摘 要 :狭叶阴香(Cinnamomum burmannii f. heyneanum)原为野生植物,以种子繁殖为主,发芽率为70-90%,其后代可保持母本的优良特性。一般种植后4-5年生树,即可开花结实,3—4年生树可采收枝叶蒸馏芳香油.鲜叶出油为0.54-0.85%,主要成分黄樟素含量为97-99%,高于樟属中含黄樟素植物.是一种具有发展价值的新香料植物.
Abstract:Cinnamomum burmannii (C. G.&Th. Nees) Bl. f. heyneanum (Nees) H.W.Li was originally a wild plant. The percent of the seeds germination is from 70 to 90. The main components in safrole keep the features of the parent when the seeds is used for propagation. It usually begins to blosoom at the age of four to six years planted. Branches and leaves on the plants at 3-4 years old are ready to be collect for aromatic oil distillation. The essential oil with the yield from 0.54 to 0.85 from the fresh leaves was obtained by steam distillation. The safrole content of main components in 97 to 99 is the highest safrole content among any othen Cinnamomum plants. Therefore, Cinnamomum burmannii f. heyneanum is a new perfumi plant which is worth to develop greatly.