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Pellionia mollissima, a new species of Urticaceae from Guangxi

柔毛赤车, 广西荨麻科一新种

全 文 :  Guihaia  Jun. 2016ꎬ 36 (增刊 1): 174-175
http: / / journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com
【原文刊载】 “柔毛赤车ꎬ 广西荨麻科一新种”已发表于«广西植物»ꎬ 2014ꎬ 34(1): 1-3.
柔毛赤车ꎬ 广西荨麻科一新种
( 中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093 )
摘  要: 描述了自广西西南部发现的荨麻科(Urticaceae)赤车属(Pellionia)一新种ꎬ柔毛赤车(P. mollissima)ꎮ
关键词: 荨麻科ꎬ 赤车属ꎬ 新种ꎬ 广西
中图分类号: Q949    文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2016)增刊 1 ̄0174 ̄02
Pellionia mollissimaꎬ a new species of
Urticaceae from Guangxi
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Scienceꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China )
Abstract: A species of the genus Pellionia(Urticaceae)ꎬ P. mollissimaꎬis described as new from Southwest Guangxi.
This species is characterized by its lineolate and tuberculate achenesꎬand by this unique fruit character it may be distin ̄
guished from all the other species of Pellionia.
Key words: Urticaceaeꎬ Pellioniaꎬ new speciesꎬ Guangxi
    柔毛赤车  图 1
Pellionia mollissima W. T. Wangꎬsp. nov. Fig. 1.
Species nova haec acheniis longitudinaliter lineola ̄
tis et minutissime tuberculatis insignis estꎬ secundum
fructus characterem hunc a speciebus omnbus ceteris
generis Pellioniae diffeetꎬ etiam foliis utrinque densis ̄
sime puberulis a speciebus sinensibus ceteris generis
hujus recedit.
Perennial herbsꎬ turns black when drying. Stems
ca. 65 cm tallꎬ near base 6 mm acrossꎬabove densely
puberulous(with hairs 0. 2 mm long)ꎬ below glabrous
and longitudinally shallowly 10 ̄sulcate. Leaves sessileꎻ
blades thin paperyꎬobliquely oblandeolate or long ellip ̄
ticꎬ13-17 cm longꎬ2-4.8 cm broadꎬapex long acumi ̄
nateꎬbase at leaf narrow side long attenuate and at
broad side obtuse or auriculateꎬmargin denticulateꎻsur ̄
faces adaxially and abaxially very densely puberulous
(with hairs 0.2-0.5 mm long)ꎻvenation semi ̄triplin ̄
ervedꎬwith lateral nerves 3 at leaf narrow sideꎬ 5 at
broad sideꎻ cystoliths denseꎬbacilliformꎬ0. 2 - 0. 5 mm
longꎻstipules membranousꎬnarrow ̄lanceolate or linearꎬ9
-11.5 mm longꎬ2-2.8 mm broadꎬabaxially puberulous.
Staminate cymes unknown. Infructescences singly axilla ̄
ryꎬsmallꎬ ca. 3 mm long and broadꎬ sessileꎬ below from
base very shortly 4 ̄branchedꎻbracts sessileꎬ ovateꎬnar ̄
row ̄ovate or narrow ̄lanceolateꎬ 0.5-0.6 mm longꎬ 0.2-
0.35 mm broadꎬbrownꎬglabrousꎬapex acute or attenuate.
Pistillate flower 5 ̄merousꎬnot seenꎻ persistent tepals 5ꎬ
收稿日期: 2013 ̄03 ̄14    修回日期: 2013 ̄04 ̄16
作者简介: 王文采(1926 ̄)ꎬ男ꎬ研究员ꎬ中国科学院院士ꎬ著名植物分类学家ꎬ长期从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
图 1  柔毛赤车  A. 雌茎上部ꎻ B. 果序ꎻ C. 宿存花被片和瘦果ꎻ D. 瘦果ꎮ (来自模式标本)
Fig. 1  Pellionia mollissima  A. Upper part of pistillate stemꎻ B. Infructescenceꎻ C. Persistent tepals and acheneꎻ D. Achene.(from holotype)
lanceolate ̄linear or narrowlanceolateꎬ0.7-1.5 longꎬ0.3-
0.4 mm broadꎬbrownꎬat the middle part dark ̄brownꎬ
glabrousꎬapex acute. Achenes bilaterally compressedꎬ
biconvexꎬbroad ̄ellipticꎬca. 1 mm longꎬ0.6 mm broadꎬ
longitudinaly lineolate and very minutely tuberculateꎬ
brownꎬapex with white membranous remnants of stigma
ca. 0.2 mm long.
多年生草本ꎬ当干燥时变为黑色ꎮ 茎高约 65
cmꎬ近基部粗 6 mmꎬ上部密被短柔毛(毛长 0.2 mm)ꎬ
(下转第 151页 Continue on page 151 )
571增刊 1                          王文采: 柔毛赤车ꎬ 广西荨麻科一新种