Dichlorphos, Dipterex, Sumithion or Decis etc. to kill the larvae after hibernation in late February.