Study on reproductive growth and seed quality of peanut as affected by calcium supply Isozyme Analysis of Stem and Leaf in Chrysanthemum during Vegetative and Reproductive Growth Stages ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY OF SHOOT APEX IN PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA ANDR. FROM VEGETATIVE GROWTH TO REPRODUCTIVE GROWTH Regulating Alfalfa(Medicago Sativa L.)Vegetative and Reproductive Growth The Regulation of Reproductive Growth of Stipa Grandis and Stipa Baicalensis in Hulunber Steppe Influence of Female Cones on the Branch Growth of Pinus tabulaeformis Quantitative analysis of prolonged reproductive growth of the tillers of Puccinellia chinampoensis population in alkalized meadow in the Songnen Plains of China Reproductive tillers phenotypic plasticity of Elymus excelsus population at different earring time in Songnen Plain of Northeast China. GROWTH AND BIOMASS ALLOCATION DYNAMICS OF ARTEMISIA ORDOSICA IN SAND-FIXING VEGETATION OF THE TENGGER DESERT OF CHINA Reproductive Growth Regulation of Leymus chinensis from Different Leaf Colors under Heterogeneous Habitats Contributions of Sward Population Structure to Herbage Production in Two Growth Stages Effect of reproductive growth on source-sink relationship of Alisma plantago-aquatica