摘 要 :延胡索霜霉病是由Peronospora corydalis de Bary 引致的一种严重病害。在浙江,此病菌除为害延胡索外,还可侵染无柄紫堇。病残组织中越冬的卵孢子是来年发病的主要初次侵染来源。药剂试验结果表明:霜疫灵300倍液效果最好。
Abstract:Yanhusuo downy mildew is a serious plant disease caused by Peronospora corydalis deBary.Besides yanhusuo,this fungus also infects Wubingzijing in Zhejiang province.Its overwinteroospores on the plant remains are the main source of primary infection.The best fungicideto control the disease is efosite in concentration of 300 times.