Abstract:Samples of turpentine and rosin from six species of pine Grown in different regions of China, have been Collected and analysed by gas chromatography. Turpentine from Pinus massoniana consists mainly of α-pinene and β-pinene, which representing over 90% of the total. This is also the case of turpentine from Pinus yunnanesis. The turpentine from Pinus elliottii contains β-pinene as high as 39.4%. The α-pinene contained in turpentines from both Pinus langbianensis and Pinus finlaysonlana is dextrorotatory. Pinus langbianensis turpentine has the highest α-pinene content amongst the samples tested while turpentine from Pinus armand contains more β-pinene (15.1%). Rosin from Pinus massoniana contains 76-86% resin acids of abietic type. There seems no distinct relationship between chemical constitution of rosin and the locality of tree growth, but on the other hand, some characteristic features in the composition of rosin of different origin do exist. for instance, Pinus elliottii rosin contains more than 20% iso-pimaric acid and about 9% dehydroabietic acid. rosin from Pinus finlaysonlana contains 18.5% dibasic acids with higher iso-pimaric acid content and no pimaric acid. The content of abietic type resin acids in this rosin is the lowest (53.2%) in compare with the others. The composition of resin acids in rosins from both Pinus langbianensis and Pinus yunnanesis is similar to that in Pinus massoniana, Pinus armandi rosin contains resinacids of abietic type as high as 90% but with no dehydroabietic acid presenting. The rather evident differences in chemical composition of turpentine and resin acid constitution of rosin between samples from different specice of pine might give us some genetic informations of the trees.