全 文 :Vol. 30 , No. 9
pp. 901 - 905 Sept. , 2004
作 物 学 报
第 30 卷 第 9 期
2004 年 9 月 901~905 页
Analysis of Nutritive Compositions in the Seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica
RUAN Cheng2Jiang1 ,2 ,QIN Pei1 , 3 ,CHEN Jing2Wen2 ,HAN Rui2Ming1
(1 Biological Department of the School of Life Sciences of Nanjing University , Nanjing 210093 , Jiangsu ;2 Department of Marine Engineering of Yancheng Institute of
Technology , Yancheng 224003 , Jiangsu , China)
Abstract The contents of fatty acids , amino acids , mineral elements , crude protein and crude fat were determined in the
seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica , which was a fine salt2tolerant and oil plant1 Methods of analysis of fatty acids and amino
acids were GC2FID and HPLC , respectively1 Toxic heavy metals (Cd , Pb) and other mineral elements were analyzed by
ICP2MS and ICP2AES methods , respectively1 The results showed the content of crude fat varied from 161160 % to
181860 % , with the mean of 171536 %1 Nine fatty acids were detected , the majors of which were Palmitic acid , Oleic acid
and Linoleic acid1 The unsaturated fatty acids (701134 %) predominated over the saturated ones (291866 %) 1 The crude
protein content varied from 221740 % to 281240 %1 The total content of 17 amino acids varied in the range of 171084 g/
100 g - 181939 g/ 100 g , with the high contents of glutamate , aspartic acid and arginine1 The contents of Ca , K, Mg , Fe
and Zn in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica were 21708 g/ kg , 91487 g/ kg , 31888 g/ kg , 1461633 mg/ kg and 211547
mg/ kg based on dry2weight , respectively1 These results suggested that the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica studied represent2
ed a potential nutritive supply , and they could be used for oil , food , fodder , health care and industry1
Key words Kosteletzkya virginica ; Seeds ; Nutritive compositions ; GC2FID ; HPLC; ICP2AES
阮成江1 ,2 钦 佩1 , 3 陈景文2 韩睿明1
(1 南京大学生命科学学院生物系 ,江苏南京 210093 ;2盐城工学院海洋工程系 ,江苏盐城 224003)
摘 要 为合理开发利用耐盐油料植物海滨锦葵 ,对其种子中脂肪酸、氨基酸、微量元素、粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量进行了测
定。脂肪酸和氨基酸的测定方法为 GC2FID 和HPLC法 ,有毒金属 (Cd , Pb) 及其他微量元素的测定方法为 ICP2MS 和
ICPAES。结果表明 : (1)粗脂肪含量为 161160 %~181860 % ,均值为 171536 % ;在检测出的 9 种脂肪酸中 ,不饱和脂肪酸含
量(701134 %)大于饱和脂肪酸含量 (291866 %) ; (2) 粗蛋白含量在 221740 %~281240 %之间 , 17 种氨基酸总含量为
171084 %~181939 g/ 100 g ,其中谷氨酸、天冬氨酸和精氨酸含量较高 ; (3)海滨锦葵种子中 Ca、K、Mg、Fe 和 Zn 含量分别为
21708 g/ kg、91487 g/ kg、31888 g/ kg、1461633 mg/ kg和 211547 mg/ kg。海滨锦葵种子含有丰富的营养成分 ,具较高的营养价
值 ,可作为油料、食品、饲料、保健品和其他工业用途的原料。
关键词 海滨锦葵 ;种子 ;营养成分 ; GC2FID ;HPLC ; ICP2AES
中图分类号 : S56519
Salt2tolerant plants or halophytes have a great agri2
cultural potential where the soil is too salty for traditional
crops or where fresh water resources are limited and saline
water is available for irrigation , and in developing coun2
tries the major source of protein in the human diet is from
cultivated or wild plants1 Kosteletzkya virginica (L1 )
Presl1 (Malvaleae) , a dicotyledonous perennial , is native to saline tidal marshes in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts ofthe United States1 It is a potential halophytic grain cropfor animal or human consumption and a source of gums forindustrial use[1~3 ]1 Its seeds contain rich protein and fat2ty acid , and it typically yields 018 - 115 t/ hm2 [4 ]1 It wasintroduced to Yancheng saline tidal marshes of JiangsuProvince in 1992 - 19931 The experimental results indi2
繱基金项目 :国家高技术研究发展计划 (863 计划)项目 (2002AA629210) 。
作者简介 :阮成江 (1972 - ) ,男 ,博士生 ,主要从事植物分子遗传育种、进化生态等方面的研究。3通讯作者 :钦佩。
Received(收稿日期) :2003204221 , Accepted (接受日期) : 20032122191
cated that it was one of the fine2economic plants improved
and exploited tideland with higher salt tolerance and
adaptability[5 ]1 Not only was it a good plant of virescence
and beautification for tideland , but also it could improve
the biodiversity in tideland1 Its seeds have potential value
in oil , feed , food and medicine1
Because the potential value , it is very important for
exploiting and utilizing Kosteletzkya virginica to analyze
the nutritive compositions of its seeds1 However , there is
scant information about the contents of fatty acids , amino
acids , mineral elements , crude protein and crude fat in
the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica1 In this study , 5 mixed
seeds samples from 3 different test sites ( Nanjing ,
Yancheng and Dafeng) were analyzed to evaluate the nu2
tritive compositions1
1 Materials and methods
Seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica were collected from
different test sites in 2001 - 20021 Only clean seeds ,
without any kind of infection or animal damage , were col2
lected1 The numbers of different mixed seeds samples
were YC , TT1 , TT2 , NJ1 and NJ21 YC was harvested
from the test site located in Yancheng Institute of Tech2
nology in 2002 , TT1 and TT2 were harvested from the
tideland in the county of Dafeng in 2001 and 2002 , NJ1
and NJ2 were collected from the test field and green house
of Nanjing University in 20021 These three sites are all in
Jiangsu Province1 Seed samples of each test field were
mixed ( 21000 kg ) , packed into plastic containers
(6001000 - 7001000 g per container) , freeze2dried , and
stored at - 20 ℃1 Acid2washed containers were used for
those samples meant for analysis of the nutritive composi2
tions1 Before every analysis the contents of 1 - 3 contain2
ers were homogenized1 All the samples were analyzed in
triplicate1 Methods of analysis of fatty acids and amino
acids were GC2FID and HPLC , respectively1 Toxic heavy
metals (Cd , Pb) and the other mineral elements were ana2
lyzed by ICP2MS and ICP2AES methods , respectively1
These could provide the scientific basis for exploiting and
utilizing Kosteletzkya virginica1
111 Crude fat and fatty acids
Crude fat was measured according to AOAC method1
Fatty acids were measured by the method of GC2FID1
01200 g sample was added to a 20 mL test tube , then ,
added 2 mL of 015 mol/ L NaOH in the methanol , and
the resulting mixture was boiled at 60 ℃for 25 min1 After
cooling , 35 % BF32CH3OH (2 mL) was added and the
mixture was boiled at 60 ℃for 20 min1 After cooling , 2
mL normal hexane was added1 After shaking , 2 mL satu2
rated NaCl was added1 After shaking and centrifugation ,
the supernatant was transferred into a clean test tube and
few anhydrous sodium sulfate were added to eliminate
minim water1 The experiment was performed with a SHI2
MADZU GC214B gas chromatograph equipped with a flame
ionization detector ( FID) , and an acidified polyethylene
glycol capillary column OV217 (30 m ×0132 mm ×110
μm film thickness) 1 Initial isotherm of 150 ℃(1 min) was
raised to 230 ℃at a rate of 5 ℃/ min , final isotherm was
at 230 ℃ (10 min) ; carrier gas was nitrogen ; split ratio
was 30∶11 Quantitative information was obtained using the
area normalization1
112 Crude protein and amino acids
Crude protein content was measured according to
AOAC method1 After freeze2dried seeds were ground to
pass through a 015 mm mesh sieve , analyses were carried
out on the flour1 01100 g of samples was weighed accu2
rately , and then was suspended in 2 mL of 610 mol/ L hy2
drochloric acid and hydrolyzed at 110 ℃for 24 h1 The hy2
drolyzed samples were dried , dissolved in 6 mL of 0115
mol/ L sodium bicarbonate buffer (pH 910) , and deriva2
tized with O2phenylenediamide1 Amino acids were finally
fractionated by reversed2phase HPLC with UV detection at
425 nm using a previously described gradient1 The chemi2
cal score was calculated by using the FAO/ WHO amino
acids pattern1
113 Mineral elements
Approximately 21000 g of samples were weighed ac2
curately , and digested with a mixture of concentrated ni2
tric acid and hydrogen peroxide by closed vessels in a mic2
rowave digestion system1 Then , toxic heavy metals ( Pb
and Cd) and other elements (Ca , K, Mg , Na , P , Cu ,
Fe , Mn , Zn , Al , As , Mo , Co , Ni , Li and V) were
quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrome2
try ( ICP2MS , Perkin2Elmer Elan 6000) , and plasma
atomic emission spectrometry ( ICP2AES , Perkin2Elmer
Optima 4300DV) , respectively1
209 作 物 学 报 30 卷
2 Results and Analysis
211 Oil content and fatty acid
Oil content of seeds is an important index of explor2
ing and utilizing Kosteletzkya virginica 1 The results
showed that oil content in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virgi2
nica was about 161160 % - 181860 % , with the mean of
171536 %1 The difference among 5 mixed samples was
small (coefficient variation was 31119 %) (Table 1) 1
Fatty acids are the major composition of the grease1
Fig11 showed a typical gas chromatogram of fatty acid
methyl esters in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica1 Nine
fatty acids in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica were i2 dentified and quantified , and three of those (Linoleicacid , Palmitic acid and Oleic acid) were the major fattyacids1 Unsaturated fatty acids (701134 %) predominatedover the saturated ones ( 291866 %) , and amongunsaturated fatty acids , the major one was Linoleic acid1Oil content in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica wasequivalent to that of soybean , which was about51100 % - 201200 %[6 ]1 The content of unsaturated fattyacids was slightly less than those of soybean( 851310 %) , peanut (811950 %) and gingili(861340 %) , and higher than that of Cole seeds[7 ]1 Seedof Kosteletzkya virginica was a good oil resource1
Fig11 Gas chromatogram of fatty acid methyl esters in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica
1 :Myristic acid ; 2 :Palmitic acid ; 3 :Palmitoleic acid ; 4 :Stearic acid ; 5 :Oleic acid ; 6 :Linolenic acid ; 7 :Linolenic acid ;
8 :Arachidic acid ; 9 :Arachidonic acid1
Table 1 Oil content and relative contents of fatty acids in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica
YC TT1 TT2 NJ1 NJ2 Mean ±S E CV ( %)
Oil content 181600 181860 171620 161160 161440 171536 ±01547 31119
Myristic acid (C14∶0) 01188 01122 01144 01187 01079 01144 ±01021 141583
Palmitic acid (C16∶0) 241603 271588 251572 271313 291019 261819 ±01779 21905
Palmitoleic acid (C16∶1) 01435 01306 01360 01467 01199 01353 ±01048 131597
Steartic acid (C18∶0) 21015 01899 11780 21514 01916 11625 ±01316 191446
Oleic acid (C18∶1) 161279 151045 141423 231621 201637 181001 ±11775 91861
Linoleic acid (C18∶2) 481953 521493 501874 371531 411210 461412 ±21827 61091
Linolenic acid (C18∶3) 41413 21543 31531 51537 51003 41205 ±01532 121652
Arachidic acid (C20∶0) 11637 01547 21018 11484 11565 11450 ±01245 161897
Arachidonic acid (C20∶1) 11478 01456 11297 11346 11372 11190 ±01186 151630
Saturated acid 281422 281316 291515 311498 311579 291866 ±01714 21391
Unsaturated acid 711558 711684 701485 681502 681421 701134 ±01712 11015
Note : S E :Standard error of the mean ; CV :Coefficient of variation ( %) 1
309 9 期 RUAN Cheng2Jiang et al. :Analysis of Nutritive Compositions in the Seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica
212 Crude protein and amino acids
The measured results showed that the content of
crude protein in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica was
about 221740 % - 281240 % , with the mean of 251480 %
( Table 2 ) , it was equivalent with that of peanut
(271450 %) [8 ]1 The total contents of 17 amino acids in
the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica varied in the range of
171084 - 181939 g/ 100 g , with the mean of 171934 g/ 100 g1 Seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica showed a high glu2tamate , aspartic acid and arginine content (31763 g/ 100g , 21199 g/ 100 g and 11861 g/ 100 g respectively)(Table 2) 1 Total contents of 7 necessary amino acids foranimals and human except tryptophane accounted for271537 % - 291463 % of 17 amino acids , with the meanof 51185 g/ 100 g , which was slightly less than that ofsunflower (51830 %) [9 ]1
Table 2 The contents of crude protein and amino acids in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica
YC TT1 TT2 NJ1 NJ2 Mean ±S E CV ( %)
Crude protein 221740 261120 241820 281240 241760 251480 ±11154 41529
Aspartic acid 21139 21079 21149 21300 21331 21199 ±01049 21230
Glutamate 31504 31567 31682 41082 31979 31763 ±01114 31030
Serine 01894 01852 01834 01899 01907 01877 ±01014 11159
Histidine 01641 01496 01525 01662 01578 01580 ±01032 51517
Glycine 11124 11161 11148 11282 11173 11178 ±01027 21292
Threonine 01618 01531 01605 01622 01519 01579 ±01022 31800
Arginine 11706 11727 11831 21077 11964 11861 ±01071 31815
Alanine 01780 01797 01814 01899 01861 01830 ±01022 21651
Tyrosine 01526 01523 01554 01631 01593 01565 ±01021 31717
Cystine 01561 01934 01783 01527 01718 01705 ±01075 101638
Valine 01850 01907 01961 11024 01877 01924 ±01031 31355
Methionine 01226 01150 01173 01192 01094 01167 ±01022 131174
Phenylalanine 01855 01882 01882 01946 01917 01896 ±01016 11786
Isoleucine 01632 01658 01712 01759 01720 01696 ±01023 31305
Leucine 11135 11172 11194 11277 11220 11120 ±01024 21143
Lysine 01686 01746 01720 01760 01686 01719 ±01015 21086
Proline 01207 01309 01314 01000 01140 01194 ±01058 291897
Total of 17 amino acids 171084 171491 171881 181939 181277 171934 ±01320 11784
Table 3 Mineral contents in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica ( g or mg / kg)
Mineral elements YC TT1 TT2 NJ1 NJ2 Mean ±S E CV ( %)
Ca (g) 31092 21194 31776 11793 21688 21709 ±01345 121740
K (g) 101066 71040 91004 111037 101290 91487 ±01692 71294
Mg (g) 41674 31200 41775 31035 31754 31888 ±01362 91311
Na (g) 01185 01158 01384 01273 01123 01225 ±01046 201814
P (g) 61064 41641 61038 51043 51619 51481 ±01279 51109
Cu (mg) 461012 251739 411014 241387 201153 311461 ±51067 161106
Fe (mg) 1071732 1511873 1941674 2291533 491351 1461633 ±311768 211665
Mn (mg) 371857 311453 321769 421372 351491 351988 ±11942 51396
Zn (mg) 131089 251015 151750 241292 291591 211547 ±31077 141280
Al (mg) 531262 2021169 921283 331377 641195 891057 ±291836 331502
Li (mg) 991073 371475 601676 411220 381733 551435 ±111694 211095
V (mg) 21114 212682 21241 21104 21064 21158 ±01040 11854
213 Mineral elements
It was determined to Ca , K, Mg , Na , P , Cu , Fe ,
Mn , Zn , Al , As , Mo , Co , Ni , Li , V and Pb , Cd in
the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica by ICP2AES and ICP2
MS , respectively1 But six elements were not detected ,
which were Pb , Cd , As , Mo , Co , and Ni1 As compared
with grazing , seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica were a good
source of many mineral elements ( Table 3) 1 It was evi2
dent from Table 3 that Ca , K, Mg , Na and P were the
main constituents in the ash1 Calcium was significantly presented in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica , it variedin the range of 11793 - 31777 g/ kg , with the mean of21709 g/ kg , the maximum appeared in TT21Magnesium represented the third major mineral ele2ment (after K and P) was found in the seeds of Kostelet2zkya virginica1 The contents of K in the seeds of Kostelet2zkya virginica were especially high in comparison to Na ,and the value of K/ Na was 421130 , which was consideredas an advantage from the nutritional point of view1 The Plevels obtained in the present study were higher , which
409 作 物 学 报 30 卷
mean was 51481 g/ kg1
As in oil or the resource of other use , Fe was with a
higher content in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica ,
where the contents of Mn , Zn , and Cu were low1 Varia2
tion degrees of Fe and Cu were significantly large among 5
mixed samples1
Perhaps the most important question regarding minor
elements is the amounts of the toxic trace elements , Pb
and Cd , whose dietary excess may be injurious to health
of animal and human1 If the seeds of Kosteletzkya virgini2
ca are produced in substrates in which these elements are
present , accumulation may occur1 In fact , the Pb and Cd
contents in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica were so few
that they were not detected1 Al content in the seeds of
Kosteletzkya virginica was lower , with the mean of 891057
mg/ kg1
Li , and V in the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica were
detected , and there was highly significant variation in Li
among 5 mixed samples , for example Li had a range of
371475 mg/ kg up to 991073 mg/ kg1
3 Conclusions
The standardized methods were suitably applied to
the analyses of the seeds of Kosteletzkya virginica1 Seeds
of Kosteletzkya virginica were a good resource of fatty
acids , crude protein and crude fat , especially the higher
contents of 17 amino acids and Ca , K, Mg , Zn and Fe ,
so they could be used as the stuff of oil , food , fodder ,
health care and relative industry1
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