Abstract:In present paper,The Karyotypes of nine specis and two varieties of the genus Camellia were re - ported The results were as following:Camellia henryana: 2n = 2x = 21m + 8sm + lst;C.furfuracea:2n = 2x = 30m + 20m + 10sm;C.leptophylla: 2n = 2x = 30 = 24m(lsat)4sm (lsat )+ 2st;C. yunnanensis:2n = 2x = 30 = 18m + 10sm +2st;C,pitardii: 2n = 2x = 30 = 18m + 12sm.Nine of them were reported for the first tine.Karyotypes were very sinilar each other among the above species, and comprision between sections was more important than rhat bitween species