Abstract:This paper deals with the ecological types of pteridophytes of Dulongjiang region. It puts forward that the study on the ecological types should be based on the ecological factors. Therefore, the pteridophytes in Dulongjiang region can be divided into 16 ecological types separately according to the effects of ecological factors, i.e.heliophytes, sciophytes, tolerophytes, megatherm,submegatherm.mesotherm,submesotherm,microtherm,xerophytes,mesophytes, hygrophytes, epiphytes, terraphytes, lithophytes, acidophytes and calnciphytes. Finally, the ecological features of Pteridophytes in this region are: (1) Diversified ecological type; ( 2)Rich in the species of sciophytes, submegatherm and mesophytes; (3)High proportion of the species of epiphytes; (4) Few proportion of the spe-cies of xerophytes and lithophytes.