Abstract:This paper deals with the selection of fast-growing Clones of Pond baldcypress (Taxodium ascendens)at an early stage in the nursery.The selection began in 1975 in Wuhan,Hubei Province.The rate of selection was about 1:8400,89% of which developed from seed of normal mother trees and 11% from seed of open pollinated of plus trees.An advantage of selection at seedling stage in the nursery is that a large number,of plants can be examined in a short time.In the first two years 才clonal test of the selected super seedlings was made with cuttings from the stem and shoots.In the third and fourth year clonal test was made grafting.Grafts made from scions of superseedling or plus trees were compared with these made from scions of common seedling 1-year old(control).Analysis of variance and T-test showed that there were significant differeces between clones from the super seedling and the clones from plus trees,the form grew bether than the later.This gives the hint that early selection in the nursery may be possible to become an efficient method to obtain fast-growing ortets as may be desired.