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A New Synonym in Triaenophora (Scrophulariaceae) from China


全 文 :武汉植物学研究 2008,26(4):362~365
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
李晓东 ,葛继稳 ,昝艳燕 ,李建强
(1.中国科学院武汉植物园标本馆,武汉 430074;2.中国地质大学生态与环境科学研究所,武汉 430074)
摘 要:根据对崖白菜的腊叶标本和武汉植物园栽培的崖白菜活体植物的研究,结合崖白菜的野外调查,认为全缘
中图分类号:Q949.777.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-470X(2008)04·0362-04
A New Synonym in Triaenophora(Scrophulariaceae)from China
LI Xiao.Dong ,GE Ji.Wen ,ZAN Yan—Yan ,LI Jian—Qiang
(1.Herbarium(HIB),Wuhan Botanical Garden,The Chinses Academy ofSciences,Wuhan 430074,China;
2.Institute ofEcology&Environmental Science,China University ofGeosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
Abstract:Based on the study of herbarium specimens together with living plants cultivated at the Wuhan
Botanical Garden,as wel as field investigation,Triaenophora integra(H.L.Li)Ivanina is relegated to
synonymy under rupestris(Hemsley)Solereder.
Key words:Scmphulariaceae;Triaenophora;Triaenophora integra(H.L.Li) Ivanina;Triaenophora
rupestris(Hemsley)Solereder;New synonym
In our research on the genus Tnaenophora(Scro-
phulariaceae) 卜 ,in addition to examining herbarium
collections and type materials kindly provided by vail-
OUS institutions,together with living material in cuhiva-
tion at the Wuhan Botanical Garden,we also conducted
field investigation.As a result of our study,we found
that Triaenophora integra(H.L.Li)Ivanina described
by H.L.Li in Taiwania 1:80(1948) is not substan.
tialy distinct from rupestris (Hemsley) Solere—
der .Therefore,the former is here reduced as a syno—
nym of the latter.
Triaenophora rupestris(Hemsley)Solereder in
Index Bericht Deutsch.Bot.Ges.27:399.1909;Chin in
F1.Reip.Pop.Sin.67(2),220.1979.——融 , nnn 0
rupestris Hems1.in Journ.Linn.Soc.26:195.1890.
Types:China.Hubei:Fang,Nanto and mountains to the
northward,growing on the faces of clifs,A.Henry2604
(Two syntype images K!),A.Henry 4458(Syntype
NY!,Syntype image K!),A.Henry 6615(Syntype im—
age K!,GH!)
Triaenophora integra(H.L.Li)Ivanina in Not.
syn.nov.— — Re ,, nnn 0 integra H.L.Li in Taiwania
Farges,s.n。(holotype image,UC!,isotype,NY!).
Rehmannia integra H.L.Li was described in 1948
based on herbarium specimens collected by R.P.Far-
ges in Chengkou of Chongqing,China .Later,Ivanina
(1 955)transfered Rehmannia integra to Triaenophora
integra .stating that this species difers from rupes-
tris(Hemsley)Solereder in the relatively smaler lea-
yes which are rounded at the tip and entire along the
margins,instead of acute and serate,while the calyx is
shorter and more neady campanulate.However,through
careful examination of the type specimens of the two
species(holotype,Plate I:1;isotype,Plate I:2)and
investigation of living collections and their wild popula-
tions.our findings indicate that integra is not sub-
stantially diferent from rupestris.Since the basal
leaves in the holotype and isotype are seriously dama—
ged,one can not be absolutely sure if the leaf margins
are serate.Some bracts on the inflorescence are either
Received date:2007—11—06,Accepted:2008—02—14.
Foundation item:Supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wuhan Botanical Garden,CAS(KSCX2.Yw.Z-049,01035123)
Biography:Li Xiao—Dong(1966一),Male,Ph.D.,Associate Professor,Phytotaxonomy and Biodiversity.
Author for corespondence(E—mail:lijq@lose.whiob.ac.cn;whlxdyhg@yahoo.COB.ca).
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第 4期 李晓东等:崖白菜属的一个新异名(英) 363
entire or serrate.but the same is true in ? rupestris.
Field examinations of the wild populations of integra
and rupestris(Plate I1:9,10),and of living plants
cuhivated in the W uhan Botanical Garden clearly show
that these diferent characters represent a continuous
variation(Plate 1/:11,12). integra(described from
Chengkou of Chongqing in China)represents the ex—
treme of the continuous range of variation,having shor—
ter calyx and smaller leaves,which are rounded and en—
tire at the margins.The size of the plant is corelated to
their habit(poor soil or fertile soil),and the shape of
the calyx is corelated with the development stage of
the fruit.These characters are quantitative and fall
within the variation range of rupestris(Plate I:3—
6;Plate 1/:7,8).
In conclusion,our studies established that the
characters attributed to integra fall within the range
of variation of typical rupestris.As a resuh. integra
(H.L.Li)Ivanina is here relegated to synonymy under
Distribution:Endemic to China.Chongqing,Hu-
()n cljf faces 0f limestone from 200—1500 m in
Additional examined:
China.Hubei:Jianshi,ah.290 m,1951,L.Y.Dai
&z.H.Qian 420(PE!);Zhuxi,aJt.1100 m,2004,X.
D.Li 348(HIB!);Lichuan,ah.1200 m,2003,X.D.
Li 034 (HIB!).Sichuan:Youyang,1984,Z.Y.Liu
6403(PE!);Nanchuan,2004 ,X.D.Li 985(HIB!).
Chongqing:Chengkou,2004,X. D. Li 071,368
(HIB!);Wuxi,2003,X.D.Li 065(HIB!).Hunan:
Zili,1984,Xiangxi Exploration,1729(PE!).
Acknowledgments:We thank Dr.David E.Bouford and
Henry Kesner(GH),Dr.Barbarra Thiers(NY),Dr.S.Doran
(UC),and Dr.Timothy Harris(K)for providing loan of type
specimens and digital images from the holdings at their respec—
tive Herbaria.We also thank Professor D.D.Soejarto for com—
ments on an early version of the manuscript.This project was
supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wuhan Bo—
tanical Garden.CAS(KSCX2.YW Z-049,01035123).
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364 武 汉 植 物 学 研 究 第 26 卷
李晓东等 :图版 I

●" ≯ ⋯ q ‘” “ 一
L I X iao . D ong et a1. : P late I
1 . H olotype ofR ehm a nn ia integra H . L . L i( = T ria enophora integra (H . L . L i)lvanina ) (R . P . F arges s. n . U C ); 2 . 1sotype ofR ehm a nnia in -
tegra H . L . L i ( = T K aenophora integra (H . L . L i) Ivan in a ) (R . P . F arges s. n . NY ); 3 . 1sosyn type of R ehm a nnia rupestris H em sley
( = T riaenophora rupestris (H em sley) S olereder) (A H enry 2604 K );4 . S yn type ofR ehm a n nia rupestris H em sley ( = T riaenophora rupestris
(H em sley) S olereder) (A H enry 2604 K );5 . S yntype ofR ehm a nnia rupestrls H em sley ( = T ria enophora rupestris (H em sley) S olereder) (A
H enry4 4 58 K ); 6 . 1sosyntype ofR ehm a nnia rupestris H em sley ( = T ria enophora rupestris (H em sley) S olereder) (A H enry 4 4 58 N Y )
.- _ - - l
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第 4 期 李 晓东等 :崖 白菜属 的 一 个新异名 (英 ) 365
李 晓东等 :图版 Ⅱ L I X iao — D on g et a1. : P late 1I

1 1
7 ? S yntype ofR ehrnan nia rupestris H em sley ( = T riaenophora rupestris (H em sley) S olereder) (A H enry6615 K ): 8. Isosyn type ofR eh—
m a nnia rupestris H em sley ( = T riaenophora rupestris (H em sley) S olereder) (A H enry 6615 G H ); 9 , 10 . D ifferen ce habits 0 fT riaeno .
phora rupestris ; 1 1 , 12 . V ariable leaves m argin ofT riaenophora rupestris

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