Abstract:Buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.) is an extensive managing turf grass that has strong resistance against adverse environment. In the 20th century 40’s, this grass was introduced as the plant for water and soil conservation from US to Tianshui, Gansu Province and displayed good compatibilities. At present, the variety of buffalo grass is comparatively simplex in our country, the seed output is low and the major amount of seeds are dependent on the import from overseas, and the seed price is extremely expensive. The vegetative reproduction method is usually used to establish the lawn, but it requires a lot of time-consuming works and is not valid for the long-distance application. Therefore, it is a main research direction to breed new varieties with longer green time and higher seed output. In addition, fully use of the strong drought resistance characters of this plant resource and its molecular mechanism as well as the related gene separation and clone would enhance the the arid patience and compatibility of the plant for better perfomences on the desert prevention and control, ecological environmental protection, productivity, and ecological agriculture technologies in the loess plateau areas. The flower organ shape, blossom habit, acceptation of stigma, and the effects of different management regimes on the seed production of B. dactyloides were studied by this research. The result indicates that the flower organ is different greatly in the external shapes and blooming characteristics between male and female, but similar in florescence periods. The acceptation of female stigma is strongest in the latter 10 hours to blossom, and weaken gradually after 24 hours. In order to obtain the high yield and good quality of seed, the artificial wrap bag pollination should be applied in the beginning period of blooming of male plants and in the morning also. Fertilization and irrigation should be employed in the earlier earing period and the earing period of female plants, not suitabl during blooming period. For the purpose of selecting new varieties of B. dactyloides with high values in seed production, turf performance, and cross breding potential, ten breding materials and 3 hybrids F1 generation of B. dactyloides with different characteristics were compared in reproduction phenophase, appearance of vegetative and flower organ, pollen quality, seed yield, sex differentiation ratio of F1 generation, turf quality, and stolon spreading rate. The results indicate that the female NO.1 had relatively higher seed quality and yield and could be used as the maternal material for B. dactyloides seed selection. Pollen quantity and pollen quality of the male NO.1 were better and it could be regarded as the male parent material of the crossbreeding. The female NO.3, NO.5, NO.6, and the polygamy could be regarded as the new varieties for vegetative propagation and sod production. The heterosis of the three hybrids was obviously, but there were differences in the sex differentiation ratio among them. We also obtained a DREB gene of B. dactyloides induced by drought and high salt concentrations by RT-PCR using degenerate primers and RACE. At first, a pair of degenerate primers was designed against the conserved regions by the multiply alignment of amino acid sequences and nucleotide acid sequences of several plant DREB in GenBank, then a 209 bp cDNA segment was amplified using RT-PCR. Base on the sequence of the cDNA segment, a primer was designed for 3’ RACE and a 653 bp coda segment was acquired. According to the sequence of 3’ end of the gene, a primer was designed for 5’RACE and a 426 bp cDNA segment was acquired. The full-length cDNA gained by overlapping sequences and the analysis of the sequence indicated that it contained an open reading frame, comprising 254 amino acid with predicted molecular mass of 38.75 kDa and isoelectric point 5.85. The amino acid sequence compared by Blast revealed a high homology with that of other plant DREB, and the similarity to DREB of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pars. (AAS46285) was the highest at 89%. The results indicate the gene cloned from Buffalo grass was a DREB gene which we have named as BdDREB2 (Buchloe dactyloides Dehydration Responsive Element Binding protein 2). The GenBank accession number is EF512460. Semi-quantitive RT-PCR was performed to reveal transcript level of BdDREB2 in different tissues and under different abiotic stresses. The results indicate that BdDREB2 was abundant in root, rather than in leaf and stem; furthermore, the transcript level of BdDREB2 was up-regulated by 20% PEG and 3% NaCl and reached its peak after 6 hours, but not reduced by cold treatment. The coding region of BdDREB2 was inserted into the expression vector PBI121 and the re-constituted vector was named as PBI- BdDREB. Then PBI- BdDREB was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404. Tobacco leaf discs were transformed with LBA4404 containing recombinant plasmid. The results of PCR identification of regeneration plants showed that most tobacco plants had the positive bands. In addition, the results of RT-PCR showed that the DNA of BdDREB2 could be transcribed into mRNA in positive transgenic tobacco.
全 文 :第 15 卷 第 5 期 Vol. 15 No. 5 草 地 学 报 ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA 2007 年 9 月 Sep. 2007 文章编号: 10070435( 2007) 05050303 博士论文摘要 野牛草有性繁殖特性及其抗旱转录因子 DREB的克隆 博士生: 胡晓艳 导师: 呼天明 杨青川 (西北农林科技大学动物科技学院草业科学系, 陕西 杨凌 712100) 野牛草( Buchloe d acty loides ( Nut t. ) En gelm. )是一种抗逆性强、管理粗放的暖季型草 坪草。20 世纪 40年代, 该草作为水土保持植 物由美国引种到我国甘肃天水试种,表现出较 好的适应性。目前, 我国的野牛草品种较为单 一,种子产量较低且不稳定,绝大部分种子依赖 从国外进口,价格十分昂贵,国内多采用分株无 性繁殖方法建植野牛草草坪, 但费工费时、建坪 效率低,大面积远距离应用十分困难,因此选育 绿期长、种子产量高的野牛草新品种是野牛草 研究的主要方向。此外,充分利用这一抗逆性强 的植物资源深入开展植物干旱胁迫的分子机理 及抗旱基因的分离与克隆, 提高植物(作物、林 草)的干旱耐性及适应性, 对于防治黄土高原沙 漠化,保护生态环境,扩大农作物、林草的种植面 积以及提高它们的产量、生产力及生态农业技术 水平等,具有重要的理论指导意义及实际意义。 1.为了新品种选育及大面积进行野牛草种 子生产,本文观测了野牛草的花器官形态、开花 习性、雌株的柱头可授性等有性繁殖相关特性, 并通过田间试验研究了不同人工授粉、施肥灌 水等措施对其种子生产的影响。结果表明: 野 牛草雌雄株的花器官在外部形态上差异较大, 开花习性有所不同, 但花期基本相遇;雌株柱头 可授性在开花后 10 h 内最强, 24 h 后逐渐减 弱; 人工套袋授粉选择在雄株盛花期且在上午 进行,种子产量和质量较好;施肥和灌水应选择 在雌株抽穗前期及抽穗期,盛花期不宜进行。 2.为选育种子生产价值、草坪生产价值及 杂交育种价值高的野牛草新品种, 本文通过田 间小区试验对 10 份各具特色的野牛草育种材 料及其 3个 F1代杂交种的生殖物候期、营养 器官及花器官形态、雄株花粉质量、雌株种子产 量、F1代性别分化比例、草坪质量、匍匐茎扩展 速率等有性繁殖及坪用特性指标进行了比较。 结果表明:在所选用的十份育种材料中, 1号雌 株种子质量好,产量较高,可作为选育种子生产 野牛草的母本材料; 1号雄株花粉数量多,质量 好,可以作为杂交育种的父本材料; 3号、5号、6 号雌株及雌雄同株的野牛草坪用性状突出,可 作为无性繁殖和生产草皮卷的新品种; 3个 F1 代杂交种的杂种优势均较明显,但性别分化比 例有所不同。 3. 以野牛草为材料, 利用简并引物和 RA CE 技术,由 RTPCR 方法得到了一个由干 旱、高盐诱导的 DREB 转录因子基因的全长 cDNA 序列。首先根据 GenBank 中多种植物 DREB转录因子氨基酸序列的保守区段设计了 一对简并引物,通过 RTPCR 扩增出一条 209 bp的 cDNA 片段。经 Blast 比较及测序验证 其正确性后,根据此片段序列设计 3端特异性 引物,利用 3RACE得到 653 bp的 3端 cDNA 片段。再经 Blast 比较及测序验证其正确性 后,根据 3端片段序列设计 5端特异引物, 利 用 5RACE 得到 426 bp 的 5端 cDNA 片段。 通过序列拼接获得该基因的全长 cDNA( 1050 bp) ,序列分析表明其含有一个完整的开放阅 读框,编码的蛋白质含有 254个氨基酸。推测 其分子量为 28. 36 KDa,等电点 pI= 5. 53。将该 氨基酸序列进行 Blast比较, 结果显示其与已知 收稿日期: 20070725; 修回日期: 20070726 基金项目: 科技部国际科技合作项目( 2006DFA33630) 作者简介: 胡晓艳( 1977) ,女,北京平谷人,博士研究生,研究方向为草坪草、牧草品种选育及相关生物技术 导师简介: 呼天明 ( 1958) ,男,内蒙古鄂尔多斯市人,博士,教授, 研究方向为牧草(草坪草)繁育及草畜一体化, Email: h utianm ing@ 126. com 草 地 学 报 第 15卷 植物 DREB转录因子具有高度的同源性, 其中 与狗牙根的 DREB转录因子( AAS46285)同源 性最高, 达 89%。说明克隆的基因为野牛草 DREB转录因子基因, 命名为 BdDREB 2( B u chloe dacty loides Dehydration Responsiv e Ele ment Binding pro tein 2) , 并将其在 GenBank 中登陆(基因登陆号 EF512460)。 4.通过半定量 RTPCR 方法分析了 Bd D REB2基因在转录水平上的表达情况。不同 胁迫时间的试验结果显示, BdDREB2 基因在 20% PEG胁迫6个小时后表达量达到最大值; 在野牛草不同组织中的表达情况表明, 该基因 在根中表达量较高,而在茎叶中表达较弱;不同 非生物胁迫对 BdDREB 2基因的表达情况影 响不同,在干旱( 20% PEG)、高盐( 3% NaCl)胁 迫下, BdDREB 2基因表达明显上调,低温胁迫 对该基因的表达影响不明显。 5. 利用 PBI121 载体, 构建了 BdDREB2 基因植物表达载体 PBIBdDREB, 转入到农杆 菌 LBA4404中,用叶盘法转化了烟草, 得到烟 草再生植株。提取再生植株叶片 DNA, 进行 PCR检测,结果大部分呈阳性。RTPCR检测 结果表明导入的 BdDREB2 基因能够转录为 mRNA。 关键词: 野牛草; 有性繁殖; DREB; 基因克隆 中图分类号: S339; Q785 文献标识码: A 完成时间: 2007年 6月 30日 Study on the Sexaul Reproductive Characteristic of Buchloe dactyloides and Cloning of DREB Transcription Factor Involved in Its Drought Resistance Candidate: HU Xiaoyan Advisors: HU T ianming and YANG Qingchuan ( Department of Grassland Science, College of An imal S cien ce and T echnology, Northw est A& F University, Yangling, Sh aanxi Provin ce 712100, C hina) Buffalo grass ( Buchloe dacty loides ( Nut t. ) Engelm. ) is an ex tensive managing turf grass that has st rong resistance against adver se environment . In the 20th centur y 40s, this g rass w as int roduced as the plant fo r w ater and so il conservat ion from US to T ianshui, Gansu Pr ovince and displayed good compat ibili t ies. At present , the variety of buf falo g rass is comparat ively simplex in our country, the seed output is low and the majo r amount of seeds are dependent on the import f rom over seas, and the seed price is ex t remely expensiv e. T he vegetat ive reproduct ion method is usually used to establish the law n, but it re quires a lot of t imeconsuming w orks and is no t valid for the longdistance application. T herefo re, it is a main research direct ion to breed new varieties w ith longer green t ime and higher seed output. In addit ion, fully use of the str ong drought resistance character s of this plant r esource and its mo lecular mechanism as w ell as the related gene separat ion and clone w ould enhance the the arid pat ience and compat ibility of the plant for bet ter perfomences on the desert pr ev ent ion and control, ecolo gical environmental protect ion, product ivity, and ecolo gical agriculture technolo gies in the lo ess plateau areas. The f low er or gan shape, blossom habit, acceptat ion of st igma, and the effects of different manage ment reg imes on the seed production of B. d acty loides were studied by this research. The result indicates that the f low er org an is different g reat ly in the ex ter nal shapes and blo oming char acteristics betw een male and female, but similar in flor escence periods. T he acceptat ion of female st igma is str ongest in the lat ter 10 hours to blossom, and w eaken g radually af ter 24 hours. In order to obtain the high yield and good quality of seed, the artif icial w rap bag pol linat ion should be applied in the beg inning period of blooming of male 504