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Habenaria anomaliflora,a New Record of Orchidaceae from China


全 文 :武汉植物学研究 2010, 28(6): 696~697
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research

Received date: 2010-03-31, Accepted date: 2010-05-20.
Foundation item: The Natural Science Foundation of Hainan (No. 30818).
Biography: Wang Yi (1975-), male, Master, Lecturer, Research interests: Diversity and genetic breeding of orchids
(E-mail: hnwangyi@126. com).
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1142.2010.60696
中国兰科玉凤兰属一新记录种—— 奇花玉凤兰
王 毅, 王 燕
(琼州学院生命科学与技术学院, 海南三亚 572000)
摘 要: 报道了中国海南兰科植物一新记录种, 奇花玉凤兰 Habenaria anomaliflora H. Kurzweil & S. Chan-
tanaorrapint。本种的主要特征是花不规则, 花萼与花瓣相似且唇瓣无距。
关键词: 奇花玉凤兰; 兰科; 新记录; 中国
中图分类号: Q949.71+8.43 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-470X(2010)06-0696-02

Habenaria anomaliflora, a New Record of
Orchidaceae from China
(College of Life Science and Technology, Qiong Zhou University, Sanya, Hainan 571700, China)
Abstract: Habenaria anomaliflora H. Kurzweil & S. Chantanaorrapint (Orchidaceae) is reported
from China for the first time. This species is characterized by its flower irregularities with petals
similar to sepals, and lip not spurred.
Key words: Habenaria anomaliflora; Orchidaceae; New record; China
During the “Species Diversity and Distri-
bution Pattern of Wild Orchids in Wuzhishan
Mountains, Hainan”, program, financially sup-
ported by Hainan province, a newly recorded
Chinese orchid (Habenaria anomaliflora) was
reported as follows.
Habenaria anomaliflora H. Kurzweil &
S. Chantanaorrapint Figure 1
奇花玉凤兰 (新拟)
Habenaria anomaliflora H. Kurzweil & S.
Chantanaorrapint in Gardens Bulletin Singapore
60(2): 373-379. 2009.
Terrestrial. Plant 25 cm high, entirely gla-
brous. Tubers fleshy, ovoid-oblong, 1-2.5 cm
long, 0.8-1 cm in diameter, with a few fibrous
roots. Basal sheaths 5.7-7 mm long, scale-like.
Leaves 2, basal, appressed to the ground,
ovate-cordate, apex acute, cordate at the
base, the two leaves unequal in size, the larger
one 3 cm× 3.5 cm, the smaller one 2 cm×1.7 cm.
Sterile bracts 3-6; rachis 4-8.1 cm long and
1 mm thick; floral bracts ovate- lanceolate,
acuminate, 6.6- 11 mm× 2.3-4 mm. Flowers 4-
6 mm in diameter, not opening widely, subacti-
nomorphic, wi th tepals subequal in s ize,
spurless; tepals green outside, petals and lip
whi te ins ide, wi th ent i re margins, dorsal
surface papillate, ovate-lanceolate, widest just
above the base, acute or subacute at base,
with 3 or 5 pronounced dark veins often slightly
ridged, incurved toward apex. Ovary and pedicel
10-14.5 mm long, not twisted, suberect, with
pronounced ridges; dorsal sepal 5.6-7 mm×
2.2-5 mm; lateral sepals 5.5-6.5 mm×2-3 mm;
petals 4.9-6.5 mm×1.8-2.8 mm; labellum 4.5-

第 6期 王 毅等: 中国兰科玉凤兰属一新记录种—— 奇花玉凤兰(英文) 697

A. Flowering plant; B. Habit
Fig. 1 Habenaria anomaliflora H. Kurzweil & S. Chantanaorrapint
6.5 mm× 2-3.5 mm; column short, dark green,
1.5-2 mm long and ca 3 mm wide. Anther erect,
bright green with a vertical white stripe in the
middle; anther canals stout and curving
upwards, with white pollinia on their tips; ros-
tellum similar to the anther in shape, green,
3-lobed; stigmas 2, ca. 1 mm long, black-
green, clavate-globular, slightly curved for-
wards. Fruits fusiform, 12-15 mm × 2.5-3 mm,
with 6 smooth ridges.
China. Hainan(海南): Wuzhishan (五指山),
Nanshen (南圣), alt. 600 m, under forest, 2003-
10-17, Jin Xiaohua 5259, 5260(PE).
This species is truly monstrous in Habenria,
firstly noted by Kerr (1969)[1] in Laos and then
illustrated by Seidenfaden (1992) [2]. H.Kurzweil
and S.Chantanaorrapint (2009) [3] described
it as a new species. The specimens from
Hainan represent the first record of this species
in China.

Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Prof. JIN
Xiao-Hua for his critical reading of the manuscript. We thank
Mr JI Xiang-Hui and Mr LENG Teng-Da for their fieldwork
assistance in Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve.
[ 1 ] Keer A D. On a collection of orchids from Laos [J].
Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society, 1969, 23:
[ 2 ] Seidenfaden G. The Orchids of Indochina[J] .Opera
Botanica, 1992,114: 5-502.
[ 3 ] Kurzweil H, Chantanaorrapint S. A new species of
Habenaria (Orchidaceae) from Southeast Asia [J].
Gardens, Bulletin Singapore, 2009, 60(2): 373-379.