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Chemical constituents in volatile oil from
plumule of Nelumbo nucifera
ZHANG Lian-w en
* , HE Yuan, Cui Qing-xin
( School of Chemist ry and Ch emical Engineering , Lia ocheng Univ ersity, Liaocheng 252059, China )
张连文 ,贺 媛 ,崔庆新
(聊城大学化学化工学院 ,山东 聊城 252059)
The plumule of Nelumbo nucif era Gaertn. ,
( PNN) has a good function in elimina ting the her-
ar t-fi re, low ering the high blood pressure and toni-
fying the heart which are rela ted wi th the alkaloid
consti tuents in PNN
[1, 2 ]
. Great much investiga tion
has been put on the alkaloid consti tuents, but li t tle
has been repor ted about the vola ti le oil f rom PNN
so far. Now the analytic resul ts by means of GC-
M S a re repo rted in the followings.
The 95% EtO H ex tract o f PNN was pa rti-
tioned wi th chloro fo rm, the oil pa rt in chlo ro fo rm
w as esterified w ith 0. 4 mol /L sodium hydroxyl
methano l solution just befo re the GC-M S analysis,
the analysis w as performed on HP6890 / HP5973
GC-M S ( HP. USA. ) a t room tempera ture.
GC condition: HP-5 5% Prenyl M ennyl Silox-
ane 30 m× 0. 25 mm, 0. 25μm qua rtz capi llary col-
umn; prog rammed temperature: 60℃ ( 3 min) →
10℃ /min→ 280℃ ( 10 min) ; inlet tempera ture:
280℃ ; ca rrier gas: Helium ( 99. 999% ) w ith the
f lux o f 1. 0 mL /min; sample size: 1μL; the split
ra tio is 40∶ 1.
Results: The assuring consti tuents in PNN
a re listed in Table 1, among which several v ery im-
portant natural products show a high quanti ty. Vi-
tamin E is w ell know n a kind o f antiox idants; si to s-
tero l does w ell in preventing the a therosclerosis,
Table 1 Chemical constituents of volatile oil f rom PNN
No. Compound s Quali ty /%
1 9-hex adecenoic acid 91
2 14-meth yl-pentadecanoic acid 97
3 hex adecanoic acid 97
4 heptadecanoic acid 98
5 9, 12-octad ecadienoic acid 99
6 phytol 91
7 octad ecanoic acid 98
8 9, 12-octad ecadienoic acid ( z, z) 95
9 3, 7, 11-t rymethyl-2, 6, 10-d od ecat rien-1-ol 91
10 eicosanoic acid 99
11 heneicosanoic acid 99
12 docosanoic acid 99
13 tet racosanoic acid 98
14 squalene 91
15 tes tos terone 93
16 gamma-tocoph erol 98
17 gamma-si tosterol 95
the squalene plays an important role in cancer pre-
vention and it can also ameliorate the blood ci rcula-
tion, and some fat ty acid are consti tuents o f cell
membrane. Considering all the valuable con-
sti tuents, PNN is sure to play more important ro le
fo r people s health in the near future.
[1 ] Wang B. Ph armacological s tud y on heart blood ves sel of ne-
ferin e [ J ]. Chin Tra di t Herb Drugs (中草药 ) , 2000, 31( 2):
[2 ] Wu J Z, Yuan L H, Wang L J, et al . The spect rum analysis
of liensinin e [ J] . Chin Trad it Herb Drug s (中草药 ) , 1998,
29( 6): 364-366.
·695·中草药 Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drug s 第 34卷第 8期 2003年 8月
收稿日期: 2002-08-12作者简介:张连文 ( 1973- ) ,男 ,山东临清人 , 2000年 7月毕业于上海原子核原子所 ,获理学硕士学位 ,讲师 ,现在清华大学生物科学与技术系攻读博士学位 ,研究方向为天然产物活性成分提取。 E-mai l: zhanglianw en@ sohu. com