摘 要 :以牡丹‘洛阳红’(Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Luoyang Hong ’)开放级别S1级的切花为材料,研究不同温度(22℃、15℃和4℃)处理对切花花色和花青素苷合成的影响。结果表明:与22℃处理相比,15℃和4℃处理切花花色明度下降、红度和彩度增加,花瓣花青素苷含量增加。对花青素苷合成相关基因表达量分析的结果表明:15℃和4℃低温促进与花青素苷合成相关的PsCHS1、PsCHI1、PsF3’H1、PsANS1、PsDFR1、PsMYB2、PsbHLH1和PsbHLH3基因的表达。低温对花青素苷上游合成途径中PsCHS1和PsCHI1基因进行调控;下游合成途径中PsDFR1、PsANS1和PsF3’H1基因对低温的响应相对敏感,4℃处理后基因的表达量大幅上调,且显著高于15℃处理组。上述所提到的结构基因和调节基因均是受低温调控的关键基因,进而影响牡丹‘洛阳红’切花花青素苷合成与积累。
Abstract:The cut flowers of Paeonia suffruticosa ‘ Luoyang Hong ’ were used as materials. Effects of different temperature treatments (22℃,15℃ and 4℃) on flower color and anthocyanin biosynthesis were researched. The results showed that : compeared with 22℃, flowers under 15℃ and 4℃ treatments showed lower lightness, higher redness, higher chroma and increased anthocyanin accumulation. Color quality is obviously better than that of 22℃ treatment. qRT-PCR was used to analyze the relative expression levels of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes and results showed that 15℃ and 4℃ treatments promoted anthocyanin biosynthesis in the cut flowers via the promotion of related genes transcription (PsCHS1, PsCHI1, PsF3’H1, PsANS1, PsDFR1, PsMYB2, PsbHLH1 and PsbHLH3). Low-temperature mainly regulated and controled anthocyanin biosynthesis by upstream gene PsCHS1 and PsCHI1. Downstream genes PsDFR1, PsANS1 and PsF3’H1 were sensitive to low-temperature, which have the biggest increase transcription by 4℃ treatment. The above mentioned structural and regulatory genes were the important key of the anthocyanin biosynthesis.