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Analysis of QTL for Plant Height at Different Developmental Stages in Soybean


应用分子遗传连锁图谱和条件QTL定位方法对性状进行动态分析是发育遗传学新的研究方法。采用来自Charleston ×东农594的143个重组自交系(RILs),构建了一个20条连锁群的大豆分子遗传连锁图谱,以此为基础,采用复合区间作图法共定位了28个显著影响株高发育的非条件QTL,以条件分析方法和复合区间作图法相结合定位了21个影响株高发育的条件QTL。不同发育时期显著影响株高的QTL数目和遗传效应的变化,说明控制株高发育的数量基因位点是选择性表达的。因此,进行标记辅助选择时综合考虑不同发育时期表达的QTL,才能取得较好的效果。

143 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between soybean cultivars Charleston and Dongnong 594 were used to construct a genetic linkage map covering 3 067.28 cM with 20 linkage groups including 161 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 35 random amplified polymorphism DNAs (RAPDs) markers. The developmental behavior of plant height was investigated by unconditional and conditional QTL mapping methods. The result indicated that the number and genetic effects of QTLs significantly confessing plant height of soybean were different at different measuring stages. 28 unconditional and 21 conditional QTLs were identified for plant height. Number of QTLs confessing plant height was increased continuously and genetic effects accumulated quickly at middle measuring stages. Therefor the changes in number and genetic effects of QTLs indicated that the genes controlling plant height show a selective expression at different developmental stages.

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