用7个强筋小麦品种,分别在6个省试验,研究氮肥及生态环境对其加工品质及其稳定性的影响。结果表明,在施氮0~300 kg/hm2范围内,湿面筋、沉降值、吸水率、形成时间、稳定时间、延伸性、面包体积均随施氮量增加逐渐提高,其中形成时间、稳定时间、湿面筋、沉降值的变异系数较大,表明这些性状对氮肥反应敏感,吸水率对氮肥反应迟钝,稳定性较好。稳定时间在不同试验点的变异系数最大,吸水率的变异系数最小。稳定时间、形成时间、拉伸面积在不同品种间变异系数差别较大,而其他品质指标的变异系数差别较小。把施氮处理和试验点统一作为环境因素,把不同品种作为基因型因素,利用AMMI模型对主要加工品质指标进行分析,其中湿面筋、形成时间、延伸性、面包体积和面包评分的环境效应大于基因型效应;而沉降值、吸水率、稳定时间、拉伸面积的基因型效应大于环境效应;基因型与环境(G´E)的交互作用对各项品质性状均有极显著影响。
The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain quality was affected by genetic factors, ecological and cultivated conditions. The quality characteristics of the same variety would be convertible under different environment conditions. Seven cultivars of strong gluten wheat from main productive area were planted in six provinces to study N-fertilizer and environment effects on processing quality characteristics with the treatments of different N-fertilizer applications. The date was analyzed by AMMI model. The results indicated that within the range of 0–300 kg/ha fertilizer levels, wet gluten content, sedimentation, water absorption, development time, stable time, extensibility and bread volume all increased with the amount of N-fertilizer added. The CV of wet gluten content, sedimentation, development time and stable time were bigger, which indicate that these characters are sensitivity to N-fertilizer. While water absorption was not sensitive to nitrogen application, showing a better stability. In different sites, the CV of stable time was the highest and the CV of water absorption was the lowest. Among different cultivars, the CV of development time, stable time and extension area were bigger, but the CV of other quality characters was lower. Analysis of main processing quality characters by AMMI, when regard the N-fertilizer treatment and experimental site as environment factors and cultivars as genotype factor, it showed that effect of environment on wet gluten content, development time, extensibility, bread volume and bread score was more than genotype, while the effect of genotype on sedimentation, water absorption, stable time and extension area was more than environment. The interaction (G×E) of all quality indexes was extremely significant. In this trial, the amount of N-fertilizer application affected mostly the paste development time, next to which were the stable time, the wet gluten content, sedimentation and extension area in sequence. The water absorption was very stable. Some of the processing quality characteristics were sensitive to the environmental effect, while others were dependent on the genotype.
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