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The Impacts of the Alien Invasive Plants on Biodiversity in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Southwest China


全 文 :中国西南纵向岭谷区外来入侵植物对生物多样性的影响 ?
陆树刚 , 徐成东 , 董晓东 , 段玉清 , 王 奕
( 云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所 , 云南 昆明 650091 )
摘要 : 论述中国西南纵向岭谷区外来入侵植物对生物多样性的影响。中国西南纵向岭谷区是我国生物多样
性保护的关键地区。目前 , 该区域已成为外来植物入侵的重灾区 , 外来入侵植物种类多达 70 余种 , 其中 ,
紫茎泽兰 Ageratinaadenophora ( Eupatoriumadenophorum)、飞机草 Chromolaenaodorata ( Eupatoriumodoratum) 和
肿柄菊 Tithonia diversifolia等在该区域危害严重 , 该区域的生态系统的结构与功能遭受破坏 , 本地物种面临
灭绝 , 农、林、牧生产乃至区域的生态安全受到威胁。该区域的外来入侵植物的危害居全国之冠。研究该
区域的外来入侵植物 , 揭示其危害规律 , 遏制其危害速度 , 最终清除该区域的外来入侵植物 , 恢复该区域
的生态平衡 , 具有十分重要的现实意义和科学价值。文中详细论述了外来入侵植物对植物物种多样性、植
物群落多样性、生态系统多样性、农牧业及林业的影响 , 最后指出消除和控制外来入侵植物的途径。
关键词 : 生物多样性 ; 外来入侵植物 ; 紫茎泽兰 ; 飞机草 ; 肿柄菊 ; 云南 ; 中国西南纵向岭谷区
中图分类号 : Q 948 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700(2006)06 - 607 - 08
The Impacts of the Alien Invasive Plants on Biodiversity in
Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Southwest China
LU Shu-Gang, XU Cheng-Dong, DONG Xiao-Dong, DUAN Yu-Qing, WANG Yi
( Instituteof Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091 , China)
Abstract: This paper deals with the impacts of the alien invasive plants on biodiversity in longitudinal range-gorge region
of Southwest China . The longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest China is a critical region for reserving biodiversity
and nowthis region has become a highly endangered region with more than 70 species of alien invasive plants . Among
these invasive plants, Ageratina adenophora ( Eupatorium adenophorum) , Chromolaena odorata ( Eupatorium odora-
tum) , and Tithonia diversifolia are severely imperiling this region . The structureandfunctionsof ecosystems in this region
are badly destroyed with theconsequences that, the native species are in the faceof extinction, and that agricultural pro-
ducers, animal husbandry, andforestry activities or eventhe ecological security are in danger . Thedamageof alien inva-
sive plants in this region led to a great attention in our country . It is of great practical significanceand scientific value to
makea comprehensive study of the alien invasive plants of this region, to discover their principles of activity, to slow
down their imperiling speed, to wipeout themfromthis region, and eventually torestoretheecological equilibrium . This
paper gives a detailed description of the impacts of thealien invasive plants on the plants species diversity, plants commu-
nity diversity, ecosystem diversity, agricultural producers, animal husbandry, and forestry . In the end, the authors
suggested several solutions to control and wipe out thealien invasive plants .
Key words: Biodiversity; Alien invasive plants; Ageratina adenophora; Chromolaena odorata; Tithonia diversifolia;
Yunnan; Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Southwest China
云 南 植 物 研 究 2006 , 28 (6) : 607~614
Acta Botanica Yunnanica

? ?Foundation item: Under theauspices of the National Key Project for Basic Research on EcosystemChanges in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region and
Transboundary Eco-security of Southwest China (2003CB415103 )
Received date: 2006 - 02 - 06 , Accepted date: 2006 - 05 - 30
作者简介 : 陆树刚 (1957 - ) 男 , 教授 , 博导 , 从事植物分类、区系地理和植物生态学的教学和科研工作。
E - mail : shuganglu@163 . com
I . Basic concepts of biodiversity and the
alien invasive plants
Biodiversity is awholeof thegene diversity, spe-
cies diversity, and ecosystem diversity within one re-
gion . The values of biodiversity are not only directly
related to human beings’ clothing, food, housing,
and transportation, but also related to the cultural di-
versity and cultural intactof human beings . So the loss
of biodiversity will threaten the quality of human be-
ings’existence and living . There are several reasons
causing the lossof biodiversity . Rather than thewidely
accepted loss caused by environmental destruction, an
important reason is the biological invasion . Biological
invasion refers to an introduction process of the natural
living things fromtheir original places into another en-
vironment naturally or artificially with the result of im-
periling the biodiversity and human beings’health of
the invaded environment that leads to economic losses
and ecological disasters (David et al , 2000; David et
al , 2001 ) . Alien invasive plants refer to those exotic
species coming in with the process of biological inva-
sion . In the trend of globalization, nowadays there are
some unintentionally introduced alien plants in the
channels of traveling, business activities, and trans-
portation . Also there are some intentionally introduced
alien plants in agricultural , forestry and horticultural
activities or the naturally invaded plants with their own
spread abilities . Some plants are originated from
America like Hevea brassiliensis, Capsicum annuum,
Lycopersicon esculentum, Nicotiana tabacum, Sola-
numtuberosum, etc . but they neither did harm to the
biodiversity and human beings’health nor caused eco-
nomic losses or ecological disasters in the invaded re-
gions . So they are not alien invasive plants . While
some other plants like Alternanthera philoxeroides,
Ageratina adenophora ( Eupatorium adenophorum) ,
Chromolaena odorata ( Eupatorium odoratum) , Ti-
thonia diversifolia and Lantana camera, etc . are also
originated from America, now they are imperiling the
biodiversity and human being’s health and causing
economic losses and ecological disasters in the invaded
regions . So they are alien invasive plants . From the
view of“Tens rule”, the possibility of all the alien
plants to become alien invasive plants is only 1?1000
(Li and Chen, 2001 ) , i . e . the possibility of the
alien plants to become alien invasive plants in the end
is infinitesimal . However, the ecological damage and
economic losses caused by the alien invasive plants
have received world-wide attention . Alien invasive
plants have made serious impacts on agricultural pro-
ducers, animal husbandry, forestry activities, and
human beings’health . They have caused major eco-
nomic losses in agriculture and forestry as well as im-
pacting ecological integrity . For example, the eco-
nomic losses are up to hundreds of billions of Yuan
( RMB) inour country per year, andglobally hundreds
of billions of dollars per year in damages (David et al ,
2001) . Our country annually spends more than 0 .1
billion Yuan on fishing out the Eichhornia crassipes,
and the economic losses caused by Alternanthera phi-
loxeroides reach 0 .6 billion Yuan . In Liangshan Pre-
fectureof Sichuan Province, the annual economic loss-
es made by the Ageratina adenophoraa to animal hus-
bandry reach tens of millions of yuan ( RMB) (Shi et
al , 2004) . Thepollens of Ambrosia artemisiifolia and
A. trifida may cause allergy to human beings ( Wan et
al , 2002) . An alien invasive species can ruin a re-
gion’s biodiversity, economic development, and bio-
logical security . Studies on alien invasive plants have
already become a global issue that deserves global at-
tention and understanding ( Hall and Mills, 2000 ) .
At present, Chinahas becomeoneof severelyalien in-
vasive plants endangered countries, while the longitu-
dinal range-gorge regionof Southwest Chinais a heavily
devastated region of alien invasive plants which ranks
the leading position in our country .
II . The general situation of the alien inva-
sive plants in the longitudinal range-gorge
region of Southwest China
The longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest
China refer to the south-north trend mountain and val-
ley areas of Southwest China with a total area of 386
170 square kilometers, including the Honghe River
806 云 南 植 物 研 究 28 卷
Basin (74 870 km2 ) , Lancang Jiang (Mekong) River
Basin (167 000 km2 ) , Nu J iang (Salween) River Ba-
sin ( 140 000 km2 ) , and Dulong J iang ( Irrawaddy)
River Basin ( 4 300 km2 ) . This region is a major pas-
sage and an important harbor of the Asian continental
wild biological species which possessmost of the North-
ern Hemisphere’s biological communities and various
types of ecosystems apart from desert and ocean ones .
It is oneof the regions with most biological diversity in
theworld and a key zone of our country’s biodiversity
protected areas . Simultaneously, as a result of thedi-
versity of regional ecosystems, the alien invasiveplants
that come from the world can settle down in this re-
gion . Consequently, the possibility of getting affected
by the alien invasive plants is much higher than other
regions .
Accordingto some rough statistics, over 96 spe-
cies of alien invasive plants have invaded China (Wan
et al , 2002 ) . For instance, Mikania micrantha is
severely imperiling Southern China, Spartina anglica
is gravely endangering imperiling Eastern China’s
coastal areas, Eichhornia crassipes is seriously threat-
ening Kunming’s Dianchi Lake, and etc . More than
70 species of alien invasive plants have invaded the
longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest China
which takes up 70% of the country’s total alien inva-
sive plants ( Xu and Lu, 2006 ) . Among these alien
invasive plants, Leucaena leucocephala, etc . are ar-
boreous plants, Acacia farnesiana, etc . are shrubby
plants, Chromolaena odorata, Tithonia diversifolia,
etc . are semi-frutex plants, Ageratina adenophora,
etc . are perennial herbaceous plants, Ageratumcony-
zoides and Galinsoga parviflora, etc . are annual her-
baceous plants, and Alternanthera philoxeroides is pest
weed . The impacts of arboreous, annual , and pest
weed invasiveplantson the longitudinal range-gorge re-
gionof Southwest China’secosystemarenot soserious;
however the ecosystem of this region is most seriously
endangered by Ageratina adenophora, Chromolaena
odorata, and Tithonia diversifolia . These three spe-
cies are in large number with great destructive forces
and are directly threatening the tropical and subtropical
ecosystems and various artificial ecosystems of the lon-
gitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest China . They
speed up the extinction of the local species, destroy
the structure and function of the ecosystem, and di-
rectly devastate the regional agricultural producers,
animal husbandry, and forestry activities . Though
there are no concrete statistics of economic losses
caused by alien invasive species so far, they have al-
ready threatened the ecological environment, economic
development, human beings’health, and ecological
security of this region or even the adjacent regions . It
is of great practical significance and scientific value to
make acomprehensive study of the alien invasiveplants
of this region, to findout their principleof activity, to
slow down their imperiling speed, eventually to wipe
out the invasive plants in this region, and to restoreits
ecological equilibrium .
III . The impacts of the alien invasive plants
on the species diversity in the longitudinal
range-gorge region of Southwest China
In the terms of floristic position, the longitudinal
range-gorge region of Southwest China belongs to these
two regions: Palaeotropis Kingdom ( Tonkin Bay re-
gion, Yunnan-Myanmar & Thailand region) and East
Asiatic Kingdom ( Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom
and Qinghai-Tibet plateau subkingdom) ( Wu, 1979;
Wu and Wu, 1998 ) . It is a key region of Chinese
biodiversity protection areas with more than 16000 spe-
cies of vascular plants and the endemic species densely
distributed .
Alien invasive plants have caused the loss of re-
gional species . The multitudinous local species of the
longitudinal range-gorge region in Southwest China are
the results of long-term biological evolution . Every
species has its own specific ecological niche and has a
unique community as its habitat . Because of the alien
invasiveplants, thenatural and intact ecological envir-
onment is either isolated or fragmented, the unique
ecological environment is disappearing, and the re-
gional endemic species are becoming extinct . Thealien
invasive plants have a strong impact on the biodiversity
9066 期 LU Shu-Gang et al: The Impacts of the Alien Invasive Plants on Biodiversity . . .
of the longitudinal range-gorge region in Southwest Chi-
na . Before the 1960s there wereno alien invasivepla-
nts in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the longitu-
dinal range-gorge region in Southwest China . Regard-
ing the structure of the community, arborous, shrub,
and herbaceous layers had stable species compositions .
The species of arborous and shrub layers had good re-
generation and herbaceous layer had diversified species
composition . According to the“A surveyof plant com-
munities of thenature conservation stations in the tropi-
cal and subtropical regions of Yunnan Province, Chi-
na”(Tchou, 1960) , there are106 species of vascular
plants in the 900 m2 of the tropical forestry . In the
longitudinal range-gorge region in Southwest China
there aremore than 3 000 species of vascular plants in
1 000 km2 of primitive forestry coverage . While for the
moment, apart from the primitive forestry coverage,
the species in the herbaceous layer have been greatly
varied . In the areas below the altitude of 1 000
meters, Chromolaena odorata and other alien invasive
plants take up the dominant position in the arborous
layer and shrub layer of the community, or evenmake
thembe thesingledominant species in the community .
In the areas with the altitude of 1 000 - 2 700 meters,
Ageratina adenophora and other alien invasive plants
take up thedominant position in the community of her-
baceous layer or even make them be the single domi-
nant species in the community . The regenerationof the
saplings in arborous layer and shrub layer is hindered,
breeds of thestrataaredecreasing, the species compo-
sition of the herbaceous layer is becoming simplified,
and the regional biodiversity is losing badly . In the
tropical and subtropical regions that are dominated by
Ageratina adenophora, Chromolaena odorata, and
other alien invasive plants, there are only more than
20 species of vascular plants in 900 m2 and less than
500 species in 1 000 km2 of alien invasiveplants cover-
age according to the investigation of the authors re-
cently . Thus it canbe seen that the areas are themost
seriously endangered ones by alien invasive plants
in the longitudinal range - gorge region in Southwest
China .
IV . The impacts of the alien invasive plants
on the community diversity in the longitudi-
nal range-gorge region of Southwest China
The longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest
China has complicated topography and intact ecological
series . The altitude in this region is considerably dif-
ferentiated . Taking Yunnan Province as an example,
the elevation height difference comes to 6 663 .6 meters
from the exit of the Honghe River in Hekou County
(with an altitude of 76 .4 meters) to the Kawagebo
Peak of Meili SnowMountain in DeqinCounty (with an
altitude of 6 740 meters) . This region has been world-
famous by its community diversity and ecosystem diver-
sity with various forest communities ranging from the
tropical rain forests to cold-temperate zone conifers,
especially rich in the types of sub-tropical evergreen
broadleaf forests that are the climax vegetation . The
alien invasive plants have very strong impacts on the
regeneration and stability of the tropical and sub-tropi-
cal forest communities in this region . In the first
place, the stability of the community has been influ-
enced by the alien invasive plants . If there were no
alien invasive plants, the forest edge or forest fringe
could becomeimportant grounds of arbor saplings in va-
rious forest communities . Different species of arbor
saplings could complete all the stages of forming com-
munities and stabiling the communities by means of ag-
gregating and competing . However, under the inter-
ference and destruction of the alien invasive plants,
the arbor saplings can not complete the stages that pre-
vent the forest communities from regenerating them-
selves andmaking themisolated and segmentedor even
extinct . In the second place, the succession of com-
munities has been impacted by the alien invasive pla-
nts . Without the alien invasive plants, apart fromthe
forest community, the tropical and sub-tropical species
could formstable communities with stablespecies com-
position . While under the interference and destruction
of alien invasive plants, the tropical and sub-tropical
barren hills, wasteland, and bushland become single
communities of Ageratina adenophora, Chromolaena
odorata, Tithonia diversifolia, Lantana camera, and
016 云 南 植 物 研 究 28 卷
Ageratina adenophora which decrease the biodiversity
and cut off the succession of tropical and sub-tropical
barren hills, wasteland, and bushland to form forest
communities . The imperilment of the alien invasive pla-
nts, has lead to the decrease of the community biodiver-
sity and disappear of containing species diversity in the
longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest China .
V . The impacts of the alien invasive plants
on the ecosystem diversity in the longitudinal
range-gorge region of Southwest China
An ecosystem is a whole complex of community of
organisms and their physical environment functioning as
an ecological unit, in which the organisms interacts
with the environment through energy flow and materials
cycling . The organisms refer to plants, animals ( her-
bivores and carnivores) , bacteria, and fungi , while
the physical environment consists of temperature, sun-
light, water, soil , and etc . In the ecosystem, the
plants areproducers, theherbivores and carnivores are
consumers, and the bacteria and fungi are decompos-
ers . An ecosystemis an basic unit in the natural world
with ecological functions, such as preserving soil ,
conserving water, regulating climate, keeping biodi-
versity, and etc . Theecosystemdisturbanceby human
activities, such as sheep farming or waste depositing,
and invasion of natural ecosystemsby exotic species be-
come a major threat to biodiversity globally (Peng and
Xiang, 1999; Frenot et al , 2001; Janet and Mich-
elle, 2004 ) . The impacts of the alien invasive plants
on the ecosystem diversity in the longitudinal range-
gorge region of Southwest China involve three levels:
reducing the species diversity, reducing the types of
ecosystem, and losing the ecological function . The
types of ecosystem in the longitudinal range-gorge re-
gion of Southwest China are unitization as a result of
alien invasive plants . The number of the consumers
and decomposers that compose the ecosystemis greatly
decreased as a result of the unitization . It is extremely
important for the forestry ecosystemto play a role in the
water conservation in the longitudinal range-gorge re-
gionof Southwest China, so that this function of con-
serving water make a big contribution to so called
“green reservoir”that provide water for both irrigation
and human daily life . Due to the imperilment of the
alien invasive plants, now the longitudinal range-gorge
region of Southwest China is suffering not only the spe-
cies decrease, and community unitary, but also soil
erosion, and water resource drying-up has seriously
dried up, which cause direct and indirect damages to
the regional agricultural producers, animal husbandry,
and forestry activities .
VI . The impacts of alien invasive plants on
agricultural producers , animal husbandry ,
and forestry activities in the longitudinal
range-gorge region of Southwest China
The damage of the alien invasive plants on agri-
cultural producers, animal husbandry, and forestry
activities can be categorized into direct damage and in-
direct damage aspects . In the aspectof direct damage,
the alien invasive plants fight for sun light, rain and
nutrition with the native plants which reduce the pro-
duction of the crops and further influence agricultural
producers, animal husbandry, and forestry activities .
In the aspect of indirect damage, the alien invasive
plants form large areas of single species dominancy
communities and occupy the native species’ecological
niche . They destroy the biotope of the native species
by means of allelopathywhichmakes thenativespecies
lose their livingspace anddebase the regional biodiver-
sity ( Jose and Ragan, 2003; Zhang, 2004 ) .
The alien invasive plants have impacts on forestry
activities . If there is no alien invasive plants, many
species of fine vanguard trees, such as Pinus kesiya
var. langbianensis, Betula alnoides, and Alnus ne-
palensis, can produce and spread themselvesquickly to
form vanguard communities . The vanguard community
is an important stageof thesuccessionof climaxvegeta-
tion . With the invasion of alien plants, the single
species dominancy communities like the coverage of
Ageratina adenophora reaches up to 85% - 95% . The
natural regeneration of the above fine vanguard tree is
1166 期 LU Shu-Gang et al: The Impacts of the Alien Invasive Plants on Biodiversity . . .
greatly hindered, which present the regional to return
farmland from returning to forest program . In one
hand, alien invasive plants increases the cost of affor-
estation; in another hand, they reduces the species
diversity of the vanguard community, reduces the eco-
logical functions of the forest ecosystem in preserving
soil , conserving thewater, regulating the climate and
containing the biodiversity .
The alien invasive plants have also impacts on ag-
ricultural producers and animal husbandry . Under the
condition of no alien invasive plants, in the longitudi-
nal range-gorge region of Southwest China, the climax
vegetation types below 1 000 meters are tropical rain
forests and monsoon rain forests, and between 1 000
and 2 800 meters are evergreen broadleaf forests . The
secondary communities being interfered and destroyed
by human beings are artificial forests, barren hills,
wasteland, and bushland . The herb plants of this re-
gion, especially those graminaceous plants such as
Erianthus rufipilus, Imperata cylindrical , Microstegi-
um ciliatum, Miscanthus floridulus, Neyraudia rey-
naudiana, Saccharum arundinaceum, Themeda
gigantean and Thysanolaena maxima are fine forage
grass . While with the invasion of alien plants, those
fine forage grass are replaced and the regional animal
husbandry is affected . In one aspect, the resourcesof
fine forage grass are greatly decreased and the amount
of horses, cattle and goats is greatly decreased due to
the shortage of forage grass . In the other aspect, the
toxin of Ageratina adenophora can kill thedomestic an-
imals, such as horses, by destroying their respiration
system and eventually drops the yields of agricultural
producers and animal husbandry .
VII . Suggestions of controlling and remov-
ing the alien invasive plants in the longitudi-
nal range-gorge region of Southwest China
The majority of the alien invasive plants are herb
plants and a little portion are semi-shrubby, shrubby,
or arboreous plants . All of the alien invasive plants
possess strongly capacity of reproducing, disseminat-
ing, competing, and adapting in ecosystem ( Shi et
al , 2004) . For example, Ageratina adenophora can
bear up to 695 300 seeds every clump inoneyear (Xu
and Wang, 2004 ) ; and Tithonia fiversifolia to 80 000
- 160 000?m2?year ( Wang et al , 2004 ) . Both the
disseminating and spreadingof the alien invasive plants
are related to human beings’activities . No matter the
alien invasive plants are intentionally or unintentionally
introduced, the process is related to human beings’
activities . The environments for the alien invasivepla-
nts’settle down and spreading are also related to hu-
man beings’ activities ( Benjamin and Matt, 2004 ) .
The alien invasive plants or pest weeds cannot settle
down, spread, and damage to the natural ecosystem
without human beings’ interference . Therefore, the
best approach is to protect the regional different natural
ecosystems by restraining human being’s interference,
though many approaches suggest to control and remove
the alien invasive plants . The diverse plant communi-
ties should bemore resistant to the alien invasiveplants
compared with those that have few species ( Benjamin
and Matt, 2004 ) . In addition, comparing with re-
moving the alien invasiveplants, it is more economical
to prevent them .
The longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest
China is rich in the natural ecosystems, such as tropi-
cal rain forest, monsoon rain forest, evergreen broad-
leaf forests, warm-temperate needleaf forests, temper-
ate broadleaf deciduous forests, warm-temperate broa-
dleaf deciduous forests, temperate needleaf forests
( conifers) , cold-temperate needleaf forests, bamboo
forest, dry-hot savanna vegetation, alpine meadows,
alpine thickets, high mountain with rocky fragments,
etc . and artificial eco-systems . The severely endan-
gered ecosystems are tropical rain forest, monsoon rain
forest, evergreen broadleaf forests, warm-temperate
needleaf forests, and artificial ecosystems . For natural
ecosystems, the most effective countermeasure to con-
trol and remove the alien invasive plants is to reduce
human beings’ interference and destruction, and con-
sequently to strengthen their own immune abilities . In
the longitudinal range-gorge regionof Southwest China,
there are no alien invasive plants in the barren hills
216 云 南 植 物 研 究 28 卷
and wastelands that have not been interfered by human
beings’activities . This indicates that without human
beings’ interference and destruction, the alien inva-
siveplants may vanish naturally and the native species
diversitywill naturally get recovered .
Numerous artificial ecosystems are the breeding
ground of the alien invasive plants, and the artificial
communities are the most vulnerable ones to the alien
invasive plants . Human activities are the primary
cause of the invasion of the alien invasive plants
(Montserrat and Jordi , 2001; Xiang et al , 2002 ) .
The alien invasive plants bear the biological and eco-
logical characteristics of pest weeds, they can not live
too long under the condition of no human beings’ in-
terference and destruction . The alien invasive plants
can grow exuberantly in the biotope being interfered
and destructed by humanbeings . For example, in the
tropical areas of Southern and Southwestern Yunnan
Province, after destroying forests, reclaiming waste-
lands, and growingtropical fruits and tropical econom-
ic plants, Chromolaena odorata is thesingledominan-
cy plant of the artificial tropical forests or the main
weedof the tropical crops . Another example is in the
Daweishan, Pingbian county, State-level National
Natural Reserveof Southeastern Yunnan Province . Be-
cause of the great biodiversity of the native species,
there are no alien invasive plants under the biotope .
However, on either side of the highway, because of
human beings’ interferencelike annual artificial weed-
ing, Ageratina adenophora grows exuberantly there .
In thelongitudinal range-gorge regionof Southwest Chi-
na, the ecosystem along highways becomes the pas-
sageway the alien invasive plants ( Jonathan et al ,
2003 ) like Ageratina adenophora and Chromolaena
odorata .
VIII . Conclusion
Biodiversity is not only related to human beings’
clothing, food, housing, and transportation, but also
related to the cultural diversity and cultural intact of
human beings . The longitudinal range-gorge region of
Southwest China is a key region of biodiversity protec-
tion areas inour country . However, due tothe imper-
ilment of the alien invasive plants, now the longitudi-
nal range-gorge region of Southwest China has become
an alien invasive plants-stricken area which takes the
lead in the whole country . According to some rough
statistics, around 96 species of alien invasive plants
have been found in our country, but 70 of them have
been fond in the longitudinal range-gorge region of
Southwest China . These invasive species are in large
populations and powerful in destruction, which not
only speeds up the extinction of the native species and
destroys the structure and function of the regional eco-
system, but also directly devastates the regional agri-
cultural producers, animal husbandry, and forestry
activities . Though there are no concrete statistics of
economic losses caused by alien invasive species so
far, they have already threatened the ecological envir-
onment, economic development, human beings’
health, and ecological safety of this region, or even
the adjacent regions . It is of great practical signifi-
cance and scientific value to make a study of the alien
invasive plants of this region, to find out their princi-
pleof activity, to slow down their imperiling speed to
eradicate the invasive plants in this region, and even-
tually to restore regional ecological equilibrium .
Acknowledgement: We would like to thank Dr . J ianwei ( Jer-
ry) Li in Institutefor Genomic Research at Rockville, Maryland
20850 of USA for critical reading of the manuscript .
Benj ?amin F Tracy, Matt A Sanderson, 2004 . Forageproductivity, spe-
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