摘 要 :作者根据遗传率的研究结果,提出了对水稻杂交后代的有效选择方法。报告指出,混合法由于群体成分中 M 及 K 值高,至 F4,各性状的遗传率仍较低。在个体选择中尤其是遗传率低的性状必需要放宽尺度。系谱法从 F4开始,一般可进行群间选择,但对远距离亲本杂交组合,F4应以群内系统间选择为主。派生
Abstract:A study was made on the heritability of major economic charactersin F3 and F4 progenies of rice hybrids raised under different methodsof breeding.The results are summarized as follows:1.The effectiveness of bulk method of breeding depends to a greatextent on the intensity of se