摘 要 :滇重搂[Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis(Fr.)Hand.-Muzz.]根茎的各部位切段都能繁殖出新植株。这些后代的四年生根茎,其增长速度比同龄实生苗快3—6倍。但切段间表现出较大的差异性:带顶芽切段能于种植的第一年成苗,并开花、结实,是根茎中生活力最强的部位,但其地上茎一般为单轴;中间和末端的切段,它们的出苗情况和有性繁殖相似,第一年只有极少数出苗,第二年才大量出土成苗,但不开花,地上茎出现较多的多轴现象。后代根茎和地上茎的主要成份与野生滇重楼基本相同。
Abstract:According to the morphologicaL character of a rhizome of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis, it may be divided into three segments. They can produce descendants, but have nothing in some effect with each other. 1. The segment with terminal bud. This segment propagats new rhizome by teminal bud‘s movement of it‘s life along the direction finding and the con- tinuous growing. The aerial stem from this segment is freqently monopodial. The scgment can sprout out in the same year. It‘s annual growth is 1.5- 2.5 times as fast as other segments.