全 文 :#中药现代化论坛#
顾 铭1, 欧阳藩*
(中国科学院过程工程研究所 生化工程国家重点实验实, 北京 100080)
摘 要:在生化工程 20 余年的研究工作基础上, 结合中药现代化开展了一些技术、材料与设备的研究开发工作。
研究植物细胞、组织、器官大规模培养增殖技术,应用于细胞代谢产物、生物转化和人工育种及发根, 实现了工厂化
生产 ,并成功研制多种类型的生物反应器; 在原有化学工程提取分离技术的基础上, 发展了反应分耦合、微波辅助
提取等新技术,实现了高效浸出, 并且节能、节水; 此外,又发展了包括反胶团萃取、一步三相萃取青霉素、泡沫分级
分离、膜分离、高速逆流色谱分离纯化等新技术。高速逆流色谱技术是一种没有固相载体的液- 液多级逆流萃取
技术 ,避免了不可逆吸附, 已成功用于多种天然产物的分析和分离, 作为研究中药指纹图谱的新方法具有很好的精
连续采收的新流程、新技术, 进行了转基因藻的培养,用于生产基因工程产品
关键词:植物细胞培养; 分离纯化技术;中药指纹图谱; 分离介质;药物修饰;药物包埋; 海洋药物
中图分类号: R917 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253 2670( 2004) 08 0841 04
Biochemical process engineering and modernization of Chinese materia medica
GU M ing, OUYANG Fan
( Stae Key Laboratory of Biochemiacal Engineering, Institute of Process Eng ineering,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China)
Abstract: Some studies corresponding modernizat ion of Chinese materia medica( CMM) w ere performed in
the institute for the new technologies, materials, and facilit ies based on the achievements and experiences gotten
in the past tw o decades. T he technologies of large- scale propagat ion of plant cell, t issue, and organ w ere applied
to the products of cell metabolism, biotransformation, and artif icial breeding and root ing. M any new types of large
- scale bioreactors w ere designed and used not only for laboratory but also for manufactory . React ion/ separat ion
integrat ion technology , microwave- assisted ext raction, and the other new ex tract ion technologies w ere studied
to realize high eff iciency and low energy. Besides t radit ional separat ion and purif icat ion methods, new technolo-
g ies, including ex tract ion in reversed micelles, one step three- phase ex traction on Penicillin, foam fract ionat ion,
membrane separat ion, and high- speed counter- current chromatog raphy(HSCCC) , were developed. HSCCC is a
kind of liquid- liquid part it ion chromatography w ithout any solid matrix , w hich elim inates irreversible adsorpt ion
of samples on solid support in the convent ional chromatographic column. It has been successfully applied to the
analysis and separat ion of various natural products. At the same time, many types of microsphere and microencap-
sules for controlled release and separat ion media w ere prepared and lots of at tent ion w as paid on drug modifying
and embedding techniques. HSCCC was also applied as a new method to the study of CMM fingerprint and
showed good precision and repeatability.H igh performance liquid chromatog raphy( HPLC) , g as chromatography
( GC) , high performance capillary elect rophoresis( HPCE) , and mass spect rometer( MS) played a very important
role in fingerprint ing . Continuous propagat ion- cont inuous collect ion technolog ical process was set for large-
scale propagation of micro- alg ae in the study of marine drugs. Transgenic algae w ere cultured to prduce genet-i
cally engineered products.
#841#中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drugs 第 35 卷第 8 期 2004年 8月
* 收稿日期: 2003-11- 28作者简介:顾 铭( 1972 ) ) ,女,江苏无锡人,助理研究员, 2004年获中国科学院过程工程研究所生物化工专业博士学位,主要从事天然产物分离纯化及指纹图谱的研究。Tel: ( 010) 82627061 E- mail: guming@ home. ipe. ac. cn
Key words: plant cell propagation; separation and purification technology; Chinese materia medica finger-
print; separation medium;drug modifying; drug embedding; marine drug
#842# 中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drugs 第 35 卷第 8 期 2004年 8月
#843#中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drugs 第 35 卷第 8 期 2004年 8月
#844# 中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drugs 第 35 卷第 8 期 2004年 8月