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An Ethnobotanical Study of Traditional Edible Plants Used by Naxi People in Northwest Yunnan, China——A Case Study in Wenhai Village


全 文 :滇西北纳西族传统食用植物的民族植物学研究
张玲玲1,2, 张摇 宇1, 王摇 利1,2, 王雨华1**
(1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所资源植物与生物技术重点实验室, 云南 昆明摇 650201;
2 中国科学院大学, 北京摇 100049)
摘要: 社会的快速发展加剧了民族传统食用植物及其民族植物学传统知识的流失。 粮食危机是全世界一直
以来面临的危机, 而在发展中国家则更加严重, 因此开展传统食用植物的民族植物学研究十分重要和迫
切。 纳西族是滇西北高原上的原著少数民族, 在长期生活过程中积累了丰富的传统植物知识。 研究采用民
族植物学的原理和方法, 于 2012 年对坐落于玉龙雪山山麓的文海纳西族村落开展了野外调查, 共访谈信
息报告人 89 人, 其中关键信息报告人 30 人。 具体采用了文献研究方法、 参与式调查方法、 关键人物访谈
法和集体讨论法。 结果表明: 纳西族传统食用植物表现出物种数、 采集时间、 食用部位、 食用类型、 食用
功能 5 个层面上的多样性。 共记录到传统食用植物 146 种、 45 科、 67 属; 与周边玉龙山植物相比, 22%
的科和 7. 4%的属至少有 1 种食用植物。 采集时间可持续全年, 春季采集的食用植物有 20. 44% , 夏季有
22. 63% , 秋季有 48. 18% , 8. 76%的食用植物还可在冬季采收。 当地食用的植物部位有 8 种、 食用类型有
15种, 66 种食用植物有药用功能, 可预防和治疗 18 种疾病。 多样化的传统食用植物是纳西族抵抗食物短
缺的物质基础, 也蕴藏着丰富的资源。
关键词: 民族植物学; 纳西族; 食用植物多样性
中图分类号: Q 948. 12摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号: 2095-0845(2013)04-479-08
An Ethnobotanical Study of Traditional Edible Plants Used
by Naxi People in Northwest Yunnan, China
———A Case Study in Wenhai Village
ZHANG Ling鄄Ling1,2, ZHANG Yu1, WANG Li1,2, WANG Yu鄄Hua1**
(1 Key Laboratory of Economic Plants and Biotechnology, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Kunming 650201, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: Knowledge of edible plants used traditionally by ethnic groups is in danger of being lost in fast changing
societies, despite the threat of food shortages worldwide. Thus, it is of major importance to conduct ethnobotanical
studies of traditional edible plants as still used. The Naxi people are native to Northwest Yunnan and have accumula鄄
ted abundant traditional botanical knowledge during their existence as an ethnic group. During the whole of 2012, we
conducted an ethnobotanical study of edible plants used by Naxi living in Wenhai Village, located at the foot of Yu鄄
long Snow Mountain. The investigation involved a literature research and interviews of 89 informants and 30 key in鄄
formants. A total of 146 species of edible plants belonging to 48 families and 67 genera were documented as in use.
The diversity of edible plants encompassed species diversity, collection time diversity, edible part and consumption
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2013, 35 (4): 479 ~ 486
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 7677 / ynzwyj201313063
Foundation item: General Program of National Nature Science Foundation of China (31270379), S & T Basic Work Program (2012FY110300)
Author for correspondence; E鄄mail: wangyuhua@ mail. kib. ac. cn
Received date: 2013-03-25; Accepted date: 2013-06-04
作者简介: 张玲玲 (1985-) 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事民族植物学研究。 E鄄mail: zhanglingling@ mail. kib. ac. cn
diversity, and edible function diversity. It was estimated that 22% of plant families and 7. 4% of plant genera that
comprise the flora of the surrounding area of Yulong Mountain, each contain at least one species of edible plant. Ed鄄
ible plants are collected throughout the year, with 20. 44% of them collected in spring, 22. 63% in summer, 48.
18% in autumn and 8. 76% in winter. Traditional edible plants vary according to the part that is edible (eight dif鄄
ferent types) and consumed (15 types). In addition, 66 edible plants have a medicinal function for preventing or
treating 18 different kinds of diseases. The diversity of traditional edible plants used by Naxi people is a rich re鄄
source and provides a material basis for avoiding food shortages.
Key words: Ethnobotany; Naxi nationality; Edible plants diversity
摇 The ethnobotany studies of the traditional edi鄄
ble plant are rising in the world. The majority of
those studies mainly focused on the investigation and
documentation of the traditional edible plants (Ong
et al., 2012; Bikarma et al., 2012; Menendez鄄
Baceta et al., 2012; Paul et al., 2011; Tiwari et
al., 2010; Ali鄄Shtayeh et al., 2008). Some other
studies concerned about the evaluation and analysis
of the traditional edible plant by using quantitative e鄄
valuation method such as: Informant Consensus Fac鄄
tor, Cultural Importance Index, Use value, Utiliza鄄
tion Frequency and Fidelity level (Gonza忆lez et al.,
2011; Teklehaymanot et al., 2010; Tardio et al.,
2008). Also other studies were interested in com鄄
parison ethnobotanical research to identity the differ鄄
ence and analyze the integration and evolution
process of the traditional edible knowledge between
different nationalities and cultural ( Jain et al.,
2011; Sarma et al., 2010; Victoria et al., 2005).
But few studies had engaged in analyzing the diversi鄄
ty of the traditional edible plant and discussing its
important role in coping food shortage and keeping a
safety food providing system.
The minority areas in China have been experi鄄
encing a dramatic change in recent 30 years, this
exert huge challenges on the inheritance of the tradi鄄
tional knowledge. At the same time, the biodiversity
have been losing fast in the context of globalization,
which leads to the even faster loss of the ethnic tra鄄
ditional edible plant knowledge that directly related
to it. The previous study indicated that only 51% -
20% of the traditional edible knowledge of wild veg鄄
etable can keep remain in the three generations time
(Xu and Liu, 2002). It said “The sage Shennong
had tasted hundred herbs and got poisoned 70 times
one day冶. So long time experience and recognition
are the basis of human choice of edible plant. So far,
there are not any kind of edible plant which is found
directly by scientific research or before folk usage
(Pei and Huai, 2007). Obviously, the traditional
edible plant resource is the tremendous wealth of our
Chinese, but many of them have been disappeared so
quickly that even before their value is recognized.
There are 30 000 species of edible plants in the
nature world and at least 7 000 of them had been
collected or planted for food in one or another times
in the human history. However, 90% of the edible
plants used by people now are formed by 20 species,
and 50% of the human food only provided by three
crops: wheat, rice and maize ( Lack and Evans,
2001), So it goes without saying that the diversity of
the edible plants had lost considerably. The daily
food of Chinese is mainly composed by few grains
(wheat and rice), and the consumption type are few
too (Xiao, 2005). The incidence of many chronic
diseases ( diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hyper鄄
cholesterolemia, heart disease, etc. ) is surging due
to the unbalanced nutrition and poor healthcare func鄄
tion of the diet now. So it is significant to increase
the diversity of our plant food and find certain high
quality healthcare edible plant, the ethnobotanical
study of the traditional edible plant is one of the fea鄄
sible approach.
In recent years, a series of ethnobotanical study
of the traditional edible plant had been carried out in
China. Those studies mainly conducted in the south鄄
ern Yunnan and Inner Mongolia. (Ghorbani et al.,
2012; Wujisguleng and Khasbagen, 2010; Huai et
084摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 35 卷
al., 2008; Li et al., 2007; Pan et al., 2006; Fang et
al., 2006; Khasbagen and Soyolt, 2008; Man et al.,
2007; Xu et al., 2004; Liu and Long, 2003; Xu and
Liu, 2002; Wang and Long, 1995; Pei and Guo,
1989) The Naxi nationality is an ancient ethnic mi鄄
nority and the related previous researches already in鄄
dicated that they possess abundant traditional edible
botanical knowledge. There are abundant edible bo鄄
tanical knowledge in the famous Dongba Scriptures,
besides that, 34 edible medical plants were recorded
in the Naxi nationality忆s ancient medical book “Yu鄄
long Materia Medica冶; In addition to that, the asso鄄
ciated studies conducted in the previous decades also
documented many edible plants, 38 traditional edible
flowers and 54 traditional edible medical plants used
by Naxi nationality had been documented (Pei and
Guo, 1989 ), But by now there is no systematic
study of the traditional edible plant used by Naxi na鄄
tionality in Northwest Yunnan.
1摇 Study area
The Naxi nationality in China is about 324 679
and mainly inhabits in Yulong Naxi nationality Au鄄
tonomous County in the Lijiang area ( Li, 2001).
Their language belongs to the Yi branch of Tibeto鄄
Burman of the Sino鄄Tibetan Language. The Naxi na鄄
tionality had been formed during the southward mi鄄
gration of the ancient Qiang People in the Qin Dy鄄
nasty (221 BC鄄206 BC) who had inhabited in the
Hehuang area of Northwest China (Guo, 1994). A
lot of their traditional edible plant and knowledge
had been recorded in “Dongba Scriptures冶 鄄scrip鄄
tures of Dongbaism鄄the Naxi nationality忆s special re鄄
ligious. The people and culture integration proces鄄
sion in the history of Naxi nationality had also influ鄄
enced their edible culture in certain extent.
The study were conducted in the Wenhai Naxi
Village of Baisha Township, Yulong Naxi Autono鄄
mous County of Northwest Yunnan (24-28 N, 98-
102 E). Wenhai is a village of like “land of idyllic
beauty, rare paradise in the world冶 and it is the holy
land of hikers. The Wenhai villages locates at 26毅
59忆16. 37义 E, 100毅10忆6. 23义 N. There are 510 peo鄄
ple belonging to 107 households and more than 20
people are aged over 80. Weihai Village is a typical
ancient Naxi Village. It is called “the first village of
the snow mountain冶 and locates directly on the west
foot of the first peak of the Yulong Snow Mountain.
Wenhai is a mysterious, quiet and lonely ancient
Naxi village locating in the remote Kamiyama of the
“Ancient Naxi Kingdom冶, The Ancient Tea Horse
Road past through Wenhai Village on its way to Ti鄄
bet (Yang, 2009). The Wenhai Village is a plateau
basin surrounded by high mountains in four sides
and a relatively isolated living environment is
formed, Wenhai Lake which known as “ the lake
green as the turquoise冶 is in the middle of the plat鄄
eau. There are subalpine coniferous forest on the
sunny slope and mixed coniferous on the shady
slope, the surroundings of the lake is meadow.
2摇 Methodology
The data were collected during the whole year
of 2012, at least half month of the ethnobotanical
field work was conducted in four seasons to collect
the detail information of the entire growing cycle of
plant. The method we adopted including literature
research, participatory investigation, key informant
interview and the group discuss. A total number of
89 informants (49 men and 40 women) were inter鄄
viewed, their age are ranging from 19 to 83. 35 of
them whose even age are all above 60 were inter鄄
viewed as key informants. During participatory in鄄
vestigation, the work of searching edible plants was
done together with the key informant in the field; the
aim of the participatory investigation was to do quick
inventory, collect voucher specimens as well as re鄄
cord the habitats of the each edible plants. After that
the key informant interviews were done to make sure
if the plants collected were the right Naxi nationali鄄
ty爷s traditional edible plant and to add edible plants
that had not collected yet. The plant specimen col鄄
lected in the participatory investigation had been
used as a memories clue in the key informant inter鄄
1844 期摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Ling鄄Ling et al. : The Ethnobotanical Study of the Traditional Edible Plant Used by Naxi …摇 摇 摇
view. In the key informant interview the detail infor鄄
mation of each edible plant like: the Naxi name,
habitat and collection time, edible parts, consump鄄
tion, taste evaluation, amount of resources, health鄄
care function and effect were well documented. In
group discussion, the information we had gotten in
the first two stages were discussed by a group of in鄄
formants so that the correctness can be insured,
what is more, the further information addition were
also done. We collected 3 specimens per each
plant. Specimen identification completed with the
help of the experts in Kunming Institute of Botany.
3摇 Results
3. 1摇 Species diversity
The traditional edible plants used by Naxi na鄄
tionality in Wenhai village are 145 species (109 wild
edible plants and 45 cultivated plants) belonged to 45
families and 67 genus. Twenty鄄five families (56% )
and 46 genus (69% ) have only one edible plant.
In 1987, Yang Qiner, Li Hen and Wu Zhengyi
conducted detail floristic study of Yulongshan Moun鄄
tain in Lijiang County. Our study was conducted ex鄄
actly in the same area, so the comparison was made
to establish the rate of edible plants in the total flo鄄
ristic of the environment. On the species level, the
edible plants take up 5. 1% of the floristic in the ar鄄
ea, but on the family and genus level, the data
shows that 22% of the family and 7. 4% of the ge鄄
nus in the area have at least one species of edible
plant ( Fig. 1, Fig. 2 ), so the traditional edible
plants come from a wild range of families and genus.
The 80% of the botanical food used by people now
are those of Gramineae, Rosaceae and Brassicaceae,
Comparing with that, the traditional edible plants
used by Naxi nationality show high diversity.
According to the traditional knowledge of Naxi
nationality, those edible plants are classified into
105 folk taxa. The plants in the same folk taxa have
the same Naxi name, play the same edible role and
their morphology look similar to each other. Usual鄄
ly, the folk taxa are equivalent to genus. 25 folk
taxa have more than 1 species and the top 5 folk taxa
have as much as 4 species respectively (Table 1).
This implies the genetic diversity of the traditional
edible plants. The Naxi nationality忆s traditional edi鄄
ble plant also shows high family diversity.
3. 2摇 Collection season diversity
Edible plants are collected all year round.
Twenty鄄eight (20. 44%) were collected in spring,
and 31 species (22. 63%) in summer, 66 species
(48. 18%) in autumn and 12 species (8. 76%) of
the edible plants which cultivated in home garden can
also be collected in the winter (Fig. 3). The home
garden is high valued and well鄄built as a simple
greenhouse, plants can be grow in winter as well.
Fig. 1摇 The family distribution of the traditional
Edible plant used by Naxi nationality
Fig. 2摇 The genus distribution of the traditional
Edible plant used by Naxi nationality
284摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 35 卷
Table 1摇 The top 5 folk taxa and the species including
Folk taxa
(Naxi name) 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 Species including
a hu Rubus biflorus; R. niveus; R. subornatus;R. trijugus
men Fargesia melanostachys; F. yulongshanensis;F. communis; F. yunnanensis
ba qi Cirsium griseum; C. lidjiangense;C. chlorolepis; C. eriophoroides
shan yao Dioscorea deltoidea; D. henryi; D. hemsleyi;Dioscorea sp.
lao long pi Lobaria yunnensis; L. orientalis;L. fuscotomentosa; Stica nylanderiana
Fig. 3摇 The collection seasons of the traditional edible plants
3. 3摇 Edible parts diversity
The edible parts of Naxi nationality忆s traditional
edible plant have high diversity. Eight types had
been used. The most widely used edible parts are
fruit (30), leaf (21) and seed (15) (Table 2).
Table 2摇 Edible parts, plant number and representative plants
Edible part Number Representative plants
Fruit 30 Rubus niveus
Leaf 21 Smilacina henryi
Seed 15 Fagopyrum tataricum
Whole aerial parts 12 Ligusticum chuanxiong
Root 9 Lilium lankongense
The whole plant 12 Allium beesianum
Buds 9 Aralia chinensis
Flower 8 Rhododendron yunnanense
Fruit of the wild plants is the mainly used part,
leaf of wild and cultivated vegetable is usually the
edible part; and when it comes to cultivated grain
crops, seed is the used part. Flowers and bugs are
always used as snack, roots are mainly used as
healthcare food. In the Wenhai village, fruit, leaf
and seed are the mainly edible part, their acquisi鄄
tion strategy can be seen a sustainable utilization.
The statistic shows that all plant organs: root,
stem, leaf, flower as well as fruit can be used as
food by Naxi nationality. Parts of plant in their dif鄄
ferent growing stage: bugs, tender stems and leaves
and so on can all be collected as food in the Naxi
3. 4摇 Consumption Diversity
Naxi nationality忆s traditional consumption of edible
plant presents high diversity. According to their
eating habit, there are 15 consumption types and the
totally consumption is 190 for many plants can be
consumed in more than one way. Grain, vegetable
and fruit are the main consumption type (Table 3).
The consumption diversity of traditional edible
plants provides adequate food and comprehensive
nutrition for people, and the more important thing is
that it makes daily diet rich and varied. What is
more, the consumption diversity of edible plant used
by Naxi nationality makes up the strategy: when one
kind of consumption is in shortage, other kind of
consumption can help to replenish, so the crisis of
food shortage can be reduced. Naxi nationality can
be used as many consumption types.
26 traditional edible plants have more than one
types of consumption, especially their core edible
plants such as: turnip, potato and bracken. Turnip
is used as grain, vegetable, fruit, and pickle; pota鄄
to is the major grain and vegetable of Naxi nationali鄄
ty; Bracken is consumed as grain, vegetables, pick鄄
les, and brewing too. Those core edible plants adopt
the environment very well and have strong capacity
of resisting the climate disaster, and always have
good yield. Turnip and Potato are the major corps of
Na xi nationality, their planted area is the largest
and the least harvest amount is over 15 000 kg.
3844 期摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Ling鄄Ling et al. : The Ethnobotanical Study of the Traditional Edible Plant Used by Naxi …摇 摇 摇
Table 3摇 Consumption types, plants number and representative plants
Consumption Number Representative plants
Vegetables 47 Smilacina henryi; Capsicum annuum; Solanum tuberosum
Fruit 43 Rubus niveus; Malus rockii; Malus pumila
Health care food 29 Cirsium griseum; Polygonatum cirrhifolium; Arctium lappa
Grain 22 Zea mays; Brassica rapa; Solanum tuberosum
Seasoning 12 Allium hookeri; Allium fistulosum; Coriandrum sativum
Drinks 8 Camellia assamica; Campylotropis hirtella; Prinsepia utilis
Snack 6 Rhododendron yunnanense; Cicer arietinum
Nibble between meals 6 Rosa soulieana; Berberis liophylla; Berberis pruinosa
Oilseed 5 Viburnum cylindricum; Raphanus sativus; Prinsepia utilis
Brewers 4 Quercus guyavaefolia; Pteridium revolutum
Fermenting agent 3 Gentiana rigescens; Gentiana szechenyii; Gentiana cephalantha
Spices 2 Rosa rugosa; Origanum vulgare
Sour agent 1 Chaenomeles speciosa
Coagulating agent 1 Cynanchum auriculatum
Bubble gum 1 Scurrula parasitica
Bracken is the major wild edible plant of Naxi nation鄄
ality, it can be collected in the early spring and the
amount is very large. The villagers said that “howe鄄
ver the drought is, bracken always can grow up冶.
In conclusion, the consumption diversity ena鄄
bles as much plant in the area as food and makes
those edible plant resource fully used.
3. 5摇 Function diversity
Except from common edible function, many tra鄄
ditional edible plants have healthcare function and a
wild variety of diseases can be prevented or treated
through eating them. According to the knowledge of
local people, 66 edible plants have healthcare func鄄
tion and 18 types of diseases can be dealt with (Ta鄄
ble 4).
The diversity of the traditional healthcare edible
plants is very helpful to guarantee the health of peo鄄
ple. These diseases that can be dealt by traditional
edible plant are including most of common diseases
that are easily infected and diseases susceptible to
special groups of people like elderly and maternal.
For example, the elderly usually consumes pine pol鄄
len in the winter to prevent and treat cough and lung
disease. Women after delivery needs to take rice
wine brewed with Polygonatum cirrhifolium root to
prevent rheumatism and it is also effective in lacta鄄
gogue and health restore. People eat fresh root of
Cirsium lidjiangense stewed together with the meat to
relieve fatigue. The fresh leaves of Ligusticum chua鄄
nxiong steamed with eggs is eaten to treat backache
caused by excessive physical labor. Insomnia can be
relieved by consuming leaves of Allium tuberosum in
dinner. The function diversity of the traditional edible
plants is very helpful to guarantee health of people.
Table 4摇 Diseases treated by traditional edible plants
and the representative plants
Diseases Number Representative plants
Cough 11 Pinus yunnanensis
Rheumatism 4 Aconitumstap fianum
Insomnia 3 Schisandra rubriflora
Constipation 1 Chenopodium album
Cold 4 Thamnolia Subuliformis
Convulsion in children 1 Prinsepia utilis
Back pain 3 Ligusticum chuanxiong
Bowel cleansing 3 Rhododendron yunnanense
Kidney deficiency 6 Roscoea tibetica
Digestion 5 Raphanus sativus; Brassica rapa
Postpartum blood stasis 1 Malva verticillata
Heat detoxification 4 Thamnolia Vermicularis
Diarrhea 3 Berberis liophylla; Polygonatumcirrhifolium
Promote lactation 1 Codonopsis convolvulacea
Eye injury 2 Codonopsis convolvulacea
Diuretic 3 Plantago depressa
Fatigue 6 Cirsium lidjiangense
Tonic 5 Saussurea leucoma
484摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 35 卷
4摇 Discussion and Conclusion
The diversity of the traditional edible plant is
the material base of avoiding food shortage. People
have a wild resource of food instead of depending on
few kinds of edible plants for food. When the pro鄄
duction of one plant reduced, they can turn to others,
so multiple choices guarantees enough food. Besides
that, when one kind of consumption is in shortage,
plants of other types can be taken as a supplement,
so the diversity of consumption makes people have
enough grain, vegetable, fruits and so on. The di鄄
versity of the traditional edible plants enables people
have adequate and nutrition balanced food.
The food shortage which has been existing in
the whole history of human beings is also a serious
crisis of the world now. What is more, it has been
aggravated in the context of the global climate
change. It is predicted that the world grain produc鄄
tion will be greatly reduced by the 2080 and the cri鄄
sis will be more serious in the developing area (Patz
et al., 2005; Parrya et al., 2004; Rosenzweig,
1993). A Chinese proverb goes like that: “ food is
the god冶, so how to solve the problem of food shor鄄
tage is very important to coping global climate
change. Since 1999, Northwest China has been suf鄄
fering from the continuous drought catastrophe. Yun鄄
nan province which is suffered more had seen its
minimum precipitation since 1961. The continuous
drought have led to the constant considerable decli鄄
nation of agricultural production. As the native peo鄄
ple Naxi nationality has inhabited on the plateau of
Northwest Yunnan for thousands of years, during
long time interaction with the environment, they
have calculated rich knowledge of coping environ鄄
mental risks. It is the major capacity of their survival
mechanism. The diversity of their traditional edible
plants is just a little part of that precious knowledge.
It is possible to find a coping strategy of food shor鄄
tage through the study of the traditional knowledge
own by the native people like Naxi nationality.
The diversity of the traditional edible plants
used by Naxi nationality also is rich resources. Cer鄄
tain new crops can be introduced and domesticated
from the wild edible plants and the new genetic re鄄
sources can also be found. At the same time, raw
material of health food products could be selected
from the abundance healthcare plants. So the tradi鄄
tional edible plants used by Naxi nationality are the
important resource that need well protection and fur鄄
ther study.
In 1989, Pei Shengji and Guo Huijun made the
study of “ Preliminary study on edible flowers of
North鄄west Yunnan冶, they recorded 38 edible flow鄄
ers used by Naxi nationality. Compare with Pei忆 s
study, this study focused on Naxi nationality and is
specialized in their traditional edible plant and
knowledge. The other difference from Pei忆s study is
that this study managed to make comprehensive doc鄄
umentation of the traditional edible plants used in
the Wenhai Naxi Village and analyzed its diversity.
The study is part of a systematic study on the tradi鄄
tional edible plants and knowledge of Naxi nationali鄄
ty and it is also the basis of exploring the adaptive
strategy of Naxi nationality to the food shortage.
Acknowledgments: Special thanks are due to all the people
of Wenhai Village who generously shared their valuable tradi鄄
tional knowledge about wild edible plants.
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