摘 要 :重楼属两种植物(五指莲 Paris axialis和滇重楼 Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis)种子发育的过程基本一致。双受精发生于授粉后10-15天。胚乳为沼生目型。种子发育延续的时间约为150—170天。胚胎发育终止于球形或稍有分化的阶段。种子具二层种皮。二种重楼种子成熟时的外部形态显著不同。五指莲 Paris axialis 的种子呈浅棕黄色,长椭圆形,部分为绿白色海绵质助皮所包裹。假种皮由珠柄发育而来,呈楔形。滇重楼Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis的种于鲜红色,不规则圆形,外种皮肉质多浆。无假种皮。珠柄橙黄色,短而纤细。
Abstract:The process of seed development in Paris and P.polyphylla var. yunnanensis is similar. Fertilization proceeds on the 10th to 15th day after pollination. The process of seed maturation lasts for about 150--170 days. Most of the mature embryos stay at spherical stage or become slightly differentiaed. Endo- sperm is Helobial type. Seed-coat is derived from both integuments. In P.axialis the aril arises from the funicle and it surronds the seed at the base of ovule. The aril is spongy, light green-white-coloured. In P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis, the aril is absent, while the seed is enclosed by a fleshy, bright red-coloured seed coat.