全 文 :福建苔类和角苔类植物最新名录与区系分析*
张晓青1, 朱瑞良1**, 黄志森2, 陈允泰2, 陈文伟2
(1 华东师范大学生命科学学院, 上海摇 200062; 2 戴云山国家级自然保护区, 福建 德化摇 362503)
摘要: 福建地处亚热带, 其维管植物多样性已经有过广泛的研究, 但其苔类和角苔类植物的多样性却鲜为
人知。 在本研究中, 作者基于先前的苔藓植物文献报道和近期的野外工作以及对华东师范大学标本馆部分
馆藏标本的研究结果, 编写了福建苔类和角苔类植物的最新名录。 福建共有苔类植物 41 科 79 属 351 种,
角苔类植物 1 科 4 属 6 种。 本研究新增福建苔类新记录 82 种。 福建苔类和角苔类植物区系主要由细鳞苔
科 (94 种), 耳叶苔科 (32 种), 羽苔科 (25 种), 扁萼苔科 (23 种) 和指叶苔科 (21 种) 等一些热带
和亚热带的大科组成。 除种数较多的属以外, 63 个属的种数不足 5 种, 其中包括 33 个单种属。 福建苔类
和角苔类植物的区系地理分布主要以东亚、 热带亚洲和北温带成分为主。 福建特有种仅 Solenostoma parvi鄄
perianthum一种。 与台湾相比, 尽管两地植物间具有较高的相似性, 福建在苔类和角苔类植物的多样性以
关键词: 角苔植物门; 生物多样性; 区系; 苔类植物门; 福建
中图分类号: Q 949, Q 948摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号: 2095-0845(2011)01-101-22
Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated
Checklist and Bryofloristic Accounts
Xiao鄄Qing ZHANG1, Rui鄄Liang ZHU1**, Zhi鄄Sen HUANG2,
Yun鄄Tai CHEN2, Wen鄄Wei CHEN2
(1 Department of Biology, School of Life Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
2 Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve, Dehua 362503, China)
Abstract: Fujian, located in the subtropics of southeastern China, is a province on the southeast cost of China di鄄
rectly across from Taiwan. Although the diversity of vascular plants of Fujian has been extensively studied, the di鄄
versity of liverworts and hornworts of this province is poorly understood. In this study, an updated checklist of Fujian
liverworts and hornworts is provided based on published bryological literatures and our recent fieldwork as well as
some specimens deposited in the herbarium of East China Normal University. The liverwort and hornwort flora of Fu鄄
jian consists of 351 species of liverworts belonging to 79 genera in 41 families, and six species of hornworts belong鄄
ing to four genera in one family. The present paper contributes 82 species as new records for this province. Tropical
and subtropical families, such as Lejeuneaceae (94 spp. ), Frullaniaceae (32 spp. ), Plagiochilaceae (25 spp. ),
Radulaceae (23 spp. ) and Lepidoziaceae (21 spp. ) are the primary components of Fujian liverwort and hornwort
flora. Sixty鄄three genera are represented by fewer than five species including 33 with only one representative species.
The areal鄄type of Fujian liverworts and hornworts is mainly dominated by the East Asia element, the Tropical Asia
element and the North Temperate element. Only one species, Solenostoma parviperianthum, is endemic to this prov鄄
ince. In comparison with Taiwan, despite the close affinity, the diversity and the endemism of Fujian liverworts and
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2011, 33 (1): 101 ~ 122
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1143. 2011. 11005
Foundation items: This research was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30825004), the Program of Shanghai
Subject Chief Scientist (08XD14016), and 211 Project for the East China Normal University
Author for correspondence; E鄄mail: rlzhu@ bio. ecnu. edu. cn
Received date: 2011-01-07, Accepted date: 2011-01-24
hornworts are still far behind those of Taiwan.
Key words: Anthocerotophyta; Biodiversity; Flora; Marchantiophyta; Fujian
摇 Fujian province, covering an area of 121 400
km2, is situated in southeastern China, between
115毅50忆-120毅40忆 E, 23毅33忆-28毅20忆 N. Being the
transitional zone for the central subtropics and south鄄
ern subtropics, Fujian is also an important node link
of the Himalaya鄄Taiwan bryophyte immigration route
(Zhu and Wang, 2004).
The topography of Fujian features a hilly,
mountainous area accounting for 87. 3% of the entire
province. There are several high mountains over 1 000
m above the sea level in Fujian. The most well
known one is Mt. Wuyi situated in the northwestern
part with the highest peak Huanggang (2 158 m
above the sea level) . Another two main mountains
are Mt. Daiyun and Mt. Jiufeng, both situated across
the central part of Fujian (Huang and Zha, 2003).
This province also possesses the highest percentage
of forest coverage ( 62. 96% ) in mainland China
(Yang, 2010).
Located in the subtropics, the province has a
typical subtropical maritime monsoon climate, with
an average annual precipitation of 1 400-2 000 mm,
an average temperature of 17 -21益 and a relative
humidity of 75% -85% (Yang, 2010). The favour鄄
able climate conditions, along with diverse topogra鄄
phy and geographical location lead to its relatively
rich biodiversity compared to the rest of China (Wan
et al., 2007), which is only inferior to Yunnan and
Guangxi. It is reported that there are 4703 vascular
plant species occuring in this province (Huang and
Zha, 2003). However, the overall diversity of liver鄄
worts and hornworts of this province is scarcely known.
Although the earliest collection can be traced
back to 1887 (Carl, 1931), the first record of Fu鄄
jian liverworts and hornworts did not appear until the
publication of Symbolae Sinicae, in which Verdoorn
(1930 ) reported three taxa, Frullania moniliata
subsp. obscura [ = Frullania moniliata (Reinw. et
al. ) Mont. ], Frullania muscicola Steph. and Frul鄄
lania muscicola var. chungii [ =Frullania nepalensis
(Spreng. ) Lehm. & Lindenb. ] from Fujian. The
earliest collecting of Fujian bryophytes by the Chi鄄
nese began around 1925, when H. 鄄H. Chung from
Xiamen University made some collections in Fuzhou.
However, lack of necessary literature and herbaria
forced him to send his specimens to foreign bryolo鄄
gists for identification. The results were later pub鄄
lished by Th佴riot (1929, 1932), Verdoorn (1930)
and Bartram (1935). The hepatic flora of Fujian
was subsequently investigated by Chao (1943), who
reported 30 liverwort species from Fujian with
Haplomitriaceae recorded for the first time in China
based on his collections in Nanping, Sanming,
Yong忆an and Changting. This was considered to be
the first paper of the hepatics of China (Wu et al.,
1981) which was not cited in Piippo忆 s Annotated
catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae
(Piippo, 1990).
The decades between the 1950s and 1990s con鄄
stituted the most active periods for the collection of
Fujian bryophytes. In 1955, P. 鄄C. Chen organized
a bryological research group and made his first expe鄄
dition to Mt. Wuyi (Li and Wu, 1993). Based on
these collections, Chen and Wu (1964) reported 13
epiphyllous liverworts with two new species and one
new variety from Fujian. Later, during 1979-1984,
the Mt. Wuyi research group extensively investigated
Mt. Wuyi and collected thousands of bryophyte spec鄄
imens ( Li and Wu, 1993). On the basis of this
fieldwork, Wu et al. (1983) listed 22 hepatic spe鄄
cies from Mt. Wuyi. A serial of additional papers
concerning bryophytes from Mt. Wuyi were published
by the same authors in the 1980s (Wu et al., 1982,
1984, 1987a, b, c).
The first checklist of Fujian liverworts and
hornworts was prepared by Piippo (1990) who enu鄄
merated 85 liverworts and hornworts from Fujian.
The second checklist of Fujian liverworts and horn鄄
201摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
worts appeared in Zhang and Lai (1993), which
contained 145 species. In the same year, Li and Wu
(1993) published a list of bryophytes from Wuyi鄄
shan Nature Reserve containing 136 liverworts and
hornworts based on previous collections from this
area. Another expedition to Longqishan Nature Re鄄
serve was carried out during 1991-1992. Over 3000
bryophytes specimens were collected ( Li, 1994).
The results showed that 98 species of liverworts and
hornworts were present in this area ( Li, 1994 ).
Later, Li (1997) reported several epiphyllous liver鄄
worts from Wanmulin Nature Reserve based on his
collections in this area in 1986. In 1999, R. 鄄L.
Zhu visited Mt. Wuyi especially in search of epiphyl鄄
lous liverworts and the results were published in Zhu
and So (2001). In the same year, Y. 鄄F. Wang
and J. Zhu made an extensive collection in Eastern
Jiufeng Mountain (Zhu and Wang, 2004). More re鄄
cently, Gao (2003) listed 46 liverwort species from
Fujian. Subsequently, Gao and Wu (2008) addi鄄
tionally listed 53 hepatic species from this province.
The following map (Fig. 1) shows the spots of his鄄
torical collections of liverworts and hornworts
(marked as A鄄K) in Fujian, as well as our recent
sampled localities (L鄄M).
Fig. 1摇 Map of Fujian with collection localities
A: Changting County; B: Longqishan Nature Reserve; C: Sangang Village;
D: Wuyishan National Nature Reserve; E: Wanmulin Nature Reserve;
F: Nanping City; G: Fuzhou City; H: Sanming City; I: Yong忆an City;
J: Nanjing County; K: Ningde City; L: Daiyunshan National
Nature Reserve; M: Shiniushan National Forest Park
In fact, owing to constant reports on interesting
species of Fujian, floristic knowledge of liverworts
and hornworts in this province has greatly increased
since the publication of the first checklist ( Piippo,
1990). The representative papers include, Piippo
(1996), Zhu and So (1997), He (1997b), Yi
and Gao (1998), Zhu and So (1999a, b, c), Gao
and Cao (2000), Potemkin (2000), So (2001a),
Zhu and So (2001), Zhu and Long (2003), Po鄄
temkin et al. (2004), Gao and Wu (2005), Zhu
and Gradstein (2005), etc.
Despite great changes that have taken place in
the liverwort and hornwort flora of Fujian, the liver鄄
wort and hornwort flora of Fujian has not been well
investigated. Firstly, in spite of the numerous col鄄
lections made in this province, previous collections
were mostly from Mt. Wuyi. Few bryologists, howev鄄
er, have paid attention to Mt. Daiyun, the second
largest mountain in Fujian. Secondly, lots of speci鄄
mens collected remained unidentified for decades.
Thirdly, most of the available information for this
province is either outdated or fragmented. Further
more, although comparisons of vascular plant flora
between Fujian and Taiwan have been done (Zeng,
1983; Huang and Zha, 2003), the relationship of
liverworts and hornworts between these two regions
has never been explored. Thus, we attempt to carry
out our present study to provide a comprehensive
overview of the diversity of liverworts and hornworts
of Fujian, and aim to clarify its relationship of liver鄄
worts and hornworts with Taiwan.
1摇 Materials and Methods
The specimens examined for the present study
include the collections made by the present authors
from Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve and Shi鄄
niushan National Forest Park during 2009-2010. The
additional specimens were collected by Y. 鄄F. Wang
and J. Zhu from Eastern Jiufeng Mountain in 1999,
and by J. Wang and H. Hang from Nanjing County
in 2008. The present checklist of Fujian liverworts
and hornworts was complied based on records from
3011 期摇 摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Xiao鄄Qing et al. : Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated Checklist and …摇 摇 摇 摇
published bryological literature and our recent e鄄
xamination of available specimens. All specimens
are deposited in the herbarium of East China Normal
University (HSNU).
The bryofloristic accounts are based on the
present checklist. The phytogeographical distribution
pattern of liverworts and hornworts of Fujian mainly
follows Wu忆s (1991) areal types of seed plants as
well as its own characteristics of geographical distri鄄
bution. The comparision is mainly based on the
present checklist and the checklist of Taiwan (Wang
et al., 2011). We choose Gleason忆 s species rich鄄
ness index (DGl ) to reveal the overall diversity of
species ( Gleason, 1922) and the Kroeber忆 s per鄄
centage of similarity for the affinity between these
two regions (Balgooy, 1971).
Species names in the checklist are arranged in
alphabetical order with references cited. The nomen鄄
clature mainly follows Crandall鄄Stotler et al. (2009),
V佗倬a et al. (2010) and other recent publications
(Konstantinova et al., 2009; Feldberg et al., 2010;
S觟derstr觟m et al., 2010; Ye and Zhu, 2010). New
records for Fujian are marked with asterisks.
2摇 Results
2. 1摇 Liverwort and hornwort flora
The number of the liverwort and hornwort spe鄄
cies known from Fujian has risen from 85 (Piippo,
1990) to 357. A total of 351 species of liverworts
belonging to 79 genera in 41 families and six species
of hornworts belonging to four genera in one family
are reported. The present study contributes 82 spe鄄
cies as new records for this province. The Gleason忆s
species richness index ( DGl ) of Fujian liverworts
and hornworts reaches as high as 30. 41.
The liverwort and hornwort flora consists mainly
of tropical and subtropical families, such as Lejeu鄄
neaceae (94 spp. ), Frullaniaceae (32 spp. ), Pla鄄
giochilaceae (25 spp. ), Radulaceae (23 spp. ) and
Lepidoziaceae (21 spp. ), among which Lejeuneace鄄
ae is the largest, accounting for 26. 26% of the total
liverwort and hornwort flora of Fujian. Several fami鄄
lies, such as Scapaniaceae ( 18 spp. ), Solenos鄄
tomaceae (16 spp. ) and Porellaceae (12 spp. ) are
also primary components of the liverwort and horn鄄
wort flora of Fujian. Genera with more than 10 spe鄄
cies are Cololejeunea ( 33 spp. ), Frullania ( 32
spp. ), Radula ( 23 spp. ), Plagiochila ( 23
spp. ), Lejeunea ( 18 spp. ), Cheilolejeunea ( 14
spp. ), Solenostoma ( 14 spp. ), Bazzania ( 13
spp. ), Scapania ( 13 spp. ) and Porella ( 12
spp. ), which compose 54. 62% of the total liver鄄
wort and hornwort flora. Sixty鄄three genera are re鄄
presented by fewer than five species including 33
which have only one representative species. Eight
species, Neotrichocolea bissetii, Solenostoma lix鄄
ingjiangii, Cololejeunea magnilobula, Hattoria
yakushimensis, Kurzia sinensis, Nowellia aciliata,
Porella obtusiloba, Trichocoleopsis tsinlingensis are
listed in the national red list of Chinese endangered
bryophytes ( Cao et al., 2006a), including three
species, Cololejeunea magnilobula, Hattoria yakush鄄
imensis and Kurzia sinensis belonging to the world
red list of bryophytes (Tan et al., 2000).
In contrast, the diversity of the liverwort and
hornwort flora of Taiwan with 503 species of liver鄄
worts belonging to 117 genera in 52 families, 19
species of hornworts belonging to six genera in three
families (Wang et al., 2011 ) and the Gleason忆 s
species richness index (DGl) of 49. 66 is much ric鄄
her than that of Fujian.
2. 2摇 Phytogeographical aspects and bryofloristic
The phytogeographical distribution patterns of the
liverworts and hornworts of Fujian can be classified
into 13 groups. The sum of all the Temperate ele鄄
ments (60. 50% ) has outshined that of the Tropical
elements (35. 29% ), therefore they dominate the
liverwort and hornwort flora of Fujian. Among the 13
elements, the East Asia element, the Tropical Asia
element and the North Temperate element, which
account for 30. 81% , 19. 89% and 16. 53% respec鄄
tively, possess an absolute predominence. Out of the
110 East Asiatic distribution species, fifty鄄two be鄄
401摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
long to the Sino鄄Japan element. So far as we know,
18 species accounting for 5. 04% of the total flora
are endemic to China. Only one species, Solenosto鄄
ma parviperianthum, is endemic to this province.
Taiwan, however, has a more remarkable record of
13 endemic species (Wang et al., 2011).
With respect to the similarity between the liver鄄
wort and hornwort flora of Fujian and Taiwan, 260 spe鄄
cies and 78 genera are recorded as common species
and genera with the Kroeber忆s percentage of similarity
of 61. 32% and 78. 69%, respectively. All the families
occurring in Fujian are also distributed in Taiwan,
while 13 families occurring in Taiwan are absent in Fu鄄
jian, including Acrobolbaceae, Adelanthaceae, Antho鄄
cerotaceae, Calyculariaceae, Cyathodiaceae, Dendroc鄄
erotaceae, Lepicoleaceae, Lunulariaceae, Mastigo鄄
phoraceae, Monosoleniaceae, Schistochilaceae, Tar鄄
gioniaceae and Treubiaceae. There are five genera lac鄄
king in Taiwan, Alobiellopsis, Biantheridion, Hattoria,
Neotrichocolea and Otolejeunea, most of them restricted
to East Asia. Whereas, 45 genera that occur in Taiwan
are absent in Fujian, such as Acrobolbus, Gottschelia,
Mastigophora, Nipponolejeunea, Schistochila, Targion鄄
ia, Wettsteinia, etc.
2. 3摇 Updated checklist
Acrolejeunea pusilla ( Steph. ) Grolle & Gradst. - Zhang and Lai ( 1993 as Ptychocoleus nipponicus), So and Zhu
(1996a), present study.
摇 *Alobiellopsis parvifolia (Steph. ) R. M. Schust. -present study.
Anastrophyllum minutum (Schreb. ) R. M. Schust. var. minutum -Gao and Wu (2008).
Aneura pinguis (L. ) Dumort. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), present study.
摇 *Anthoceros angustus Steph. -present study.
A. punctatus L. -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
Apomarsupella revoluta (Nees) R. M. Schust. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003 as
Marsupella revoluta).
摇 *Archilejeunea amakawana Inoue -present study.
摇 *A. kiushiana (Horik. ) Verd -present study.
摇 *A. planiuscula (Mitt. ) Steph. -present study.
Bazzania angustifolia Horik. -Li (1994).
B. asperrima Steph. -Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), present study.
B. bidentula (Steph. ) Steph. ex Yasuda -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *B. bilobata N. Kitag. -present study.
B. denudata (Torr. ex Gottsche et al. ) Trevis. -Zhang and Lai (1993).
摇 *B. fauriana (Steph. ) S. Hatt. -present study.
B. japonica (Sande Lac. ) Lindb. -Li et al. (1986), Wu et al. (1984), Mizutani and Chang (1986), Piippo (1990),
Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003),
present study.
摇 *B. magna Horik. -present study.
B. ovistipula (Steph. ) Abeyw. -Mizutani and Chang (1986), Piippo (1990), present study.
摇 *B. pearsonii Steph. -present study.
B. praerupta (Reinw. et al. ) Trevis. -Zhang and Lai (1993).
B. tridens (Reinw. et al. ) Trevis. -Wu et al. (1984 as Bazzania albicans), Mizutani and Chang (1986), Mizutani and
Chang (1986 as B. oshimensis), Piippo (1990), Piippo (1990 as B. oshimensis), Li and Wu (1993 as B. oshimen鄄
sis), Li (1994), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Cao (2000 as B. oshimensis), Gao
(2003), Gao (2003 as B. oshimensis), Gao and Lai (2003), Gao and Lai (2003 as B. oshimensis), present study.
B. trilobata (L. ) Gray -Chao (1943 as Bazzania tridentoides), Mizutani and Chang (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu
(1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Li (1994), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
5011 期摇 摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Xiao鄄Qing et al. : Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated Checklist and …摇 摇 摇 摇
Biantheridion undulifolium (Nees) Konstant. & Vilnet -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jamesoniella undulifolia), Gao and Bai
(2001 as J. undulifolia), Gao (2003 as J. undulifolia), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. undulifolia).
Blasia pusilla L. -Zhang and Lai (1993).
Blepharostoma minus Horik. -Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
B. trichophyllum (L. ) Dumort. -Wu et al. (1984), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao
and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
Calypogeia arguta Nees & Mont. -Chao (1943), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao
(2000), Gao (2003), present study.
C. azurea Stotler & Crotz -Li (1994 as Calypogeia trichomanis), Gao and Cao (2000 as C. trichomanis), Gao (2003 as C.
trichomanis), present study.
C. fissa (L. ) Raddi -Chao (1943).
C. japonica Steph. -Li (1994 as C. tsukushiensis), present study.
C. muelleriana (Schiffn. ) M俟ll. Frib. -Gao (2003).
C. neesiana (C. Massal. & Carestia. ) M俟ll. Frib. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993).
C. tosana (Steph. ) Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Li and Wu (1993 as Calypogeia tosana var. yoshinagana), Zhang and
Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao (2003), Zhang and Wu (2006), present
Cephalozia ambigua C. Massal. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993)
摇 *C. gollanii Steph. -present study.
C. bicuspidata (L. ) Dumort. -Li (1994).
C. hamatiloba Steph. -Li (1994 as Cephalozia otaruensis var. setiloba), Zhang and Wu (2006 as C. otaruensis), present
摇 *C. lacinulata (J. B. Jack ex Gottsche & Rabenh. ) Spruce -present study.
C. lunulifolia ( Dumort. ) Dumort. - Li and Wu (1993), Li and Wu (1993 as Cephalozia media), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Wu (2006).
C. macounii (Austin) Austin -Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003).
摇 *Cephaloziella breviperianthia C. Gao -present study.
C. kiaeri (Austin) Douin -Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), present study.
C. microphylla (Steph. ) Douin -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao
(2003), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
C. spinicaulis Douin -Zhang and Lai (1993).
摇 *Cheilolejeunea ceylanica (Gottsche) R. M. Schust. & Kachroo -present study.
C. chenii R. L. Zhu & M. L. So -Chen and Wu (1964 as Neurolejeunea fukiensis), Wu et al. (1983 as N. fukiensis),
Piippo (1990 as N. fukiensis), Li and Wu (1993 as N. fukiensis), Zhang and Lai (1993 as N. fukiensis), Jin (1994
as N. fukiensis), He 1997 as N. fukiensis), Zhu et al. (1999), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2002).
摇 *C. intertexta (Lindenb. ) Steph. -present study.
摇 *C. kitagawaeW. Ye & R. L. Zhu-present study.
C. krakakammae (Lindenb. ) R. M. Schust. -Li and Wu (1993 as Cheilolejeunea ontakensis), Zhu et al. (2002),
present study.
摇 *C. nipponica (S. Hatt. ) S. Hatt. -present study.
C. obtusifolia (Steph. ) S. Hatt. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhu et al. (2002), Zhu and Long (2003), present study.
摇 *C. obtusilobula (S. Hatt. ) S. Hatt. -present study.
摇 *C. osumiensis (S. Hatt. ) Mizut. -present study.
摇 *C. ryukyuensis Mizut. -present study.
C. trapezia (Nees) Kachroo & R. M. Schust. -Wu et al. (1983 as Cheilolejeunea imbricata), Piippo (1990 as C. imbri鄄
cata), Li and Wu (1993 as C. imbricata), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C. imbricata and C. longiloba), Zhu and Hu
601摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
(1993 as C. imbricata), So and Zhu (1996b as C. imbricata), He (1997b as C. imbricata), Zhu and So (2001 as C.
imbricata and C. longiloba), Zhu et al. (2001 as C. imbricata), Zhu et al. (2002 as C. imbricata), Gao and Cao
(2000 as C. longiloba), Gao and Lai (2003 as C. longiloba), present study.
摇 *C. turgida (Mitt. ) W. Ye & R. L. Zhu -present study.
C. xanthocarpa (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Malombe-Li et al. (1986 as Leucolejeunea xanthocarpa), Piippo (1990 as L. xanth鄄
ocarpa), Li and Wu (1993 as L. xanthocarpa), Zhang and Lai (1993 as L. xanthocarpa), He (1997b as L. xantho鄄
carpa), Zhu and So (1999c as L. xanthocarpa), Zhu and So (2001 as L. xanthocarpa), present study.
Chiloscyphus fragrans (Moris & De Not. ) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. -Chao (1943 as Lophocolea fragrans).
C. integristipulus (Steph. ) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. -Gao and Wu (2008).
摇 *C. itoanus (Inoue) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. -present study.
C. japonicus Steph. -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
C. minor (Nees) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. -Chao (1943 as Lophocolea minor), Li and Wu (1993 as L. minor),
Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
摇 *C. muricatus (Lehm. ) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. -present study.
C. polyanthos (L. ) Corda -Li and Wu (1993 as Chiloscyphus polyanthus [sic]), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C. polyanthus
[sic]), Li (1994 as C. polyantus [sic]).
C. profundus (Nees) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
Cololejeunea appressa (A. Evans) Benedix -Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present
C. ceratilobula (P. C. Chen) R. M. Schust. -Zhu and So (1998a), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et
al. (2001), present study.
C. denticulata (Horik. ) S. Hatt. -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983 as Leptocolea denticulata), Piippo (1990),
Li and Wu (1993 as L. denticulata), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), Li (1994 as L. denticulata), He
(1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
C. floccosa (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Schiffn. -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), He (1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), present study.
C. grossepapillosa (Horik. ) N. Kitag. -Zhu and So (2001 as Aphanolejeunea grossepapillosa), Gao and Lai (2000 as A.
C. haskarliana (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Schiffn. -Li and Wu (1993 as Cololejeunea hispidissima), Li (1994 as C. hispidissi鄄
ma), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003).
摇 *C. horikawana (S. Hatt. ) Mizut. -present study.
C. inflata Steph. -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Li (1985), Tixier (1978), Piippo (1990), Piippo (1990
as Cololejeunea oshimensis), Li and Wu (1993 as C. oshimensis), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C. oshimensis), Li (1994
as C. oshimensis), Zhu (1995), He (1997b), He (1997b as C. oshimensis), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So
(2001), Zhu et al. (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
C. japonica (Schiffn. ) S. Hatt. ex Mizut. -Zhu and So (2001).
摇 *C. kodamae Kamim. -present study.
摇 *C. lanciloba Steph. -present study.
C. latistyla R. L. Zhu -Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003).
C. longifolia (Mitt. ) Benedix ex Mizut. -Wu et al. (1983 as Leptocolea oblonga), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993 as
L. oblonga), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994 as L. oblonga), He (1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So
(2001), Zhu and Long (2003), present study.
C. macounii (Spruce ex Underw. ) A. Evans -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Zhu (1995), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
摇 *C. magnilobula (Horik. ) S. Hatt. -present study.
C. ocellata (Horik. ) Benedix -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang
7011 期摇 摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Xiao鄄Qing et al. : Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated Checklist and …摇 摇 摇 摇
and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), Zhu (1995), He (1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao
and Lai (2003), present study.
C. ocelloides (Horik. ) Mizut. -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Wu et al. (1987a), Piippo (1990), Li and
Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), Li (1994), He (1997b), present study.
C. peraffinis (Schiffn. ) Schiffn. -Chen and Wu (1964 as Cololejeunea magnipapillosa), Wu et al. (1983 as C. magni鄄
papillosa), Piippo (1990 as C. magnipapillosa), Li and Wu (1993 as C. magnipapillosa), Zhang and Lai (1993 as
C. magnipapillosa), Zhu and Hu (1993 as C. magnipapillosa), Zhu (1995), He (1997b as C. magnipapillosa), Gao
and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
C. planissima (Mitt. ) Abeyw. -Wu et al. (1983 as Pedinolejeunea planissima), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993 as
P. planissima), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), He (1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So
(2001), Zhu et al. (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
C. pseudofloccosa (Horik. ) Benedix -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Li (1985), Piippo (1990), Li and
Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), Li (1994), Zhu (1995), He (1997b), Zhu and So
(2001), present study.
C. raduliloba Steph. -Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001), present study.
C. rotundilobula (P. C. Wu & P. J. Lin) Piippo -Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), Zhu et al. (2001).
C. schmidtii Steph. -Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003).
摇 *C. serrulata Steph. -present study.
C. shibiensis Mizut. -Zhu and So (2001), present study.
C. spinosa (Horik. ) Pand佴 & R. N. Misra -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Li (1985), Piippo (1990), Li
and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhu (1995), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al.
(2001), present study.
C. subfloccosa Mizut. -Zhu (1995), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001).
C. subkodamae Mizut. -Zhu (1995), Zhu and So (2001).
摇 *C. subocelloides Mizut. -present study.
C. tenella Benedix -Zhu and So (1999a), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
C. trichomanis (Gottsche) Steph. -Li (1994 as Leptocolea dolichostyla), But et al. (2000 as Cololejeunea goebelii), Gao
and Cao (2000 as C. goebelii), Zhu and So (2000d as C. goebelii), Zhu and So (2001 as C. goebelii), Zhu et al.
(2001 as C. goebelii), Gao and Lai (2003 as C. goebelii), Zhang and Wu (2006 as C. goebelii), present study.
C. verdoornii (S. Hatt. ) Mizut. -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993),
Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu (1995), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001).
C. yakusimensis (S. Hatt. ) Mizut. -Chen and Wu (1964 as Cololejeunea latilobula var. wuyiensis), Wu et al. (1983 as
Pedinolejeunea himalayensis var. wuyiensis), Piippo (1990 as C. latilobula var. wuyiensis), Li and Wu (1993 as P.
himalayensis var. wuyiensis), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C. latilobula var. wuyiensis), Jin (1994 as P. himalayensis
var. wuyiensis), He (1997b as C. latilobula var. wuyiensis), Zhu and So (2001).
Colura tenuicornis (A. Evans) Steph. -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al. (1983), Li (1985), Piippo (1990), Li and
Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), He (1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai
(2003), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001), present study.
Conocephalum conicum ( L. ) Dumort. - Chao (1943 as Fegatella conica), Li et al. (1986), Li (1990), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), present study.
C. japonicum (Thunb. ) Grolle - Li et al. (1986 as Conocephalum supradecompositum), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu
(1993 as C. supradecompositum), Li (1994), present study.
Cylindrocolea recurvifolia (Steph. ) Inoue -Li and Wu (1993 as Cephaloziella recurvifolia), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C.
recurvifolia), Li (1994 as C. recurvifolia), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
摇 *C. tagawae (N. Kitag. ) R. M. Schust. -present study.
摇 *Diplophyllum apiculatum (A. Evans) Steph. -present study.
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摇 *D. serrulatum (M俟ll. Frib. ) Steph. -present study.
D. taxifolium (Wahlenb. ) Dumort. -Li (1994), Gao and Wu (2008).
Drepanolejeunea angustifolia (Mitt. ) Grolle -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu and Long (2003 ), present study.
D. commutata Grolle & R. L. Zhu -Grolle and Zhu (2000), Zhu et al. (2001).
D. erecta (Steph. ) Mizut. -Wu et al. (1983 as Drepanolejeunea monophthalma), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993 as
D. monophthalma), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu and Long
(2003), present study.
摇 *D. fleischeri (Steph. ) Grolle & R. L. Zhu -present study.
D. foliicola Horik. -Wu and Luo (1978 as Leptolejeunea yangii), Wu et al. (1983 as Rhaphidolejeunea foliicola), Piippo
(1990 as L. yangii), Li and Wu (1993 as R. foliicola), Zhu and Hu (1993 as L. yangii), Li (1994 as R. foliicola),
He (1997b as L. yangii), Gao and Cao (2000 as R. foliicola), Grolle and Zhu (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et
al. (2001), present study.
D. ternatensis (Gottsche) Schiffn. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
D. vesiculosa (Mitt. ) Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
D. yunnanensis (P. C. Chen) Grolle & R. L. Zhu -Zhang and Lai (1993 as Rhaphidolejeunea yunnanensis).
Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw. ) Nees -Chao (1943 as Dumortiera trichocephala), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and
Wu (1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
Folioceros fuciformis (Mont. ) D. C. Bharadwaj -Li et al. (1986 as Anthoceros miyabeanus), Piippo (1990), Li and
Wu (1993 as A. miyabeanus), Zhang and Lai (1993).
摇 *Fossombronia japonica Schiffn. -present study.
摇 *Frullania acutiloba Mitt. var. schiffneri Verd -present study.
摇 *F. amplicrania Steph. -present study.
摇 *F. aoshimensis Horik. -present study.
摇 *F. apiculata (Reinw. et al. ) Nees -present study.
摇 *F. bolanderi Austin -present study.
F. davurica Hampe subsp. davurica -Zhang and Lai (1993).
F. densiloba Steph. ex A. Evans -Wu et al. (1983), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and
Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *F. diversitexta Steph. -present study.
F. ericoides (Nees) Mont. var. ericoides -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *F. fengyangshanensis R. L. Zhu & M. L. So -present study.
F. hamatiloba Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993).
摇 *F. hypoleuca Nees -present study.
F. jackii Gottsche -Li and Wu (1993).
F. kagoshimensis Steph. -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *F. kashyapii Verd. -present study.
F. linii S. Hatt. -Hattori and Lin (1985), Piippo (1990), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
摇 *F. meyeniana Lindenb. -present study.
F. moniliata (Reinw. et al. ) Mont. -Verdoorn (1930 as Frullania moniliata subsp. obscura), Verdoorn (1934 as F.
tamarisci subsp. balansae), Inoue (1961 as F. balansae), Wu et al. (1983), Wu et al. (1987a), Hattori and
Lin (1985 as F. tamarisci subsp. obscura), Hattori and Lin (1985 as F. tamarisci subsp. balansae), Li (1985 as F.
tamarisci subsp. moniliata), Li et al. (1986), Li (1990 as F. tamarisci subsp. moniliata), Piippo (1990), Zhang
and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
F. monocera (Hook. f. & Taylor) Taylor -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
F. motoyana Steph. -Hattori (1974), Piippo (1990), Gao and Cao (2000), present study.
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F. muscicola Steph. -Verdoorn (1930), Chao (1943), Hattori (1974), Wu et al. (1983), Li (1985), Li et al.
(1986). Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and
So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
F. nepalensis (Spreng. ) Lehm. & Lindenb. -Verdoorn (1930 as Frullania muscicola var. chungii), Chao (1943 as F.
muscicola var. chungii), Hattori (1974), Wu et al. (1983), Li et al. (1986 as as F. nishiyamensis), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993), Li and Wu (1993 as F. nishiyamensis), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao
(2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
F. neurota Taylor -Zhang and Lai (1993).
摇 *F. osumiensis (S. Hatt. ) S. Hatt. -present study.
摇 *F. pallide鄄virens Steph. -present study.
摇 *F. ramuligera (Nees) Mont. -present study.
摇 *F. rhytidantha S. Hatt. -present study.
F. riparia Hampe ex Lehm. -Chao (1943).
摇 *F. sinensis Steph. -present study.
F. tamarisci (L. ) Dumort. -Li and Wu (1993), present study.
F. tamarisci (L. ) Dumort. var. elongatistipula (Verd. ) S. Hatt. -Chao (1943 as Frullania moniliata subsp. obscura
var. elongatistipula f. obtusiloba).
摇 *F. usamiensis Steph. -present study.
摇 *F. valida Steph. -present study.
Haplomitrium blumii (Nees) R. M. Schust. -Gao and Li (1985), Li et al. (1986 as Calobryum blumii), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993 as Haplomitrium blumei), Zhang and Lai (1993).
H. mnioides (Lindb. ) R. M. Schust. -Chao (1943 as Calobryum rotundifolium), Gao and Li (1985), Li et al. (1986
as C. rotundifolium), Pippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao (2003), Shi
and Zhu (2006), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
H. mnioides (Lindb. ) R. M. Schust. var. delicatum C. H. Gao & D. K. Li -Gao and Li (1985), Li and Wu (1993).
Hattoria yakushimensis (Horik. ) R. M. Schust. -Yi and Gao (1998 as Hattoria yakushimese [ sic]), Gao and Cao
(2000 as H. yakushimese [ sic]), Gao and Bai (2001 as H. yakushimense [ sic]), Gao (2003 as H. yakushimense
[sic]), Gao and Lai (2003 as H. yakushimensis [ sic]), Cao et al. (2006a), Cao et al. (2006b), Cao et al.
(2007), present study.
Herbertus aduncus (Dicks) Gray 鄄Li and Wu (1993 as Herberta minor), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994 as H. adun鄄
ca), Li (1994 as H. fragilis), Zhu (2001 as H. fragilis), Gao and Lai (2003), Zhu et al. (2006).
H. dicranus (Taylor ex Gottsche et al. ) Trevis. -Li et al. (1986 as Herbertus longifolius), Piippo (1990), Piippo (1990
as H. giraldianus), Li and Wu (1993 as Herberta chinensis), Li and Wu (1993 as H. giraldiana), Li and Wu (1993
as H. longifolia), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993 as H. giraldianus), Gao and Cao (2000 as H. giral鄄
dianus), Gao (2003), Gao (2003 as H. giraldianus), Gao and Lai (2003 as H. giraldianus), present study.
H. kurzii (Steph. ) R. S. Chopra -Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003).
H. ramosus (Steph. ) H. A. Mill. -Zhang and Lai (1993 as Herbertus javanicus), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003),
Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
H. sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. -Gao (2003 as Herbertus delavayi).
Heteroscyphus argutus (Reinw. et al. ) Schiffn. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhu and So
(2001), Zhang and Wu (2006), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
H. coalitus (Hook. ) Schiffn. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and
Wu (2008), present study.
H. planus (Mitt. ) Schiffn. -Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
H. tener (Steph. ) Schiffn. -Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), Piippo (1996), present study.
H. zollingeri (Gottsche) Schiffn. -Gao and Wu (2008).
011摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
Isotachis japonica Steph. -Li (1994).
Jackiella javanica Schiffn. -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994),
So and Zhu (1996a), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
Jubula hutchinsiae (Hook. ) Dumort. subsp. javanica (Steph. ) Verd. -Wu et al. (1984 as Jubula javanica), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993 as J. javanica), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai
(2003), present study.
J. japonica Steph. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
Jungermannia atrovirens Dumort. -Li and Wu (1993 as Jungermannia lanceolata), Zhang and Lai (1993).
Kurzia gonyotricha (Sande Lac. ) Grolle -Mizutani and Chang (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994),
Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
K. pauciflora (Dicks. ) Grolle -Gao (2003).
K. sinensis K. C. Chang -Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), Cao et al. (2006a), Cao et al.
(2006b), Cao et al. (2007), present study.
K. sylvatica (A. Evans) Grolle -Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003).
Lejeunea anisophylla Mont. -Li and Wu (1993 as Lejeunea borneensis), Zhang and Lai (1993 as L. catanduana), Li
(1994 as L. borneensis), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001), present study.
L. aquatica Horik. -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *L. cocoes Mitt. -present study.
L. compacta (Steph. ) Steph. -Zhu and So (1999b), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
L. convexiloba M. L. So & R. L. Zhu -So and Zhu (1998).
L. curviloba Steph. -Zhu and So (2001), Zhu and Long (2003).
L. discreta Lindenb. -Gao and Cao (2000), present study.
摇 *L. eifrigii Mizut. -present study.
L. flava (Sw. ) Nees -Chao (1943), Wu et al. (1983), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Zhu and Hu (1993), Zhang
and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhu and So (2000b), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001), present study.
L. japonica Mitt. -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
L. magohukui Mizut. -So and Zhu (1998), Zhu and So (1999b), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al.
(2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
L. neelgherriana Gottsche -Zhu and So (2000c), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
摇 *L. obscura Mitt. -present study.
摇 *L. pallide鄄virens S. Hatt. -present study.
L. parva (S. Hatt. ) Mizut. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001),
Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
L. punctiformis Taylor -Wu and Luo (1978), Wu et al. (1984 as Microlejeunea punctiformis), Piippo (1990 as L. ulici鄄
na), Li and Wu (1993 as Microlejeunea punctiformis), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
L. ulicina (Taylor) Gottsche et al. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), He (1997b as M. ulicina), present
摇 *L. wightii Lindenb. -present study.
Lepidozia fauriana Steph. -Mizutani and Chang (1986), Piippo (1990), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and
Bai (2002), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
L. reptans (L. ) Dumort. -Mizutani and Chang (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Gao and Bai (2002), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
L. vitrea Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Bai (2002), Gao (2003),
Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
摇 *Leptolejeunea balansae Steph. -present study.
L. elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Schiffn. -Chen and Wu (1964 as Leptolejeuena sabacuta), Wu and Luo (1978), Li
1111 期摇 摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Xiao鄄Qing et al. : Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated Checklist and …摇 摇 摇 摇
(1985), Wu et al. (1983), Wu et al. (1987a), Piippo (1990), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhu and Hu (1993), Li
(1994), He (1997b), But et al. (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001), present study.
摇 *Liochlaena subulata (A. Evans) Schljakov -present study.
Lopholejeunea nigricans (Lindenb. ) Schiffn. -Zhu and So (2001), Zhu and Gradstein (2005), present study.
L. soae R. L. Zhu & Gradst. -Zhu and Gradstein (2005), present study.
L. subfusca (Nees) Schiffn. -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li
(1994), He (1997b), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), Zhu and Gradstein
(2005), present study.
摇 *L. zollingeri (Steph. ) Schiffn. -present study.
Makinoa crispata (Steph. ) Miyake -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994).
Marchantia emarginata Reinw. et al. subsp. emarginata -Chao (1943 as Marchantia palmata)
M. emarginata Reinw. et al. subsp. tosana (Steph. ) Bischl. -Li and Wu (1993 as Marchantia tosana), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Wu (2006 as M. tosana).
M. paleacea Bertol. subsp. diptera (Nees & Mont. ) Inoue -Li and Wu (1993 as Marchantia diptera), Zhang and Lai
(1993 as M. paleacea var. diptera), Li (1994), present study.
M. paleacea Bertol. subsp. paleacea -Chao (1943 as Marchantia nepalensis), Chao (1943 as M. camfissa [sic]).
M. polymorpha L. -Li (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), present study.
Marsupella alpina (Gottsche ex Husn. ) Bernet -Wu et al. (1984), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu
(1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
M. emarginata (Ehrh. ) Dumort. -Li (1994 as Marsupella emarginata subsp. tubulosa), Gao and Wu (2008), present
摇 *M. pseudofunckii S. Hatt. -present study.
M. yakushimensis (Horik. ) S. Hatt. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *Mastigolejeunea indica Steph. -present study.
摇 *M. repleta (Taylor) A. Evans -present study.
Megaceros flagellaris (Mitt. ) Steph. -Li et al. (1986 as Megaceros tosanus), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993 as M.
tosanus), Zhang and Lai (1993), Zhang and Wu (2006).
Metacalypogeia cordifolia (Steph. ) Inoue -Zhang and Lai (1993).
Metzgeria conjugata Lindb. -Wu et al. (1983), Li (1985), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), present study.
摇 *M. consanguinea Schiffn. -present study.
M. furcata (L. ) Dumort. -Li (1994), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
M. lindbergii Schiffn. -Li (1994), present study.
M. pubescens (Schrank) Raddi -Wu et al. (1984 as Apometzgeria pubescens), Li (1985), Piippo (1990 as A. pu鄄
bescens), Li and Wu (1993 as A. pubescens), Zhang and Lai (1993 as A. pubescens), present study.
Mylia verrucosa Lindb. subsp. nuda (Inoue & B. Y. Yang) Potemkin & Kazanovsky-Gao and Bai (2001 as Mylia nu鄄
da), Gao (2003 as M. nuda).
Nardia assamica (Mitt. ) Amakawa -Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Bai (2001), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003),
V佗倬a et al. (2005), present study.
N. scalaris Gray subsp. harae (Amakawa) Amakawa -Li (1994).
Neotrichocolea bissetii (Mitt. ) S. Hatt. -Zhang and Lai (1993), Cao et al. (2000), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and
Lai (2003), Cao et al. (2006a), Cao et al. (2006b), Cao et al. (2007), Gao and Wu (2008).
Notoscyphus lutescens (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Mitt. -Chao (1943 as Odontoschisma speciosum), Li and Wu (1993 as No鄄
toscyphus paroicus), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao et al. (1999), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Bai
(2001), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), V佗倬a et al. (2005), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
Nowellia aciliata (P. C. Chen & P. C. Wu) Mizut. -Li and Wu (1993 as Nowellia curvifolia var. aciliata), Cao et al.
211摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
(2006a), Cao et al. (2006b), Cao et al. (2007), present study.
N. curvifolia (Dicks. ) Mitt. -Wu et al. (1982 as Nowellia curvifolia var. aciliata), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990),
Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao (2003), present study.
Odontoschisma denudatum (Mart. ) Dumort. -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Yi and Gao (2001), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu et al. (2001), Gao
(2003), Gao and Lai (2003 as Odentoschisma denudatum), present study.
摇 *O. grosseverrucosum Steph. -present study.
Otolejeunea semperiana (Gottsche ex Steph. ) Grolle -Zhu and So (1997), He (1997a), Zhu and So (1998b), Zhu and
So (2001).
摇 *Pallavicinia ambigua (Mitt. ) Steph. -present study.
摇 *P. levieri Schiffn. -present study.
P. lyellii (Hook. ) Carruth. -Chao (1943), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhang and Wu
P. subciliata (Austin) Steph. -Chao (1943 as Pallavicinia longispina), Li and Wu (1993 as P. longispina), Zhang and
Lai (1993), Li (1994), present study.
Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks. ) Dumort. -Li and Wu (1993 as Pellia endivaefolia), Zhang and Lai (1993 as as P. endivaefo鄄
lia), Li (1994 as P. endivaefolia).
P. epiphylla (L. ) Corda -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *Phaeoceros carolinianus (Michx. ) Prosk. -present study.
P. laevis (L. ) Prosk. -Chao (1943 as Anthoceros laevis), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang
and Lai (1993), So (1995).
Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm & Lindenb. -Zhang and Lai (1993).
P. cordatum Lehm. & Lindenb. -Chao (1943 as Plagiochasma fissisquamum), Zhang and Lai (1993).
P. intermedium Lindenb. & Gottsche -Zhang and Lai (1993).
P. pterospermum C. Massal. -Li (1994).
P. rupestre (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. ) Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
Plagiochila arbuscula (Brid. ex Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Lindenb. -So (2001a).
P. chinensis Steph. -So (2001a), So and Grolle (2000), present study.
P. corticola Steph. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008).
P. durelii subsp. durelii Schiffn. -Grolle and So (1999b), So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008).
P. flexuosa Mitt. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
P. fordiana Steph. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008).
P. fruticosa Mitt. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008).
P. furcifolia Mitt. -So (2001a), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Wu (2008).
P. gracilis Lindenb. & Gottsche -Zhang and Lai (1993).
P. gymnoclada Sande Lac. -So and Grolle (2000), So (2001a), Zhu and So (2003), Gao and Wu (2008), present
摇 *P. hakkodensis Steph. -present study.
P. junghuhniana Sande Lac. -So (2001a), So and Grolle (1999), Grolle and So (1999a as Plagiochila massalongo鄄
ana), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
摇 *P. khasiana Mitt. -present study.
P. nepalensis Lindenb. -So (2001a), Zhu and So (2001).
P. ovalifolia Mitt. -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), So and
Grolle (2000), So (2001a), present study.
P. parvifolia Lindenb. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
P. peculiaris Schiffn. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
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P. perserrata Herzog -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008).
P. pulcherrima Horik. -So (2001a), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
P. sciophila Nees ex Lindenb. -Carl (1931 as Plagiochila euryphyllon), Bonner (1962 as P. euryphyllon), Inoue (1962
as P. euryphyllon), Schuster (1980 as P. euryphyllon), Chao (1943 as P. japonica), Piippo (1990), Piippo (1990
as P. euryphyllon), Li and Wu (1993 as P. acanthophylla and P. japonica), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), So
and Grolle (1999), So (2001a), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
P. semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Lindenb. -Wu et al. (1984), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and
Lai (1993), Li (1994), So and Grolle (1999), So (2001a), Zhang and Wu (2006), Gao and Wu (2008), pres鄄
ent study.
P. trabeculata Steph. -Li (1994), So (2001a), So (2001b), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
P. vexans Schiffn. ex Steph. -So (2001a), So and Grolle (2001), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
Plagiochilion mayebarae S. Hatt. -Li (1994), present study.
P. theriotanum (Steph. ) Inoue -Li and Wu (1993), present study.
Pleurozia subinflata (Austin) Austin -Li et al. (1986 as Pleurozia giganteoides), Piippo (1990 as Eopleurozia gigan鄄
teoides), Li and Wu (1993 as P. giganteoides), Zhang and Lai (1993 as E. giganteoides), present study.
Plicanthus birmensis (Steph. ) R. M. Schust. -Li et al. (1986 as Chandonanthus birmensis), Piippo (1990 as C. bir鄄
mensis), Li and Wu (1993 as C. birmensis), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C. birmensis), Li (1994 as C. birmensis), Gao
and Cao (2000 as C. birmensis), Gao and Lai (2003 as C. birmensis), Gao and Wu (2008 as C. birmensis), present
P. hirtellus (F. Weber) R. M. Schust. -Li et al. (1986 as Chandonanthus hirtellus), Piippo (1990 as C. hirtellus), Li
and Wu (1993 as C. hirtellus), Zhang and Lai (1993 as C. hirtellus), Li (1994 as C. hirtellus), Gao and Wu (2008
as C. hirtellus), present study.
Porella acutifolia (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Trevis. subsp. acutifolia - Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu
(1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
P. acutifolia (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Trevis. subsp. tosana (Steph. ) S. Hatt. -Li (1994 as Porella campylophylla subsp.
tosana), present study.
P. caespitans (Steph. ) S. Hatt. var. nipponica S. Hatt. -Li (1994), present study.
P. campylophylla (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Trevis. -Li (1994 as Porella campylophylla subsp. campylophylla).
P. densifolia (Steph. ) S. Hatt. subsp. densifolia -Li (1985), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003).
P. densifolia ( Steph. ) S. Hatt. var. appendiculata ( Steph. ) S. Hatt. -Li (1985), Piippo (1990), Gao and Cao
(2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
摇 *P. oblongifolia S. Hatt. -present study.
P. obtusata (Taylor) Trevis. var. macroloba (Steph. ) S. Hatt. & M. X. Zhang -Li (1985 as Porella macroloba), Piip鄄
po (1990), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
摇 *P. obtusiloba S. Hatt. -present study.
P. perrottetiana (Mont. ) Trevis. var. ciliatodentata (P. C. Chen & P. C. Wu) S. Hatt. -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
P. perrottetiana (Mont. ) Trevis. var. perrottetiana -Li (1985), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993),
Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
P. pinnata L. -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000),
Gao and Lai (2003).
P. platyphylla (L. ) Pfeiff. -Li and Wu (1993).
P. ulophylla (Steph. ) S. Hatt. -Li and Wu (1993 as Macvicaria ulophylla), Zhang and Lai (1993 as M. ulophylla),
present study.
P. vernicosa Lindb. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993).
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Ptychanthus striatus (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Nees -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and
Lai (1993), Li (1994), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
Radula acuminata Steph. -Chen and Wu (1964), Yamada (1982), Wu et al. (1983), Wu et al. (1987a), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhu
et al. (2001), Gao and Lai (2003), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. acuta Mitt. -Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. amoena Herzog -Gao and Wu (2008).
R. assamica Steph. -Gao and Wu (2008).
R. borneensis Steph. -Gao and Wu (2008).
R. caduca K. Yamada -Gao and Wu (2008).
R. cavifolia Hampe ex Gottsche et al. -Wu et al. (1983), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993),
Li (1994), Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. complanata (L. ) Dumort. -Chao (1943), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Wu (2008).
R. constricta Steph. -Zhang and Lai (1993), present study.
摇 *R. gedena Gottsche ex Steph. -present study.
R. japonica Gottsche ex Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), present study.
R. javanica Gottsche -Zhu and So (2001), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. kojana Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
R. lindenbergiana Gottsche ex C. Hartm. -Chao (1943 as Radula lindbenbergiana [sic]), Gao and Wu (2008).
R. madagascariensis Gottsche -Gao and Wu (2008).
R. okamurana Steph. -Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. oyamensis Steph. -Yamada (1982), Piippo (1990), So and Zhu (1996a), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
R. perrottetii Gottsche ex Steph. -Li (1994), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. reflexa Nees & Mont. -Gao and Wu (2008).
R. retroflexa Taylor -Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. stellatogemmipara C. Gao & Y. H. Wu -Gao and Wu (2005), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
R. tjibodensis K. I. Goebel -Gao and Wu (2008).
摇 *R. tokiensis Steph. -present study.
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L. ) Raddi -Chao (1943), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993).
Riccardia chamedryfolia (With. ) Grolle -Chao (1943 as Aneura sinuata), Li (1994).
摇 *R. latifrons (Lindb. ) Lindb. -present study.
R. multifida (L. ) Gray -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Li (1994),
present study.
R. palmata (Hedw. ) Carruth. -Chao (1943), Gao and Chang (1981), Piippo (1990), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao
and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
Riccia fluitans L. -Chao (1943), Piippo (1990), Gao and Chang (1981), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang
and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
R. glauca L. -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993).
Ricciocarpos natans (L. ) Corda -Chao (1943 as Ricciocarpus natans), Gao and Chang (1981), Piippo (1990), Gao
and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003 as R. natans), present study.
Saccogynidium rigidulum (Nees) Grolle -Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
Scapania bolanderi Austin -Li and Wu (1993 as Scapania bolancleri [sic]), Zhu et al. (2006).
S. ciliata Sande Lac. -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993 as Scapania cifiata [sic]), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
摇 *S. curta (Mart. ) Dumort. -present study.
S. ferruginea (Lehm. & Lindenb. ) Gottsche -Zhang and Lai (1993).
5111 期摇 摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Xiao鄄Qing et al. : Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated Checklist and …摇 摇 摇 摇
S. koponenii Potemkin -Potemkin (2000), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
S. ligulata subsp. stephanii (M俟ll. Frib. ) Potemkin -Wu et al. (1983 as Scapania stephanii), Wu et al. (1984 as S.
stephanii), Li et al. (1986 as S. stephanii), Piippo (1990 as S. stephanii), Zhang and Lai (1993 as S. stephanii), Li
(1994 as S. stephanii), Gao and Cao (2000 as S. stephanii), Potemkin et al. (2004), Gao and Wu (2008 as S.
S. ornithopodioides (With. ) Waddell -Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000).
S. parvitexta Steph. -Li (1994 as Scapania parvidens), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Wu (2008).
摇 *S. subnimbosa Steph. -present study.
S. uliginosa (Sw. ex Lindenb. ) Dumort. -Li and Wu (1993 as Scapania uligihosa [sic]).
摇 *S. umbrosa (Schrad. ) Dumort. -present study.
S. undulata (L. ) Dumort. -Li and Wu (1993), Gao and Wu (2008).
S. verrucosa Heeg -Gao and Cao (2000), Li and Wu (1993 as Scapania Spinosa), Gao and Wu (2008), present study.
Schiffneria hyalina Steph. -Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), Ji et al. (1998), Long (2005), Li et al. (2006).
Solenostoma comatum (Nees) C. Gao -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia comata), Gao and Bai (2001 as J. coma鄄
ta), Gao (2003 as J. comata), V佗倬a et al. (2005 as J. comata), present study.
S. erectum (Amakawa) C. Gao -Gao and Bai (2001 as Jungermannia erecta), Gao (2003 as J. erecta), present study.
S. hasskarlianum (Nees) R. M. Schust. ex V佗倬a & D. G. Long -Gao and Bai (2001 as Jungermannia hasskarliana),
Gao (2003 as J. hasskarliana), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. hasskarliana).
S. hyalina (Lyell) Mitt. -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia hyalina), Gao and Bai (2001 as J. hyalina), Gao (2003
as J. hyalina), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. hyalina).
S. lixingjiangii (C. Gao & X. L. Bai) V佗倬a & D. G. Long -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia lixingjiangii), Gao
and Bai (2001 as J. lixingjiangii), Gao (2003 as J. lixingjiangii), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. lixingjiangii), Cao et al.
(2006b as J. lixingjiangii), Cao et al. (2007 as J. lixingjiangii).
S. obovatum (Nees) R. M. Schust. -Zhang and Lai (1993 as Jungermannia obovata).
S. parviperianthum (C. Gao & X. L. Bai) V佗倬a et al. -Gao and Bai (2001 as Jungermannia parviperiantha), Gao
(2003 as J. parviperiantha), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. parviperiantha).
S. plagiochilaceum (Grolle) V佗倬a & D. G. Long -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia plagiochiloides), Gao and Bai
(2001 as J. plagiochiloides), Gao (2003 as J. plagiochiloides), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. plagiochiloides).
S. rubripunctatum (S. Hatt. ) R. M. Schust. -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia rubripunctata), Gao and Bai (2001
as J. rubripunctata), Gao (2003 as J. rubripunctata), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. rubripunctata), V佗倬a et al. (2005 as
J. rubripunctata).
S. sikkimense (Schiffn. ex Steph. ) V佗倬a & D. G. Long -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia sikkimensis), Gao and Bai
(2001 as J. sikkimensis), Gao (2003 as J. sikkimensis), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. sikkimensis).
S. sphaerocarpum (Hook. ) Steph. -Gao and Cao (2000 as Jungermannia sphaerocarpa), Gao and Bai (2001 as J. spha鄄
erocarpa), Gao (2003 as J. sphaerocarpa), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. sphaerocarpa).
摇 *S. tetragonum (Lindenb. ) R. M. Schust. ex V佗倬a & D. G. Long -present study.
S. torticalyx (Steph. ) C. Gao -Gao and Cao (2000 as J. torticalyx), Gao and Bai (2001 as J. torticalyx), Gao (2003 as
J. torticalyx), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. torticalyx).
S. truncatum (Nees) R. M. Schust. ex V佗倬a & D. G. Long -Chao (1943 as Eucalyx boninensis), Gao and Bai (2001 as
Jungermannia truncata), Gao (2003 as J. truncata), Gao and Lai (2003 as J. truncata), V佗倬a et al. (2005 as J.
truncata), present study.
摇 *Spruceanthus polymorphus (Sande Lac. ) Verd. -present study.
S. semirepandus (Nees) Verd. -Verdoorn (1934), Wu et al. (1983), Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Zhang and
Lai (1993), Li and Wu (1993), Li (1994), He (1997b), Zhu and So (2001), Zhang and Wu (2006), present
Syzygiella autumnalis (DC. ) K. Feldberg et al. -Li and Wu (1993 as Jamesoniella autumnalis), Zhang and Lai (1993
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as J. autumnalis), Li (1994 as J. autumnalis), Zhu and So (2001 as J. autumnalis).
摇 *S. nipponica (S. Hatt. ) K. Feldberg et al. -present study.
摇 *Telaranea wallichiana (Gottsche) R. M. Schust. -present study.
Thysananthus flavescens (S. Hatt. ) Gradst. -Zhang and Lai (1993 as Mastigolejeunea flavescens), present study.
摇 *T. spathulistipus (Reinw. et al. ) Lindenb. -present study.
Trichocolea merrillana Steph. -Zhang and Lai (1993).
T. tomentella (Ehrh. ) Dumort. -Wu et al. (1984), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Li and Wu (1993 as Tri鄄
chocolea phuma [sic]), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao (2003), Gao and Lai (2003), present study.
Trichocoleopsis sacculata (Mitt. ) S. Okamura -Wu et al. (1984), Wu et al. (1987c), Piippo (1990), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Cao et al. (2000), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao and Lai (2003).
T. tsinlingensis P. C. Chen ex M. X. Zhang -Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai (1993), Gao and Cao (2000), Gao
and Lai (2003), Cao et al. (2006a), Cao et al. (2006b), Cao et al. (2007).
Tritomaria exsecta (Schmidel ex Schrad. ) Schiffn. ex Loeske -Zhang and Lai (1993).
Trocholejeunea sandvicensis (Gottsche) Mizut. -Li et al. (1986), Piippo (1990), Li and Wu (1993), Zhang and Lai
(1993), Li (1994), Gao and Cao (2000), Zhu and So (2001), Zhang and Wu (2006), present study.
Tuyamaella molischii (Schiffn. ) S. Hatt. var. molischii -Zhu and So (2000a), Zhu and So (2001), present study.
Wiesnerella denudata (Mitt. ) Steph. -Li (1994), Zhang and Wu (2006).
Doubtful species
Cheilolejeunea fukiensis ( P. C. Chen & P.
C. Wu) Piippo -Chen and Wu (1964), Wu et al.
( 1983 as Euosmolejeunea fukiensis ), Piippo
(1990), Li and Wu (1993 as E. fukiensis), Zhang
and Lai (1993), He (1997b).
This species is poorly known, because several
key characters were not described and illustrated in
the protologue. Fresh and fertile material at the lo鄄
cality of the type were searched and field collection
revealed that C. fukiensis may be a form of Lejeunea
flava (Zhu and So, 2001).
3摇 Discussion
3. 1摇 Liverwort and hornwort flora
As with the whole of flora of liverworts and
hornworts of China (Piippo, 1992), those tropical
and subtropical families, such as Lejeuneaceae,
Frullaniaceae, Plagiochilaceae and Lepidoziaceae
also have obvious predominance in the liverwort and
hornwort flora of Fujian. On the other hand, there
are a huge number of monospecific genera which in鄄
dicate the complexity and specificity of genera com鄄
prising Fujian liverworts and hornworts. It also con鄄
firms that with less influence from the Glacial age of
the Quaternary period, Fujian acts as a refuge of
those relic species (Huang and Zha, 2003).
In comparision with Taiwan, our results on the
liverwort and hornwort flora do not agree with the si鄄
tuation in terms of vascular plants. According to
Huang and Zha忆 s (2003) comparision of vascular
plants between Fujian and Taiwan, Fujian possesses
an obviously richer diversity of vascular plants at the
familial, generic and specific level. However, Tai鄄
wan with its smaller size possesses much richer di鄄
versity of liverworts and hornworts than Fujian. This
completely opposite situation regarding on liverworts
and hornworts might probably be explained by the
fact that with the northern half of the province loca鄄
ted in the subtropics and the southern half located in
the tropics, Taiwan possesses more diverse vegeta鄄
tion and a moister climate ( Cai and Xu, 2002 )
which are more favourable for the growth of liver鄄
worts and hornworts. The peculiar topography of Tai鄄
wan with many high mountains also favors a richer
diversity of liverworts and hornworts. In addition,
incomplete investigation of liverwort and hornwort
flora of Fujian might be another important factor that
affects our knowledge of liverwort and hornwort flo鄄
ra. It therefore indicates that further and more de鄄
tailed investigations of this province is still in need.
7111 期摇 摇 摇 摇 ZHANG Xiao鄄Qing et al. : Liverworts and Hornworts of Fujian, China: an Updated Checklist and …摇 摇 摇 摇
3. 2摇 Phytogeographical aspects and bryofloristic
The large number of East Asiatic distribution
species shows that Fujian harbors a close relationship
with Japanese and Himalayan bryoflora. According
to Wu and Jia (2006), Eastern China is one of the
centers of East Asiatic distribution bryophytes of
China. Although the lack of more detailed data on
distribution patterns of Taiwan hepatic flora does not
allow us to make more precise analyses of the phyto鄄
geographical relationship between these two regions,
Fujian surely is still a significant node for further re鄄
search on East Asiatic hepaticae diversity.
Concerning the bryofloristic affinities, the com鄄
parision between Fujian and Taiwan shows a close
relationship between liverworts and hornworts. A鄄
mong the 260 shared species, eight species, Bazza鄄
nia magna, Cheilolejuenea chenii, Frullania osu鄄
miensis, Frullania acutiloba var. schiffneri, Kurzia
pauciflora, Lopholejeunea zollingeri, Saccogynidum
rigidulum, and Thysananthus spathulistipus are dis鄄
tributed only in Fujian and Taiwan within China.
Moreover, among these eight species, Bazzania
magna and Cheilolejuenea chenii are endemic to Chi鄄
na. This reveals that the joint preservation of these
two provinces will be more efficient for these spe鄄
cies. Further more, the Kroeber忆s percentage of ge鄄
neric similarity of Fujian and Taiwan is 78. 69%
which is much higher than that of Taiwan with Phil鄄
ippines (73. 2% ) and Hainan Island ( 75. 1% )
(Wang et al., 2011). The closer affinity between
Fujian and Taiwan can partially be explained by the
fact that Taiwan was once connected with Fujian the
mid鄄Pleisticene (Lai, 2003). The geographical ori鄄
gin of Taiwan (Zhao, 1982) means that the two lo鄄
cations share a mountainous topography which leads
to the similar liverwort and hornwort flora. This rela鄄
tively detailed investigation of Fujian province now
also leads to a better understanding of the flora of
liverworts and hornworts.
However, in spite of the close affinity, there are
still some striking differences between liverworts and
hornworts in these two regions, especially in terms of
endemism. In comparison with Taiwan (Wang et al.,
2011), the fewer number of species endemic to Fu鄄
jian might possibly be caused by the particular to鄄
pography with many high mountains ( with 62
mountains over 3 000 m above the sea level) and the
favourable climate in Taiwan (Cai and Xu, 2002)
for bryophytes. Meanwhile, the geographical barrier
caused by the evolution of the topography of Taiwan
that accelerates the differentiation of species and com鄄
munities (Cai and Xu, 2002) might also contribute to
the high endemism.
Unexpectedly, another remarkable difference is
that a lot of genera that are widely distributed in Ja鄄
pan ( Yamada and Iwatsuki, 2006 ) and Taiwan
(Wang et al., 2011) are absent in Fujian, such as
Anastrepta, Barbilophozia, Cyathodium, Gymnomi鄄
trion, Lophocolea, Lophozia, Lunularia, Schistochi鄄
la, Targionia, Xenochila, Zoopsis, Dendroceros and
Notothylas, etc. Their absence might be due to in鄄
sufficient collection and mis鄄identification. Moreo鄄
ver, in comparison with numerous high mountains
(over 3 000 m ) in Taiwan, there are very few high
mountains in Fujian, most of which are located in
the northwestern part. Most of the eastern and south鄄
ern parts of Fujian which are nearer to Taiwan are
lowlands and are affected by much more human ac鄄
tivities. In addition, most of the bryofloristic studies
in Fujian have been confined to Mt. Wuyi in the
northwestern part, which indicates that a more de鄄
tailed investigation throughout the province will un鄄
doubtedly increase the known number of species.
Acknowledgements: We thank the staff of the Daiyunshan
National Nature Reserve, Fujian, China, and You鄄Fang
Wang, Jian Wang, Tao Peng, Yu鄄Mei Wei, Xia鄄Fang
Cheng, Qiong He, Ying Yu and Yuan Fang of the East China
Normal University for field assistance.
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