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Weight-reduction and fat-decrea seeffects in rats of extractsfrom five kinds of Chinese herbs


全 文 :殖有一定的刺激作用, 但随着苦参碱质量浓度的增
高, 这种协同刺激作用又随之下降。此结果提示苦参
碱不能促进静止的小鼠 PBL 的增殖反应, 对 ConA
活化了的小鼠脾细胞增殖, 高质量浓度的苦参碱也
有一定的抑制作用, 显示了其具有免疫抑制剂的特
征。苦参碱对静止和活化的小鼠 PBL 体外增殖活性
的不同影响, 也可能与机体的免疫状态有关, 本实验
中所制备的 PBL 来自荷瘤小鼠, 受肿瘤影响, 小鼠
PBL 对刺激原的反应性与正常情况可能有所不同。
本研究中, 苦参碱作用后小鼠的胸腺外观与对
照组几乎无差异, 胸腺指数无明显改变, 而脾指数明
显低于对照组, 以高剂量苦参碱作用更甚, 表明苦参
碱在一定程度上抑制了荷瘤小鼠的免疫功能, 其中
在机体的抗肿瘤免疫反应中, IL 22 和 IL 212 是
发生细胞免疫应答所必需的两种细胞因子, 通过多
种途径发挥免疫调节作用。本研究中, 苦参碱治疗后
小鼠血清 IL 22 和 IL 212 水平没有增高, 提示苦参碱
也不能排除肿瘤发生时, 机体所产生的免疫抑制因
本研究发现, 苦参碱对肿瘤所致的小鼠免疫功
能低下状态没有明显改善作用, 同时体内、体外实验
都显示其有一定的免疫抑制效应, 表明苦参碱的抑
的, 还存在其他的作用机制, 其确切的抗肿瘤作用尚
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cell H epG2 in v itro [J ]1 A cta A cad M ed M il T ert (第三军医
大学学报) , 2000, 22 (6) : 55325561
[ 2 ] Zhang L P, J iang J K1 Effects of m atrine on p ro liferation and
differen tiation in K562 cells [J ]1 L euk R es, 2001, 25 ( 9) :
[ 3 ] Zhang L P, J iang J K1 Effects of m atrine on telom erase ac2
t ivity and cell cycle in K562 cell [J ]1 Ch in J O ncol (中华肿瘤
杂志) , 1998, 20 (5) : 32823291
W e ight-reduction and fat-decrease effects in rats of extracts
from f ive k inds of Ch inese herbs
ZHAN G Chong2ben, ZHAN G X iao2lan, SHAN G Ke2gang, D EN G Hong2ku i, D IN G M ing2x iao Ξ
(D epartm ent of Cell B io logy and Genetics, Co llege of L ife Sciences, Pek ing U niversity, Beijing 100871, Ch ina)
  Abstract: Object To evaluate the effects of the ex tracts from five k inds of Ch inese herb s (5ECH ) on
w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2decrease in ra ts, as w ell as their m echan ism s. M ethods R ats w ere fed by h igh2
calo rie food and adm in ist ra ted w ith tw o differen t do ses of 5ECH as experim en ta l group s, w ith Q um ei and
Xuezh ikang as po sit ive con tro l group s, and w ith carboxym ethyl cellu lo se sodium as negat ive con tro l group
by ig adm in ist ra t ion w ith relevan t drugs in each group s. Concen tra t ion s of t rig lycerides (T G) and to ta l
cho lestero l (TC) in the b lood w ere determ ined by a H ITA CH I—7170A au to2b iochem ical analyzer. T he ac2
t ivit ies of fa t ty acid syn thase (FA S) and acyl2coenzym e A syn thetase (A CS) w ere determ ined by spec2
t ropho tom etry and iso top ic2labeling, respect ively. T he item s of body w eigh t increase (BW I) , body fa t
(BF) , and food in take (F I) w ere determ ined by regu lar w eigh ing. Results 5ECH reduces BW I, BF, T G,
TC, and F I in a do se2dependen t m anner inh ib its FA S act ivity, and enhances A CS act ivity in a do se2depen2
den t m anner. T he BW I is h igh ly co rrela ted to the F I; the T G and TC levels in the b lood are h igh ly co rre2
la ted to the act ivit ies of FA S and A CS, and the BF is h igh ly co rrela ted to bo th the F I and the tw o
enzym es’act ivit ies. Conclusion  T he 5ECH in th is research has sign if ican t w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2
decerase effects on ra ts. T he effects are associa ted w ith appet ite supp ression, FA S inh ib it ion, and A CS
·7731·中草药 Ch inese T radit ional and H erbal D rugs 第 35 卷第 12 期 2004 年 12 月
Ξ 收稿日期: 2004204222
基金项目: 国家高科技研究发展计划 (863)项目资助课题 (2003AA 2Z3432)
作者简介: 张崇本 (1963—) , 男, 辽宁省人, 讲师, 理学博士, 研究方向为细胞遗传学。
T el: (010) 62751858 62757430 E2m ail: zhangcb@pku. edu. cn
act iva t ion.
Key words: obesity; hyperlip im edia; w eigh t2reduct ion; fa t2decrease; Ch inese herb s; fa t ty acid syn2
thase (FA S) ; acyl2coenzym e A syn thetase (A CS)
5 种中草药提取物对大鼠的减肥降脂作用
张崇本, 张晓兰, 尚克刚, 邓宏魁, 丁明孝
(北京大学生命科学学院 细胞生物学与遗传学系, 北京 100871)
摘 要: 目的 检验 5 种中草药提取物 (5ECH ) 对大鼠的减肥降脂作用及其机制。方法 喂饲高脂饲料制备肥胖
高脂大鼠模型, 5ECH 各设两个剂量为实验组, 曲美和血脂康为阳性对照组, 羧甲基纤维素钠为阴性对照组, 各组
均 ig 相应药物。TA CH I27170A 自动生化分析仪测定血浆甘油三酯 (T G) 和总胆固醇 (TC) 含量; 分光光度法和
同位素法测定脂肪酸合成酶 (FA S) 及脂酰辅酶A 合酶 (A CS) 活性。常规称重法测定各组大鼠体重增长指数
(BW I)、脂肪质量 (BF) 及摄食量 (F I)。结果 5ECH 对大鼠BW I、BF、T G、TC 和 F I 具有剂量依赖性抑制作用; 并
剂量依赖性地抑制 FA S 活性、提高 A CS 活性。BW I 与 F I 具有高度相关性, T G 和 TC 水平与 FA S 及A CS 具有
高度相关性,BF 与 F I 及两种酶的活性具有高度相关性。结论 5ECH 通过抑制食欲、抑制 FA S 活性和促进 A CS
关键词: 肥胖; 高脂血症; 减肥; 降脂; 中草药; 脂肪酸合成酶; 脂酰辅酶 A 合酶
中图分类号: R 286173   文献标识码: A    文章编号: 0253 2670 (2004) 12 1377 05
    O besity is seriou sly th rea ten ing hum an
health. M any clin ica l t ria ls have been m ade to con2
t ro l obesity by dep ressing energy in take. Sibu2
t ram ine and O rlista t are tw o drugs cu rren t ly avail2
ab le to con tro l obesity, supp ress appet ite, and
b lock fa t ab so rp t ion th rough the sm all in test ine,
respect ively [124 ].
  Fat ty acid syn thase (FA S, EC 2. 3. 1. 85) and
acyl2coenzym e A syn thetase (A CS, EC 6. 2. 1. 3)
are tw o key enzym es in fa t syn thesis and fa t degra2
dat ion2m etabo lism in v ivo, respect ively. It is be2
lieved that sub stances act ing on one end of fa t
m etabo lic pathw ay m ay fail to ach ieve sign if ican t
long2term efficacy in the con tro l of body w eigh t
and body fat, becau se of the decreases in fa t syn2
thesis o r increases in fa t degradat ion resu lt by com 2
pen sato ry adju stm en ts. F rom th is po in t of view ,
FA S and A CS, the tw o key enzym es in lip id
m etabo lism , m ay be very effect ive w hen u sed
together as screen ing targets fo r natu ra l p roducts
that can p romo te w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2
  FA S and A CS w ere p reviou sly u sed as in v itro
ta rgets to screen 40 Ch inese herb s w idely u sed to
trea t d ifferen t types of obesity and hyperlip ide2
m ia [528 ]. T h ree Ch inese herb s’ ex tracts w ere found
to inh ib it FA S act ivity, w h ile tw o enhanced A CS
act ivity. Specif ica lly, the w ater2ex tracts from cas2
sia seeds (S em en Cassiae, the dried ripe seed of
Cassia obtusif olia L. , L egum ino sae) , Oo long tea
[Cam ellia S inensis, the dried buds and leaves of
Cam ellia sinensis (L. ) O. K tze. , T heaceae ], and
ch rysan them um [ F los D end ran them a te, the dried
flow er of D end ran them a m orif olium ( R am at. )
T zvel. , Compo sitae ] st rongly inh ib it FA S act ivity
in v itro. W ater2ex tracts from tangerine peel (P eri2
ca rp ium C itri R eticu la tae, the dried peel of C itrus
reticu la ta B lanco , R u taceae) , and co rn silk (S tig 2
m a M ay d is, the dried st igm a of Z ea m ay s L. ,
Gram ineae) sign if ican t ly increase A CS act ivity in
v itro. In the cu rren t studies, the w ater2ex tracts
from these five Ch inese herb s (5ECH ) w ere com 2
b ined and in jected in tragastrica lly in ra ts to evalu2
ate the ex tracts’w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2decrease
effects and to exam ine the appet ite supp ression,
FA S inh ib it ion, and A CS act ivat ion associa ted
w ith these effects.
1 Exper im en t
1. 1 M ateria ls and an im als
1. 1. 1 Ch inese herb m ateria ls: T he five k inds of
Ch inese herb s w ere co llected from A nguo Ch inese
M edicine M arket in H ebei P rovince in 2001 and
iden t if ied by P rof. W AN G Zhao, from In st itu te of
T radit ional Ch inese M edicine, Co llege of L ife Sci2
ence and T echno logy, T singhua U n iversity.
1. 1. 2 A drug fo r obesity p roduced by T aiji En2
·8731· 中草药 Ch inese T radit ional and H erbal D rugs 第 35 卷第 12 期 2004 年 12 月
terp rise Group (Ch ina ) w ith Sibu trim ine as its
b ioact ive componen t (Q um ei).
1. 1. 3  A drug fo r hyperlip idem ia p roduced by
Beidaw eix in Company (Ch ina) w ith L ovasta t in as
its b ioact ive componen t (Xuezh ikang).
1. 1. 4   Sub jects and feeding condit ion s: Fo rty
m ale Sp raque2D aw ley ra ts, aged from 3—4 w eek s,
w ere pu rchased from the Experim en ta l A n im al
Cen ter of the A cadem y of M ilita ry M edical Sci2
ence, Beijing, Ch ina. T he ra ts w ere random ly
p laced in to five group s. Each ra t w as ra ised in a
single cage num bered from 1 to 8 in each group.
Food and w ater fo r a ll ra ts supp lied at w ill.
1. 1. 5 D iet p rescrip t ion: T he food fo r the ra ts is
p rescribed acco rd ing to “T he P rocedu res and
M ethods fo r H ealth Food Evaluat ion” issued by
the H ealth Supervision D epartm en t of the H ealth
M in ist ry of the Peop le’s R epub lic of Ch ina [9 ].
1. 2 M ethods
1. 2. 1 P repara t ion of 5ECH and the su spen sion s:
T he p ropo rt ion s of the five Ch inese herb s and the
p repara t ion of 5ECH w ere determ ined acco rd ing to
the effect iveness of the w ater2ex tracts of the five
Ch inese herb s in inh ib it ing FA S and act iva t ing
A CS act ivit ies[5, 6 ]. Specif ica lly, to m ince separa te2
ly 300 g cassia seeds, 180 g Oo long tea, 150 g
ch rysan them um , 150 g tangerine peel, and 120 g
co rn silk; to d im separa tely the five m ateria ls in
tw o2t im e vo lum e of dist illed w ater of 20—30 ℃ fo r
2 hou rs, then cook at 90—100 ℃ fo r 30 m inu tes;
to lay up and let coo l, then com b ine the five to2
gether; to f ilt ra te w ith eigh t layers of gauze, then
to cen trifuge the filt ra tes a t 1 000×g fo r 15 m in2
u tes, and co llect the supernatan t. T he pH of the
supernatan t shou ld be ranged from 7. 2 to 7. 4, and
so lub le so lids in it shou ld be ranged from 80 to 90
m gömL. M ak ing the supernatan t freeze dried,
abou t 120 g pow der w as ob ta ined. T he pow der
shou ld appear ligh t yellow and comp letely w ater2
so lub le. 5ECH , Q um ei, and Xuezh ikang w ere all
m ade in to su spen sion s acco rd ing to the requ ired
do ses w ith car2boxym ethyl cellu lo se sodium of
0. 8%.
1. 2. 2 Do ses and adm in ist ra t ion s: 5ECH (0. 5,
3. 0 gökg ) , Q um ei ( Sibu trim ine 7. 2 m gökg ) ,
Xuezh ikang (L ovasta t in 14. 4 m gökg ) , and car2
boxym ethyl cellu lo se sodium w ere adm in ist ra ted to
ra ts in t ragast ica lly once a day. T he feeding lasted
fo r f ive w eek s. T he adm in ist ra t ion vo lum e fo r each
t im e in all f ive group s w as 1. 0 mL per ra t.
1. 2. 3  Iso la t ion, pu rif ica t ion, and act ivity m ea2
su rem en ts of FA S and A CS: T h ree of the eigh t
ra ts in each group w ere cho sen fo r the determ ina2
t ion of FA S and A CS act ivit ies. T he iso la t ion, pu2
rif ica t ion, and act ivity m easu rem en ts of FA S from
rat fa t t issue fo llow ed the p ro toco ls described by
T akao T and Kohei H [10 ]. T he iso la t ion, pu rif ica2
t ion, and act ivity m easu rem en ts of A CS from rat
liver fo llow ed the p ro toco ls described by Fazal A
and Patricia A [11 ]. P ro tein w as quan t ita t ively de2
term ined by the m ethods of Sm ith P K [12 ] u sing
bovine serum album in as a standard.
1. 2. 4 B lood samp ling, ra t k illing, and fa t co llec2
t ion: T he b lood of each ra t w as samp led from the
reto2o rb ita l sinu s of the eyes. T he ra ts w ere sacri2
f iced fo llow ing b lood samp ling by decap ita t ion af2
ter anesthesia. T he subcu taneou s, perirenal, and
ep id idym al fa t pads of each ra t w ere carefu lly and
comp letely peeled, co llected, and w eighed.
1. 2. 5 T G and TC tests: Concen tra t ion s of T G
and TC in the b lood w ere determ ined by a H I2
TA CH I—7170A au to2b iochem ical analyzer.
1. 2. 6 D ata sta t ist ics: D ata fo r a ll the tests w ere
exp ressed as a m ean value ± standard devia t ion
(x ±s). O ne2w ay ANOVA w as u sed fo r compari2
son betw een the group s. Sign if ican t d ifference w as
accep ted at values of P < 0. 05. L inear regression
w as u sed fo r co rrela t ion coeff icien t ( r) determ ina2
t ion.
2 Results
2. 1 Effects of 5ECH on the body w eigh t increase
(BW I) : T he 5ECH inh ib its the BW I sign if ican t ly
(P < 0. 05, refer to T ab le 1). 5ECH , bo th at h igh
do se and at low do se cou ld reduce the BW I by 9%
and 7% , respect ively, ind ica t ing that 5ECH ’s
w eigh t2reduct ion effect is do se2dependen t. Q um ei
reduces the BW I by 22% compared to that of the
con tro l. T hese resu lts show that, a lthough no t as
·9731·中草药 Ch inese T radit ional and H erbal D rugs 第 35 卷第 12 期 2004 年 12 月
effect ive as Q um ei, 5ECH has a sign if ican t effect
in reducing BW I.
2. 2 Effects of 5ECH on body fat (BF ) : 5ECH
decreases BF sign if ican t ly ( P < 0. 05, refer to
T ab le 1). 5ECH at h igh do se, 5ECH at low do se,
Q um ei, and Xuezh ikang decrease BF by 28% ,
16% , 23% , and 8% , respect ively, compared to
that of the con tro l. T h is demon stra tes that 5ECH
has a sign if ican t fa t2decrease effect, and is mo re
effect ive than Q um ei and Xuezh ikang at its h igh
do se. T he difference in the decrease of BF betw een
5ECH at low do se and 5ECH at h igh do se is sign if i2
can t (P < 0. 05, refer to T ab le 1) , ind ica t ing that
5ECH ’s fa t2decrease effect is do se2dependen t.
2. 3 Effects of 5ECH on the concen tra t ion s of T G
and TC in the b lood: 5ECH decreases T G and TC
concen tra t ion s in the b lood sign if ican t ly (P < 0. 05,
refer to T ab le 1). Compared to the con tro l, 5ECH
at h igh do se reduces T G and TC in the b lood by
51% and 42% , respect ively; 5ECH at low do se by
10% and 18% , respect ively; Q um ei by 7% and
5% ; and Xuezh ikang by 30% and 42% , respec2
t ively. T he above resu lts ind ica te that 5ECH has a
sign if ican t inh ib ito ry effect on the concen tra t ion s
of T G and TC in the b lood. Its effect iveness, as a t
h igh do se, is sim ilar to that of Xuezh ikang. T he
differences in T G and TC betw een 5ECH bo th at
low do se and at h igh do se are sign if ican t (P < 0. 05,
refer to T ab le 1) , ind ica t ing that 5ECH has a do se2
dependen t effect in reducing b lood T G and TC.
2. 4 Effects of 5ECH on food in take (F I) : 5ECH
inh ib its F I sign if ican t ly (P < 0. 05, refer to T ab le
1). Compared to that of the con tro l, 5ECH at h igh
do se, 5ECH at low do se, and Q um ei reduce F I by
11% , 8% and 18% , respect ively. T he above data
suggest tha t 5ECH has a sign if ican t inh ib ito ry ef2
fect on appet ite, a lthough the effect is no t as eff i2
cien t as Q um ei. T he difference in F I betw een the
h igh do se and low do se of 5ECH is sign if ican t (P <
0. 05, refer to T ab le 1) , ind ica t ing 5ECH ’s effect
of dep ressing appet ite is do se2dependen t.
2. 5 Effects of 5ECH on act ivit ies of FA S and
A CS in v ivo: 5ECH inh ib its FA S act ivity and en2
hances A CS act ivity (P < 0. 05, refer to T ab le 1).
5ECH at h igh do se, 5ECH at low do se, Q um ei,
and Xuezh ikang inh ib it in v ivo FA S act ivity by
50% , 24% , 9% , and 6% , respect ively, and en2
hance in v ivo A CS act ivity by 146% , 42% , 6% ,
and 22% , respect ively. T he above resu lts reveal
tha t 5ECH is mo re effect ive in inh ib it ing FA S ac2
t ivity and in enhancing A CS act ivity than Q um ei
and Xuezh ikang. T he differences in the FA S and
A CS act ivit ies betw een the h igh do se and low do se
of 5ECH are sign if ican t (P < 0. 05, refer to T ab le
1) , ind ica t ing that 5ECH ’s inh ib it ion of FA S and
act iva t ion of A CS in v ivo are do se2dependen t.
Table 1 Effects of 5ECH on BW I, BF, F I, concen tration s of TG and TC in blood, and activ ities of FAS and ACS in vivo
Group s
Do seö(g·kg- 1) SBWög BW Iög BFög T Gö(Λmo l·L - 1) TCö(Λmo l·L - 1) F Iög FA Sö(Kat,×109, m eans) A CSö(Kat,×109, m eans)
Contro l - 4819±313 27612±1212  2512±210 3135±0129 3159±0142 66613± 3113   23213   39510
5ECH 310 5016±411 25212±10173 △ 1811±1163 △ 1163±01263 △ 2109±01353 △ 59317± 31143 △ 117133 △ 969173 △
015 4916±412 25713±11103 2111±1113 3100±01263 2196±01373 61614± 38123 176103 561173
Q um ei - 4912±411 21618±16153 1915±2113 3113±0144 3140±0137 54714±108153 21017 41910
Xuezh ikang - 4811±314 27419±1115 2312±114 2135±01283 2109±01343 65319± 5210 21810 483133
   SBW - start ing body w eigh t.  x ±s, n= 8 fo r SBW , BW I, BF, T G, TC, and F I; n= 3 fo r FA S and A CS. O ne2w ay ANOVA w as used
fo r comparison betw een group s; sign ifican t difference w as accep ted at values of P < 0. 05; 3 P < 0105 vs that of con tro l; △P < 0105 vs that of
5ECH at low do se
2. 6 Co rrela t ion coeff icien ts (r) among the item s:
Among the five group s, the BW I is clo sely rela ted
to F I (rF IöBW I= 0. 978) , suggest ing that a ra t’s body
w eigh t is clo sely rela ted to their appet ite. T he T G
and TC are h igh ly co rrela ted to FA S ( rFA SöTG =
0. 978 and rFA SöTC = 0. 576) , and A CS ( rACSöTG =
0. 904 and rACSöTC = 0. 678) , show ing that the fa t and cho lestero l levels in the b lood are clo sely rela t2ed to the act ivit ies of FA S and A CS in v ivo. T heBF is h igh ly co rrela ted to F I, FA S, and A CS( rF IöBF = 0. 853, rFA SöBF = 0. 793, rACSöBF = 0. 691) ,ind ica t ing that the fa t amoun t in the body is clo selyrela ted to appet ite and the m etabo lism.3 D iscussion s
·0831· 中草药 Ch inese T radit ional and H erbal D rugs 第 35 卷第 12 期 2004 年 12 月
  T he resu lts of the study demon stra te 5ECH
has sign if ican t w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2decrease
effects on ra ts. T hese w eigh t2reduct ion effects, a l2
though no t as effect ive as Q um ei, are sign if ican t
w h ile compared to that of the con tro l. 5ECH re2
duces BF, the concen tra t ion of T G, and the con2
cen tra t ion of TC in the b lood. T hese fa t2decrease
effects are mo re effect ive than that of Xuezh ikang.
A conclu sion cou ld be reached from the above facts
tha t in regard of w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2de2
crease. 5ECH , w ith the tw o drugs as po sit ive con2
t ro ls, has sign if ican t effects and is the po ten t ia l of
being developed in to w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2de2
crease drugs.
  M any types of Ch inese herb s have been u sed
in the trea tm en t of obesity and hyperlip idem ia fo r
thou sands of years in Ch ina, bu t their m echan ism s
of act ion rem ain unknow n. In th is w o rk, tha t Ch i2
nese herb s reduce BW I, BF, T G and TC levels in
the b lood th rough dep ressing appet ite, inh ib it ing
FA S act ivity, and act iva t ing A CS act ivity is
demon stra ted. T hese resu lts suppo rt the p reviou s
studies that the act ivit ies of FA S and A CS m igh t
be relevan t to the body w eigh t and body fat [13, 14 ].
   T he research confirm s the hypo thesis tha t
Ch inese herb s’ eff icacy m ay be at t ribu ted to the di2
versity of chem ical componen ts that act on m any
targets sim u ltaneou sly, becau se in the five herb s
there are m any k inds of chem ical con st ituen ts,
such as flavono ids, an th raqu inones, f lavano ls, a l2
kalo ids, long chain fa t ty acid derivat ives, ter2
peno ids, and trace sub stances. T he resu lts ind ica te
that m u lt i2ta rget effects m ay be especia lly impo r2
tan t fo r an t i2obesity and an t i2hyperlip idem ia
drugs, fo r the sub stances that act on on ly one end
of the fa t m etabo lic pathw ay m ay fail to ach ieve
sign if ican t long2term efficacy, fo r a decrease in fa t
syn thesis o r an increase in fa t decompo sit ion w ill
resu lt in compen sato ry adju stm en ts.
  N ow , a cell2based assay system fo r h igh2
th roughpu t screen ing of the po ten t ia l chem icals
from Ch inese herb s, and a vast resou rce of chem i2
cal con st ituen ts w ith an t i2obesity and an t i2hyper2
lip idem ia act ivit ies are to be estab lished. T he ef2
fect iveness of Ch inese herb ex tracts, such as 5ECH
in w eigh t2reduct ion and fa t2decrease, cou ld be in2
creased and the clin ica l effect ive do ses cou ld be de2
creased w ith the act ive componen ts having been
screened and iden t if ied.
  Acknowledgem en t: Thank Prof. Sh ille V M ,
from College of Verter inary M ed ic ine, Un iversity
of Flor ida , for rev is ion of the manuscr ipt.
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·1831·中草药 Ch inese T radit ional and H erbal D rugs 第 35 卷第 12 期 2004 年 12 月