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Raphiocarpus jinpingensis, a New Species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnan, China


全 文 :金平漏斗苣苔ꎬ 云南苦苣苔科植物一新种∗
陈文红1ꎬ3ꎬ4ꎬ 陈润征1ꎬ3ꎬ4ꎬ 喻智勇2ꎬ3ꎬ 朱欣田2ꎬ 税玉民1ꎬ3∗∗
(1 中国科学院东亚生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室ꎬ 昆明  650201ꎻ 2 金平分水岭国家级自然
保护区管理局ꎬ 云南 金平  651500ꎻ 3 云南省喀斯特地区生物多样性保护研究会ꎬ
昆明  650201ꎻ 4 中国科学院大学ꎬ 北京  100049)
摘要: 报道云南中越边境西隆山苦苣苔科一新种ꎬ 即金平漏斗苣苔 (Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰 H. Chen &
Y􀆰 M. Shui)ꎮ 该新种在花冠形态和淡黄色花色特征上近似合萼漏斗苣苔 (R􀆰 petelotii (Pellegr.) Burtt)ꎬ 但
是植株密被柔毛、 萼筒与萼裂片近等长而与后者不同ꎮ 对该新种的种子和花粉的微形态进行了观察和描述ꎮ
关键词: 中国ꎻ 苦苣苔科ꎻ 花粉ꎻ 金平漏斗苣苔ꎻ 合萼漏斗苣苔ꎻ 种子
中图分类号: Q 949              文献标志码: A              文章编号: 2095-0845(2015)06-727-06
Raphiocarpus jinpingensisꎬ a New Species of
Gesneriaceae in Yunnanꎬ China
CHEN Wen ̄hong1ꎬ3ꎬ4ꎬ CHEN Run ̄zheng1ꎬ3ꎬ4ꎬ YU Zhi ̄yong2ꎬ3ꎬ ZHU Xin ̄tian2ꎬ SHUI Yu ̄min1ꎬ3∗∗
(1 Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ
2 Jinping Management Bureauꎬ Fenshuiling National Nature Reserveꎬ Jinpingꎬ Yunnan 661500ꎬ Chinaꎻ
3 Karst Conservation Initiative of Yunnanꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4 University of Chinese
Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100049ꎬ China)
Abstract: Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M. Shuiꎬ a new species of Gesneriaceaeꎬ is described and il ̄
lustratedꎬ from the Xilong Mountain of Jinping County in Yunnanꎬ Chinaꎬ bordering to North Vietnam. The new spe ̄
cies is similar as R􀆰 petelotii (Pellegr.) Burtt in shapes of corolla and yellowish flowersꎬ and differs from R􀆰 petelotii
mainly in its plants with dense pubescence and calyx tubes subequal to calyx lobes. Its pollen grains and seeds are
reported here under Scanning Electonic Microscope (SEM).
Key words: Chinaꎻ Gesneriaceaeꎻ Pollen grainsꎻ Raphiocarpus jinpingensisꎻ Raphiocarpus petelotiiꎻ Seed
  During the survey to the Xilong Mountain in the
southwestern China bordering the northwestern Viet ̄
nam in June of 2010ꎬ we collected an unknown Ges ̄
neriaceae plant only with fruit. And thenꎬ we collect ̄
ed its flower in autumn of the next year. Based on the
characteristics with four stamens and narrowly clavate
capsulesꎬ we confirm that it is a member of the genus
Raphiocarpus W􀆰 Y. Chun (Wang et al.ꎬ 1990ꎬ 1998).
By the comparison with those species of the genus in
China and the adjacent regions and the materials of
the type specimensꎬ we are convinced that it repre ̄
sents an undescribed species so far (Pellegrinꎬ 1930ꎻ
Wang et al.ꎬ 1990ꎬ 1998ꎻ Liꎬ 1991ꎻ Hoꎬ 2000ꎻ
Wei et al.ꎬ 2010ꎻ Li and Wangꎬ 2004).
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2015ꎬ 37 (6): 727~732
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201515039

Founding: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (30870165ꎬ 31000258ꎬ 31470306)ꎻ Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and
Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ Kunming Institute of Botanyꎬ the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KLBB201304)
Authors for correspondenceꎻ E ̄mail: ymshui@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
Received date: 2015-03-11ꎬ Accepted date: 2015-10-12
作者简介: 陈文红 (1975-) 助理研究员ꎬ 从事植物分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: whchen@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
1  Materials and methods
1􀆰 1  Plant materials
The pollen for SEM work was taken from the
holotype specimen (Y􀆰 M. Shui et al. 91310). Seeds
were taken from the paratype specimen (Y􀆰 M. Shui
et al. 90842) of the type location. Voucher speci ̄
mens are deposited in the Herbarium of the Kunming
Institute of Botany (KUN).
1􀆰 2  Micromorphology of pollens grains and seeds
under SEM
Mature and dry pollen grains and seeds were
cleaned in water using ultrasound. They were air ̄
driedꎬ affixed to aluminum specimen holders and
sputter ̄coated with gold for SEM. Morphological ob ̄
servations and micrographs were made using a Hita ̄
chi ̄S ̄4800N ESEM. Terminology for pollen and seed
morphology follows Li and Wang (2004)ꎬ Punt et al.
(2007) and Weber and Burtt (1983).
2  Results
2􀆰 1  Pollen morphology
Pollen grains of R􀆰 jinpingensis are generally ellip ̄
soidalꎬ tricolpateꎬ ca. 21􀆰 680 × 12􀆰 382 μmꎬ There are
some irregularly aculeate crystal protuberances or gran ̄
ules in the colpi. The exine ornamentation is alveolate
or reticulate with quite dense and regular lumina. The
lumen has some reticulate stripes (Fig􀆰 1: A-D).
2􀆰 2  Seed morphology
Seeds of R􀆰 jinpingensis are oblongꎬ ovaloid or the
shuttle shapeꎬ mean size ca. 0􀆰 363 × 0􀆰 146 mm. The
seed coat was covered with unconspicuous long stripes on
longitudeꎬ and irregular stripes or knobkerrie ̄shaped
or spheric protuberances on latitude. (Fig􀆰 1: E-H).
3  Taxonomic treatments
3􀆰 1  Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰H. Chen & Y􀆰 M.
Shuiꎬ sp􀆰 nova (Figures 2 and 3)ꎬ 金平漏斗苣苔
Fig􀆰 1  SEM Pollen Grains and Seeds Morphology of Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M. Shui
A-D. Pollen morphology by SEM. A-B. Equatorial viewꎬ scale bar = 4 μmꎻ C. Polar viewꎬ scale bar = 5 μmꎻ D. Surfaceꎬ scale bar = 1 μm.
E ̄H. Seed morphology by SEM. E. Entire seedsꎬ scale bar = 80 μmꎻ F. Detailedseed coatꎬ scale bar = 9 μmꎻ
G. Entire seedꎬ scale bar = 60 μmꎻ H. Detailedseed coatꎬ scale bar = 9 μm
827                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
3􀆰 2  Type
China. Yunnan Provinceꎬ Jinping Countyꎬ Xilong
Mt.ꎬ in broad ̄leaved forestsꎬ 22°41′16″ Nꎬ 102°48′36″
Eꎬ alt. 1 764 mꎬ 16 Octꎬ 2011ꎬ in flowersꎬ Y􀆰 M. Shui
et al. 91310 (holotypeꎬ KUN!ꎻ isotypeꎬ PE!).
3􀆰 3  Diagnostic
The new species is similar as Raphiocarpus pete ̄
lotii (Pellegr.) Burtt in the shape of corolla and yel ̄
lowish flowersꎬ and differs from R􀆰 petelotii mainly in
its plants with dense pubescenceꎬ calyx tubes sube ̄
qual to calyx lobes and corolla outside not with glan ̄
dular ̄villous.
3􀆰 4  Description
Subshrub perennialꎬ to ca. 0􀆰 8 m tallꎬ covered
by the dense white pubescence. Stems have inflating
nodes on stems after defoliating. Leaves opposite.
Petiole 2􀆰 2 - 3􀆰 2 cmꎬ long white pubescenceꎻ leaf
blade ovate lanceolateꎬ 8 - 15 × 3􀆰 6 - 6 cmꎬ white
pubescence on both surfacesꎬ base slightly obliqueꎬ
apex caudate or acuteꎬ margin entireꎻ lateral veins 8
-10 pairs on each side of midrib. Inflorescences ax ̄
illaryꎬ 1-4 ̄flowered cymes. Peduncle 1􀆰 2-1􀆰 4 cmꎬ
white pubescenceꎻ bracts 2ꎬ linear lanceolateꎬ 2􀆰 1-
2􀆰 5 × 0􀆰 4-0􀆰 5 cmꎬ long white pubescentꎻ bractlets
Fig􀆰 2  Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M. Shuiꎬ sp. nov.
A. Plantsꎻ B. Lateral view of flowers showing bractsꎬ calyces andcorollaꎻ C. Opened flowers showing
the stamensꎬ ovaryꎬ stigma and disc. ( from holotypeꎬ drawn by Kai Wen)
9276期      CHEN Wen ̄hong et al.: Raphiocarpus jinpingensisꎬ a New Species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnanꎬ China       
Fig􀆰 3  Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M. Shuiꎬ sp. nov
A. Plantꎻ B. Face view of flower showing petals and stigmaꎻ C. Lateral view of flowers showing
the corolla tube and calyces. Photographed by Yu ̄Min Shui
same shapeꎬ ca. 1􀆰 2 × 0􀆰 3 cmꎬ white villous. Calyx
narrowly campaniformꎬ 5 ̄lobed from middle up to a
halfꎬ dense and white pubescentꎬ tube 1􀆰 2-1􀆰 5 cmꎬ
superior mouth bigger than the inferior in diameterꎬ
lobes linear lanceolateꎬ 1􀆰 2-1􀆰 4 × ca. 0􀆰 2 cmꎬ en ̄
tire. Corolla yellowishꎬ 4􀆰 6-5􀆰 2 cmꎬ bilabiateꎬ in ̄
side glabrousꎬ outside white pubescentꎬ abaxially
purple ̄striped with two yellow raphes insideꎻ tube
funnelformꎬ 3􀆰 8-4􀆰 2 cm longꎬ 1􀆰 3-1􀆰 5 cm in di ̄
am. at throatꎻ adaxial lip 2 ̄lobedꎬ lobes 0􀆰 6-0􀆰 7 ×
0􀆰 7-0􀆰 9 cmꎬ obtusely triangularꎬ apex obtuseꎻ ab ̄
axial lip 3 ̄lobedꎬ lobes approximately roundedꎬ 0􀆰 6
-0􀆰 7 cm in diam. Stamens 4ꎬ binate combined and
includedꎬ adaxial stamens ca. 1 cm longꎬ adnate to
corolla tube 2􀆰 0-2􀆰 4 cm from baseꎬ abaxial stamens
ca. 1􀆰 6 cm longꎬ adnate to corolla tube 2􀆰 0-2􀆰 2 cm
from baseꎻ filaments glabrousꎻ anthers basifixedꎬ
dehiscing longitudinallyꎻ staminode not seen. Pistil
ca. 3􀆰 5 cm longꎬ glabrousꎻ ovary narrowly oblongꎬ
2 ̄loculedꎻ placentas 2ꎻ stigmas 1ꎬ spade ̄shapeꎬ ca.
0􀆰 2 cm longꎬ apex acute or emarginateꎻ disc ring ̄
likeꎬ ca. 0􀆰 2 cm high. Capsule straightꎬ narrowly
clavateꎬ to ca. 7􀆰 5 cm long. Flowering is Oct ̄Novꎬ
and fruiting is Nov ̄Jan.
3􀆰 5  Additional specimens examined
China. Yunnan Provinceꎬ Jinping Countyꎬ Xilong
Mt.ꎬ in broad ̄leaved forestsꎬ 22°41′16″ Nꎬ 102°48′
36″ Eꎬ alt. 1 764 mꎬ 4 Junꎬ 2010ꎬ in fruitsꎬ Y􀆰 M.
037                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
Shui et al. 90842 (KUN!).
3􀆰 6  Ecology and distribution
The new species grows in evergreen broad ̄leaved
forestsꎬ ca. alt. 1 700 m in Jinping County of SE Yun ̄
nanꎬ China.
3􀆰 7  Proposed IUCN Conservation Status
So farꎬ there are totally about 30 mature indi ̄
viduals found in an area of 100 square meters in two
populations. The species would require a classifica ̄
tion as “Critically Endangered (CR)” according to
IUCN standards (IUCNꎬ 2001).
3􀆰 8  Relationship
The new species is similar as R􀆰 petelotii (Pel ̄
legr.) Burtt in the shape of corolla and yellowish
flowersꎬ and differs from R􀆰 petelotii mainly in their
trichome and shape of calyx. In R􀆰 jinpingensisꎬ
plants densely pubescent (Fig􀆰 3: A)ꎬ leaves cune ̄
ate at base (Fig􀆰 4: G)ꎬ calyx tube as long as calyx
Fig􀆰 4  Comparison between Raphiocarpus jinpingensis W􀆰 H. Chen & Y􀆰 M. Shui and R􀆰 petelotii ( Pellegr.) Burtt A. Co ̄type of
R􀆰 petelotii (≡Didissandra petelotiiꎬ P􀆰 A. Petelot 5039 in P)ꎻ B. R􀆰 petelotii (Goodwin S. & Cherry R. 92 / 208 in E)ꎻ C. Calyx of
R􀆰 petelotii (Goodwin S. & Cherry R. 92 / 208 in E)ꎻ D. Calyx of R􀆰 jinpingensis (Y􀆰 M. Shui et al. 91310)ꎻ E. Adaxial surface of
leaf of R􀆰 petelotii (Accession number & qualifier 19982405=Goodwin S. & Cherry R. 92 / 208 in E)ꎻ F. Abaxial surface of leaf of
R􀆰 petelotii (Accession number & qualifier 19982405)ꎻ G. Adaxial surface of leaf of R􀆰 jinpingensis (Y􀆰 M. Shui et al. 91310)ꎻ H.
Abaxial surface of leaf of R􀆰 jinpingensis (Y􀆰 M. Shui et al. 91310)
1376期      CHEN Wen ̄hong et al.: Raphiocarpus jinpingensisꎬ a New Species of Gesneriaceae in Yunnanꎬ China       
lobesꎬ corolla outside dense pubescent (Fig􀆰 4: D).
In R􀆰 petelotiiꎬ plants sparsely villous (Fig􀆰 4: B)ꎬ
leaves shallowly cordate or broadly cuneate at base
(Fig􀆰 4: E)ꎬ abaxially with long red villous along
veins (Fig􀆰 4: F)ꎬ calyx tube slightly three times as
long as calyx lobesꎬ corolla outside glandular ̄villous
(Fig􀆰 4: Aꎬ C).
Acknowledgments: We thankfully acknowledge Mr. Wen
Kai for illustrationꎬ and also thank Mr. Mao Long ̄Huaꎬ Mr.
Zhu Zheng ̄Chuꎬ Mr. Li Bing and their colleagues of Jinping
Fengshuiling National Natural Reserveꎬ and Mr. Xiao Bo of
Malipo Forestry Bureauꎬ and Mr. Li Guo ̄Feng of Kunming
Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ for provi ̄
ding help in surveys in Jinping County. We also thankfully ac ̄
knowledge Dr. Michael Möller of Royal Botanic Garden Edin ̄
burgh for providing materials and comments.
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